Chapter 10.

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Jessica's P.O.V
I wake up in the morning and make myself a cup of coffee and check my phone for any texts or notifications. None. I go sit in our backyard and have my coffee while I relax the Sunday morning.
"Hey, Honey?" My mom called out as she came in the backyard.
"Yeah mom?"
"Mike is here with his Aunt." She said and left. I almost burned my tongue in the mention of Mike. Why would Ms. Stacy come?!
I quickly got up, adjusted my clothes. I was wearing pajama shorts and a sleeveless tank top. I hurried to my room and put on a robe and headed downstairs. Mike sat on his usual couch where he always used to sit.
Ms. Stacy sat next to him and they were giving off vibrant smiles. "Oh! Hi Jessica! Good Morning. Sorry to disturb but can we talk? Nothing serious don't worry." Ms. Stacy looked really happy. The whole room felt more warmer, I thought. Mike looked excited and as if he wanted to tell me something but he wasn't supposed to.
"So, Jessica. We have some news for you."
Okay. News. I hope this is good because I hate bad news. I have still on recovered from the last terrible bad news we got.
Mike's excitement was flooding through the room. He looked like a little boy who needed to pee.
"Is it good or bad?" I ask Miss Stacy.
"It's good..really good actually." She replied. Her smile was fixed on her face and she looked really happy.
She handed some papers over to me and I took them blank faced. I had no idea what was happening and as I read the title of the first page, my eyes widened.
'Scholarship Program for Students applying to Cambridge University.'
I stammered and asked Miss Stacy what this was.
"Scholarship? I didn't apply though, Miss Stacy?"
"It's a international scholarship program for Cambridge in London." She replied. I looked over at Mike. His excitement was over flowing through the room and I still didn't understand what all of this was about.
"Aunt, Nerdie has no idea what we're talking about here." He winked at me.
"Yeah. Exactly. I have no clue." I glared at Mike for winking at me in front of the women and he just bit his lip and looked at me.
Those hazel eyes were to die for.
"We had some people over at school yesterday. They were from Cambridge, London."
They are holding a scholarship examination for applicants. They asked us if we had toppers in your grade and our Principal said Yes. Jessica Freshers. They gave us these documents.
It's got all you need to know about the exam, the terms and conditions and somewhere they've also written about the school, campus, boardings, etc. You need to read it. The exam is two weeks from now. Hope you are ready for this. We have to register your name Jessica, we need a decision now."
I looked at Miss Stacy with my mouth open and I just gaped at her. All of this was too fast! I looked at my mom and she seemed too happy about it. She was telling me to go for it, it's going to fun and something, something.
A scholarship program, that means there's no harm in it. Getting a scholarship is good but I'll go far away from all my relations, from Mike.
"What happens after I say yes?" I asked Miss Stacy.
"You get ready for the exam. Attempt it and if you top it, you get ready to fly to Cambridge. The school'll provide the dorms."
I looked at my mom. She seemed really proud. I looked at Mike. He was giving me the go-for-it look but little did he know that I'm going to miss him a lot more that he could ever imagine.
"Yes." I said. After a lot of thinking, I didn't come to any conclusion so I agreed. Agreed to leave all my relations behind and start a new journey. Be away from Mom. Away from Mike. Away from California which was my only home.
"You sure about this, Jessica? This is something you can't change. Once you take a decision, it's done."
I had to keep my mom happy. I had to fulfill all her unfulfilled dreams and wishes. One of them was to see me successful just like my elder brother.
"I know. I want to do this." I replied. I looked Miss Stacy in the eye and said, "I sure am going to miss all of you and this will change my life completly, but I think doing this is right." Which was not true. I took this decision without thinking and I had no idea what was right. Away from all...away from all was playing in my head on repeat and I couldn't think of anything else. Saying No just would have made my life a lot more confusing. I had to do this for my mom. For my dad.
"Well done, Jessica. I am glad you took this opportunity. I shall register your name for the exam right now." She gave me a wide smile and shook my hand. My mom was in tears and she kissed me on my temple and hugged me. Mike looked happy too. But why was he happy? Is he not going to miss me?
Miss Stacy and Mike stayed for lunch and when Miss Stacy was about to leave, Mike said,
"Umm...aunt? Mind if I hang out with Nerdie for a while? I'll be back soon I promise."
Miss Stacy smiled and said, "Sure."
I hurried upstairs and took a shower and changed into my skinny jeans and a blue cardigan. I really liked that outfit but I never had the chance of wearing it outside. Today was it.
Mike was in the hall playing Wii. I had it since I was 14 and I didn't play it till now. It was my brother who used to play.
"Hello nerdie. Ready to go?" He asked as he switched the game off and moved his sight from the game to me.
"Wow. You never fail to surprise me. You look really cute in those jeans i must tell you." He winked at me and opened the front door.
"Bye Mum!" I yelled as I stepped outside.
"Bye Mrs. Freshers!" Mike yelled after me.
"Bye! Have fun!" My mom yelled back. I smiled and got into the van for Miss Stacy had taken Mike's mercedes.

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