Moonage Daydream* || Diego B.

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You all knew this would happen.
Content warning for feral Brits and monster fucking, since some of y'all aren't complete degenerates


It was pouring down rain outside of your small kitchen windows. Lightning struck across the dark sky, followed soon by thunder, each strike louder than the last, proving that this storm was here to stay all night. You worried for your boyfriend. That morning he was acting strange, you knew this storm would only dampen his mood worse now that he had to steer his steed through the nipping cold and mud.

Already the barn was set for his ride the best it could, you just had to prepare for Diego. To do that you warmed up some towels and blankets, with a heated batg waiting for him in the restroom, and you decided on his favorite for supper. You couldn't think of anything you could be forgetting, surely this would help him feel better!

The clock was near striking eight that night as you waited, towels in hand by the door. With only the rain sounding, the silence was deafening. Until you heard the barn doors being forced shut with an echo. That echoing set your heart ablaze as you waited on pins and needles for him to force his way inside the house. The door handle jiggled and squeaked under pressure and the door swung up on its old hinges to show your boyfriend, looking like a sopping wet bobcat.

You called his name softly, bringing him into your arms to wring out the water from his hair and clothes. He was strangely silent. He didn't speak after you asked him about his day, or after trying to rouse a conversation about dinner, or even after showing him into your shared room. Diego kept his head bowed, his bangs hiding his face well. You began to worry, but didn't ask even as you gently dried his hair. It must've been a pretty bad day if he wasn't saying anything. It wasn't rare for work to go sideways and upset him, you supposed. But this... this silence kept up for too long now, it wasn't like him to be like this at all
Finally you had to cave and spoke up again. Your hand cupped his face gently, pulling him up to look at you softly. His usually sharp, bright blue eyes were now dark and hazy. He didn't look right at you, he wasn't focusing on you at all. It was like it saw right past you.

"Diego?" You tried again, "Can you speak to me? Wait- there's bandage on your cheek, was there an accident at work?" But what could've possibly have happened at work? Was he working his horse too hard, and Silver Bullet bucked him off? How did you not see that before? It out like a sore thumb now, his hair must've been covering it perfectly.

"I'm fine." Diego finally spoke. It sounded automated, and it shocked you how deep his voice suddenly sounded.

Definitely. Something was definitely wrong. But what?

"...If you say so. Well, let's get you out of those clothes and into a hot bath, I don't want you getting any more sick." You give him a kiss on the cheek before sauntering over to his clothes dresser for his nighttime wear. You didn't see the way he picked up his head to sniff at the air. The room and all it contained was covered in the sickly sweet scent of yours. The pulse thrumming through your body echoed in the air, hammering into his ears like drum beats. Diego's senses were occupied with only you. With eyes like a predator he watched your hips sway and he breathed in your smell and memorized the melody of your heart. But he wanted more, so much more. He wanted to drown in you.

So occupied with finding clothes you didn't notice that that Diego left the bed until his arms wrapped around your waist. They pulled you into Diego's chest, where he hid his face in the crook of your shoulder, inhaling your scent deep while his hands massaged your covered curves.


An inhuman sounding growl reverberated from his chest into yours, sending the hairs on the back of your neck to stand at attention. "Shh... Just let me..." He didn't make any move to finish his sentence... He only dug his nose deeper into your skin, to feel you and smell you, starting to impatiently rub his body against yours.

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