Chapter 6.

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I am so happy and confused at the same time. My fever is going down!! I can finally go to school very soon!! How I missed those halls and classrooms!
Mike's been dropping in quite a few times daily to check on me and everytime he comes, he gets me a small gift be it a pack of gums or a cute get well soon card, it always surprises me.
"Don't cheat!" I say to him. We are playing cards and everytime he thinks he is going to lose, he peeps into my cards.
"Come On!! Get used to it! How are you even beating me?!" He yells and we both start laughing. Thanks to my illness, I was getting to know Mike really well and I was falling for the british-handsome-man of my dreams-the love of my life every single day.
Mike spoke up. "Let's do something else. This game is getting boring!" He looks cute when he is bored. I could just go on and on about him.
"So what do you wanna do? I ask him smiling.
He thinks for a while biting his lower lip and then jumps with excitement.
"Let's play confession. You tell me about the worst thing in your life and I will tell you mine." He said.
There is no way I am going to tell him all that I have gone through in life. It is very very hard to tell it. I've gone through worst times.
"Ummm....I don't think I can confess anything." I say to him. He looks at my eyes and holds my face in his hands and says, "You are really cute when you are you."
When I am I? What does he mean?
"What do you mean, Mike?"
"Nothing. You'll get to know soon." He says this and puts his bag on his shoulder and then, kisses my cheek and leaves.
I sit right there thinking what he meant.
Dear diary,
These couple of days have changed my life. I am happy. Not depressed anymore. Mum is really happy for me. I am happy for her as well. She just got a promotion!! That means treats for a week! I wonder when she will be home. She just texted me now.
Mike has become my best friend. I dont think I am his' bestie too. I think he just takes me as his friend or a tutor.
I am falling for Mike but he won't like a slug like me. He's got gf's like Ms. America and Ms. Universe. Mike likes girls who wear short skirts and super short tops. He likes girls with long blonde hair and girls who are ready to sleep with any boy and go all mushy anytime.
Well, enough of my thoughts. If dad was still here, I could tell him all about Mike. I could tell Mom too. She'll understand better but she is way too excited for my love life than I am.
Okay. Gtg. Ttyl.
Ah! Finally I am permitted to go to school  I have missed three weeks of school and I was locked up at my home which was awful!
As I stepped into school, I saw that the school was getting decorated and all.
I walked towards my locker when Mike ran up to me with his gf. I don't know who she is. She has everything I mentioned in my diary. Short skirt, semi transparent tank top which read "I HATE NERDS" Really? What's wrong with nerds? Mike said, "Jess, she is Cary, my new girlfriend. Cary, she is Jess. My really good friend."
"Umm...hi." I said to Cary. "Hey. Sup? Nerdie?" She was chewing gum. She looked at my clothes and then said, "Mike, I'll meet you later. I have to go catch up some work. Bye." She gave Mike a kiss on his cheek and left. Ah! Relief.
I looked down at my clothes and tried to figure out what made Cary look at me with disgust. Then I realized, it was the whole of me that she didn't like - my worn out skinny jeans, oversized jumper, geeky glasses and a old granny's school bag. I wasn't that beautiful too...why would my appearance please her? Why did she look at me like that? Was she jealous that I was Mike's best friend? Questions flooded my mind. I tried not to bother but you know me, I can't stay unbothered.
"Hello? Jess? Are you all right?" Mike said. He was grinning and waving his hand in front of my face.
"Ye-yeah. What were you saying?" I replied.
"I wasn't saying anything. I have to go shopping and my aunt took my car keys. Can I borrow your mom's van?" He said with his fist on my locker which was preventing me to take my books out.
"You wanna go shopping? That's weird." I say to him.
He smiled shyly and nodded and then suddenly jumped with excitment. "WHY DONT YOU COME WITH ME TOO? IT WILL BE FUN!!"
I thought for a while and said, "Umm...okay."
"So five thirty? I'll come at your place." Mike said. He thought something for a while and said, "but what about your travelling sickness? I gave you much trouble already."
I then asked him, "how far is the place?"
He replied, "It takes real short time it's less than 1 km. It takes 10 minutes at most. I could hire a cab but I don't wanna spend my money."
I nodded and then smiled. "Less than 1 km is no problem."
Mike's P.O.V
Jess is finally okay. I am so happy! But no. Not that much. My aunt took my car keys. She said, "NO MORE DRIVING TILL EXAMS!! " I mean what the hell? If I don't drive, then am I supposed to be playing XBOX the whole day?! Well that's not a bad idea but my aunt won't allow that either.
I see Jess walking up to her locker. She looks very pretty in ger brunnete locks tied up carefully in a high ponytail and her purple jumper that comes till her thighs and those skinny jeans damn!
"What are you looking at honey?"
Its Cary. My new girlfriend. I am not serious about her. She is so annoying, don't get me started.
We have been together for 1 week and I already feel like breaking up with her.
"Come on. I will show you." I say and I grab her arm and take her to Jess.
" Jess, she is Cary, my new girlfriend. Cary, she is Jess. My really good friend."
Jess said, "Umm...hi." She was looking nervous. Nerds though!
"Sup? Nerdie?" I immediately knew what she was talking about. Cary wore a tank top that said, I HATE NERDS. I felt anger rising up to my chest but I kept my smile steady.
Cary seemed to scan her personality and then she whispered into my ear, "I don't want to talk to this bitch. I will meet you in the canteen. Can't believe she is  your bestie."
I was surprised. Bitch?! Really? I wanted to smack her right in front of Jess but I didn't do it.
"Mike, I'll meet you later. I have to go catch up some work. Bye." Cary said this and left. I was glad. Now I could get some privacy.
"Jess? Jess?" Where is she lost?
"Hello? Jess? Are you all right?" I said waving my hands madly in front of her face.
"Ye-yeah. What were you saying?" She asked. "I wasn't saying anything. I have to go shopping and my aunt took my car keys. Can I borrow your mom's van?" I said looking glum.
She looked surprised at the fact that I wanted to go shopping but she would be really surprised if she knew the real reason.
"You wanna go shopping? That's weird." She asked raising her eyebrows and giving me a wicked smile.
I smiled shyly and nodded. Then I jumped with excitement. School's getting over in an hour and then Jess is anyways free so....
"WHY DONT YOU COME WITH ME TOO? IT WILL BE FUN!!" I said literally jumping. The thought of being with Jessica Freshers always makes my day.
She thought with her hand in her chin and then said, "Umm...okay."
She then enquired about the distance and time of this place. Probably because of her travelling sickness. I hope she doesn't fall ill this time. I really want to go with her.
"how far is the place?" She asked still with her face inside her locker searching the reaches for a vety fat encyclopedia.
I replied, "It takes real short time it's less than 1 km. It takes 10 minutes at most. I could hire a cab but I don't wanna spend my money."
She then nodded and then smiled. "Less than 1 km is no problem."
I gave a big wide grin and then we left for our classes.
Jessica's P.O.V.
Mike's late. Again. He sometimes way to early or way to late.
He rang the doorbell at 5:55 and my mum opened the door.
"Oh hello Mike! What brings you here?"
"Hey Mrs Freshers! Umm....I wanted to go shopping and my aunt took my car keys. I wondered if I could borrow your minivan for some time." Mike said.
I was hearing all if this conversation from above the stairs waiting anxiously for my mum to call me.
"Why, of course! Take it and get it tomorrow. I won't mind at all." Mum said.
"Thank You. I asked Jessica to come with me. Can I take her with me?" Mike said in his thick american accent.
My mum said something that wasn't very clear to me. I wondered what she said. After 3 seconds, I came down and saw Mike sitting on the couch. "Umm...hi." I said shyly. Mike looked at me and then just stared at me for sometime. I was wearing a floral dress with black leggings and a jumper. "What?" I asked raising one of my eyebrows.
"Woah! You look so gooooooood!!" He said cupping his mouth with his hand.
I gave him a big smile and said, "thank you!"
"May I?" Mike asked me as I was getting ready to open the door. Mike offered me his hand and I laughed and put my palm into his'. We got into the car and drove.
"Which one suits me?" He asks standing in front of the mirror and keeping some cool formal suits in front of him.
"I don't know. You look good in everything. But may I ask, why so formal suddenly?" I say grinning.
"Because, Ms. Know it All, I guess you don't know, prom's coming. Its just two weeks after."
Shit! Prom. Again. As always, I don't have a date. Again. I hope he doesn't ask who my date is.
"Btw, -" here we go. Don't ask. Don't ask.
"--who're you going with?"
"I don't know. I have been mentally going to prom with you all the time. But in reality I am a sack of boringness and no one likes me." I wanted to say this but instead I said- "Umm....I don't like prom that much. Not interested." Yeah. I lied. I love prom. Sometimes I sit back and try to think what it would be like at prom. I have seen all thesr youtube videos on prom but never been to one.
"Really? Me too. It's just too much." He said.
"Then why are you buying this suit for?" I asked.
"Miss Stacy wants be to go to prom and do something worthwhile. But I think I would go to prom with the love of my life only."
The love of his life?! Who is she??
"Love of your life. Hmm.....nice. Who is she? Can I have any idea?" I ask.
What?!? No. He is lying. But what is he isn't?
"Just kidding kiddo. Don't take it seriously. I haven't found the right girl yet. All these relationships I have been in, are all fake. I am not serious about any one."
It was as if a huge rock that I was carrying for years was suddenly lifted. I was relieved. But does he really have a girl in mind?
Mike bought a good looking suit and when we were leaving, it was already 8:00p.m. I was starving.
"Its late already, lets go eat in a restaurant. What do you say?" Mike asked me as we got into our van.
"Umm....I don't know. I am really hungry and mum must be waiting for me." I said putting on my seatbelt.
"So call her and tell her to have her food and you'll be eating out with me."
So, that's what I did. I texted mum:
Hey mum.
It got a little late since Mike didn't like any of the suits they sold here. But he finally bought one. But I am really hungry, Mike suggested we go to a restaurant and have our dinner cause it'll get late till we come back home.
Love you. Bye.

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