White Room* || Johngalli A

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I'd like to say I've made JoJo history with this one, ain't never seen a Johngalli fic but I'm here to please 😌♥️ if you have seen another I gladly ask that you link it so I can gladly be proven wrong.

Nsfw, pink John supremacy, blow jobs, reader doesn't get off, this is pretty short too. And don't forget to practice gun saftey

It was a fight between who would break first. His finger rested against the trigger, sitting at the open window. Although his eyes were closed, listening, waiting patiently, his scope was put to his eye out of habit despite not needing it. He did his best to even out his breaths, but your mouth around his cock was proving difficult to ignore. He refused to lose. You were on your knees between his thighs, looking pretty no doubt. Soft moans against his skin left your throat for added pleasure. Your hands groped and squeezed at the meat of his bare thighs while you worked. Sooner or later your knees or jaw would have to give out. It's been going on thirty minutes now.

Your mouth slipped off his length to leave just his tip between your lips. You suckled gently, tasting him like a bitter delight, a kiss was added before his member completely left you to smack fat against his navel.

"How are we feeling, John?"

Johngalli grunted, shifted in place to get more comfortable, and settled back into position. "I'm fine." His milky white eyes swiveled open to look in between his legs. "You can keep going now. Unless you'd like to stop?"

You pouted childishly, but your hand moved from his thigh to pump over his member while you spoke. "No way. I'm going to win." His deep chuckle reverberated around in the rather quiet room. "You can keep trying, doll."

His length slid smoothly back down your throat. You would win this. You were sure of it. What more could you do?

You hummed against his cock, palming his balls in your hand while your other thumb rubbed up and down his v line, trying whatever that came to mind to make him feel amazing. But did he really have to be such a stick in the mud about it? He was acting like he wasn't feeling anything. That's an ex-soldier for you, he was as stone faced as ever.

But wait! What was this? Just the slightest twitch of his finger against the waiting trigger?

His lips were parted to let out shallow breaths, and there was a shake to his set shoulders. Was he finally going to crack?
Just a little more. Your mouth set a new unforgiving pace. His tip pressed against the back of your throat and almost had you gagging, but you forced yourself to ignore it, he was just getting close to the edge.
Johngalli's hands began to stutter on his rifle along with his thighs around your head. You hummed at his taste. Salty but oh so delicious. He was throbbing in your mouth, in your hand, you could feel his balls tightening in his nearing release. So close, just a little more, and...


Just as his load filled your mouth, a ringing set in your ears. Smoke seeped from his rifles barrel. He had ruined his shot just as he came down your throat.

You slid your lips off him member, sucking him clean as you did. You added a kiss to his member before stuffing it back into his boxers and zipping up his pants. Johngalli emptied his chamber and clicked on the safety of his rifle before setting it aside tiredly. He was almost boneless in his seat, but let you happily sit down in his lap. Another kiss was added to the corner of his lips. "Remind me to never try this again with you," The redhead sighed underneath you, running shaking hands through his long, pretty pink locks.

"Told you I'd win." You winked playfully. "How's about after you finish your break, you can return the favor." Johngalli smirked and kissed you back, tasting the faintest traces of himself. "Sounds delightful."

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