Chapter 9

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Mike's P.O.V
So, I'm driving around this area and I've no idea where I'm heading. I look for Jess at the library but she is not there. I mean, that would be a place to unwind for a girl like her. *Geek!*
I search for her at the beach, the park, the abandoned theatre, her old tree house but she is not there anywhere.
I stopped at a cafe to get myself a water bottle and drive again. I slow down at this beautiful moonlit area that is so gorgeous oh my God. The area is surrounded by bushes and thick trees and it kinda looks creepy. Something like Jurassic park and what do I see there? Mrs. Freshers' minivan.
Why did Jess have to come three miles away from home and unwind here even though she has travelling sickness? That girl is unpredictable.
My curiosity to know more about Jess grew every single day because she comes out like a totally different person sometimes.
I make my way through the bushes and Ouch! I pricked myself with a thorn.
"Who's there?" A familiar voice called out hearing the sound of crackling leaves.
I don't say anything hoping that she would think I'm some wolf and run away. Don't judge me I like playing pranks.
"Oh shit." Oh wait, do I hear her chanting some prayers? I think I totally got her this time!
I make some more crackling noises and then notice Jess's voice breaking as she cries, "Wh- Who's- Who's there?!"
I suddenly jump in front of her and she screams like hell and then I cover her mouth with my mouth and say, "Shhhh!! Why are you screaming?!"
"Ha! Got you! What are you doing here anyways?"
"I could ask you the same thing. What the hell are you doing here?" Her eyes are still wide and I could hear her heart beating really fast from the shock.
"I- I was looking for you." I reply.
"Looking for me?" She raises one of her eyebrows and says, "why?"
I did not know what to reply. I try to think of something. Why was I looking for her? She wasn't at school and she never missed school and she didn't pick her phone up and so many things.
" weren't at school and you weren't answering your phone and I was getting worried. When I went to your house your mum told me about your place "unwinding"...." I was speaking so fast and I myself couldn't understand what I was saying. I stopped for breath and glance at Jess.
Jess just looks at me and says, "Why were you even so...worried? I mean I'm clumsy and stupid but I can take of myself. I'm not a little kid anymore. Yeah?" I was freaking out. She is Jess for God's sake! I think I have this responsibility on her. I think I need to protect her.
"Umm....I...dontknow. I was worried. Just worried." I say and shrug my shoulders.
She raises an eyebrow and almost smirks. She then gives a small chuckle and says, "Thanks, come sit." She said and tapped on the ground. I give her a small nod and sit beside her.
Her legs are soaking in the lake and her phone was playing some soft music.
"So, tell me, why?" I ask her as look into her face. She has the most beautiful eyes I realized.
"Why?" She replies back. I wave my hand around the place.
"This. All this unwinding and coming three miles away even though you have travelling sickness. What's all this about?"
She sighs and rubs her temple gently and takes a deep breath and says, "When you moved to Florida, we moved to here. This place. Our house was just five minutes away from here. It was a beautiful place, we had a tree house, a large backyard and this place. My brother and I came out for walking one day and then discovered this place. Since then we came here everyday. After the accident, I still used to come here. But then we moved back there." I didn't know what to say, Jess still missed her dad and brother. I couldn't blame her. Life is unpredictable sometimes. The worst things in life come free to us afterall.
"Why the unwinding then?" I place my hand on hers and rub it gently with my thumb.
"I get tired. I get tired of life and sometimes I feel like ending it. But everyone has great expectations from me and I feel like I am going to let them down. I feel like a loser. I feel like I am good for nothing. Getting too marks in class didn't do me any good, people still hate me. Then there's my mum. She cares for me too much. When my dad was alive, she used to tell me that he is going to fulfill all her dreams one day. They were a really happy couple. Her dreams are not fulfilled yet and she is sacrificing her dreams and her life just for me. She doesn't show it but I know her. She is still not over the accident. So, I come here whenever I get sick of life and feel to sucide, I come here and scream my heart out and forget about the current life I'm in. I feel like sucide may be the answer. People won't notice I'm dead and people won't care..." Her voice breaks as she starts crying.
"Hey," I cup her face in my face and wipe her tears with my thumb and say, "You are not a loser. You don't need to think of what people think if you. You are a very special person nerdie. You are very special. You are a winner. Don't care about others' opinions and judgements. Be yourself. Be good old Jessica Freshers who used to wear pigtails and carry a doll with her everywhere." She gives a small laugh and I can tell she feels better.
"You remember?" She asks me innocently wiping her tears.
I nod and raise an eyebrow. She looked gorgeous in the night. I saw her at night before but not like this.
She smiled weakly.
"So, tell me. Who are you going to prom with?"
"Umm...I don't know. Camry said she wants to go with me. Cary also wants to go with me. Emily, Alison, Mellissa have asked me."
"Woah woah woah! Slow down King Bee! How many girls have you dated? And who are you taking to prom finally?"
I scratch the back of my head and laugh shyly. "Aaai.....I'm not sure. Many girls. And for prom....I'm not sure. You still not going?"
She shakes her head and throws her hands up in the air and says, "I ain't falling for that shit."
I burst into laughter because I found it just so funny. Jess was different. I know it. She wasn't going to prom. I didn't want to go as well. But winning Prom King three times in a row means something right?
Everytime I won the crown, I had a different Queen. Bah!
Our feet are in the water and our fingers are interewined with each other.
I take a glance at my watch and quickly get up.
"What is it?" She asks me as shelooks up to my face.
"Get up. It's late. We have to go."
"Bu-But I don't want to go!"
"You've been here all day! How long will you stay here?"
"Ugh! Fine!" She gets up and dusts her clothes and walks swiftly to the cars.
" I guess I'll drive my car. Do you want me to come with you?" I ask her as she opens the door of the minivan.
She nods her head and says, "It's alright. I'll manage. Thanks. Bye. G'night." She gives me a smile and gets into the car. She waves from her rear view mirror and smiles and pulls the car over. We reach a fork where we move in two different paths. I go back home and sleeeeeeppp!!
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