Chapter 2.

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As I was taking my books out of my locker, Mike came up to me and said, "Hey Nerdie! Sup?!" I didn't say anything. I was still taking my books out. "Umm....I went to Miss Stacy now and I can't believe she said this." He continued. He banged his fist on to my locker in frustration.
"What did she say?" I asked. I was curious to know. "She said, 'Mike, you have been going down since you became the basketball team's captain. You scored a D in your test and I know you couldn't do that without Jessica's help. I want you to take lessons from her. Go to her home and study. I will talk to her or better you ask her." Mike said, imitating Miss Stacy. I giggled. Miss Stacy was Mike's aunt. He stayed with her since his parents are in Middle East. After geography and calculus, we had chemistry,I had secured a Grade A. At the end of the class, Miss Stacy spoke to me. She said, "Did you help Mike in the test?" I nodded. "Look child, I know you can't say no to anyone but sometimes you have to! Well nevermind all that, I was wondering if Mike could come over to your house and you could teach him some stuff like Geo or Calcs or Chem or anything."
"Ummmm...." I pretended to think because she didn't know Mike spoke to me.
"It would be a pleasure." I gave Miss Stacy a big wide smile."
"Thank You Jess. I will drop him at 6 p.m today."
I nodded and left the class.
I told this to my mom. She seemed way too excited about this meeting. "Wow! Jess..!! A boy huh? How is he? Is he cute? Do you like him?"
"Mom! No! There is nothing like that. He is just coming over to study. Nothing else. We are not even friends!" I say.
Mike came around 5:45. "Good evening Mrs Fresher. That gown's really suiting you."
My mom laughed and said, "Why, Thank You honey! Why dont you and Jess go upstairs, till then I will get something to eat."
Mike nodded and we went upstairs. I was nervous in bringing him to my room. I stopped outside for a second.
"Come on now! Get in!" He shouts at me and I definetly found it cute.
I open the door and enter. Mike stares at my wall. It is filled with posters of One Direction and 5 SOS and the Vamps and many more. "Woah girl! You really are someone else!" I give a small smile. I was nervous. "Let's start with chemistry." I say. Mike takes his books out and puts them on my bed. I hadn't thought that my room would become so small. I always used to study on my bed, where will be study now?
Mike sat on the bed and opened the chapter. 'I guess I have to sit beside him' I say to myself.
"So....what do you know about atoms?" I ask him.
Mike thought. He looks cute.
In about 1.5 hours, we had completed two whole chapters which is half of our syllabus. I was glad. "! That's how simple that is! Did you understand?"
"You are way better than my aunt. I have to ask her to take lessons from you." We both laughed.
"You know, I thought you are really boring and always into books but I am glad, after coming here I saw a new face of yours."
Mike said.
"Which one do you like better?" I asked him out of curiosity.
"Well, I never talked to the other Jess much so, I think it will be this Jess."
I smiled.
At the end of the evening when Miss Stacy came to pick Mike, we had already finished Math, Science, Calculus and English.
As I watched him step into his car, I realized I was in love. It was not just a crush all these years, it was love. Pure true love. If Mike knew this, he'd probably embarres me infront of the whole damn school because I'm a loser and no one likes me. Not even Mike.
Mike called me around 10 p.m that night and I was surprised. "Umm....hello?"
"That's the old Jess. Where's the new one?"
He said and giggled.
"I am afraid she has gone to sleep." I said and we started laughing.
Then, Mike said, "That's sad...well can you tell her that Mike wanted to talk to her?"
"Good Night."
I laid back on my bed thinking about Mike. I friended him which is the most craziest thing happened to me. Mike was my only friend and I was afraid I'd lose him. Thinking about him, I fell asleep.
I dreamt about my childhood.....
I was 4 years old.....everyone loved used to take me to the park.....I play with a little boy....who is he?...."Mike! Dont play in the sand honey!" Calls the boy's mother.....Mike and I were best friends.....suddenly, Mike and I are strangers.
I gasped and I woke up suddenly. I didn't know I still had the memory of us as children...but now as I know, I am happy.
Mike and I used to live next to each other surprisingly, our mothers had been high school mates. Mike and I played in our local park everyday....till we got tired. We were best of buddies. We used to do everything together (except all the private things of course :P). We were together till Grade 1 but then, Mike moved away to Florida and I became all alone. That was when, I put a little more effort in my studies and became.....a nerd.

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