Chapter 7.

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"So, what'd you like to have? Any favorites? Any dislikes?" Mike asked me with his eyes fixed on the menu. We were sitting in a restaurant that was quite close to the burrito place Mike took me earlier and as it was already 9 p.m, there weren't many families.
"Hmm....I don't know. I don't have any particular favorites though. But I enjoy eating pizza and ice cream." I lied. I absolutely love eating food and I mean there is no question of dislike of food. (A/N: THIS IS TRUE BTW. I LOVE EATING. :P)
"Diet control. Hmm....nice!" He smirked happily.
"What are your favs by the way?" I ask him rubbing my hands vigorously to beat the chill that was in the hall.
Mike put the menu down and looked at me. He just stared at me for a while when he replied.
"Ummm....I absolutely love eating. I love pizza, burger, sandwiches, chicken, and many things I can't recall.
Actually I would give anything right now to have some pizza. What say?"
Me? Oh yes. I love pizza as well. I love all the things you mentioned.
"Sure. That's what we'll have then." I say smiling.
After about quarter of an hour, our pizza arrived and Mike just attacked it. It seemed as if he hadn't had pizza in a millenium. I was watching him and grinning. He was just too cute.
"Why affent thyu eathing?" Mike asked chewing the huge bite of the slice.
"I am eating." I say looking at my slice. I had taken only one bite and it was so good that I wanted to out all of that in my mouth in one bite. But no. Hold your manners honey. Your crush is sitting right opposite to you. Behave.
I took a small bite one after the other. After we finished the pizza, we paid the bill and came out.
"The stars are beautiful aren't they?" I said looking up at the clear night sky. We were quite a distance from the city and the sky was filled with stars glittering and shining above us.
"Yeah. They are. Come on." He said holding my arm and pulling me somewhere.
"Umm...Where to? I ask gasping for breath. He quickly made me sit in the car and put my seatbelt. He then got into the driver's seat and drove. It was far. Oh yes. It was.
I felt dizzy and sick but believe me, sitting 1 foot next to Mike, my dizziness and sickness felt like a bed of roses.
As we were driving, I noticed the Burrito place pass by. The decorations were still up and I think they would never come down.
Mike stopped the car in a vast, sandy ground. We got down and Mike said, "Look." He pointed towards the sky. As I looked up, I gasped. It was the most beautiful scene I ever saw. The sky was filled with stars. Glittering and shining, twinkling high above us was the sight, I only dreamt of seeing one day.
Mike laid down on the front of the car and said, "You're welcome!"
I rolled my eyes and said, "I did not say thank you. But thank you so soooo much Mike!! I always dreamt of seeing a sky full of stars one day."
"Really? Nice! What are your other dreams by the way?"
"There are quite a few." I replied still gazing at the sky with my mouth open.
'Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars....'
Believe me, I was not thinking that.
Mike fulfilled one of my dreams. He is one of them. I hope he fulfills that one too.
"Your neck will hurt. Lie down on the glass. Like me." Mike said with both of his hands behind his head.
I hesitated but when Mike pulled my arm saying, "Come on nerdie" I had no choice. I maintained a certain distance but the sound of his heavy breathing was still very clear. "Thank You. This means more than the world to me." I said still gazing the star-lit sky.
He gave a small chuckle and said, "No problem."
As the night faded, my love for Mike Hoovers increased.
Mike's P.O.V
Last night was almost perfect. Watching the stars with Jess and lying down with her was something I could not even imagine.
Maybe I felt something for her. No. It can't be. Why Jess? She is so reserved. Of course she is a really good friend but no. Not anything more than that. I surely enjoyed watching the stars with her because she was my friend.
I woke up quite early in the morning and realized-
"Happy Birthday Mike!!" My elder sister came barging into my room.
She held a huge rectangular box and I was surprised. I quickly grabbed the box from her and opened the wrapping. I didn't care if my bed became messy, or I hadn't brushed my teeth yet, I wanted to open my present.
I kissed my brand new, guitar again and again and hugged Abi tightly.
"I- can't breathe!" She complained. I kissed her on the forehead and asked, "how did you know I wanted a guitar?"
She rolled her eyes and said, "Mike Hoovers, I am your elder sister. I know more about you than you'll ever know."
"No seriously. How?" I asked again.
"Humph! I saw you using your friend's guitar at school some weeks back. I heard you playing. It was wonderful. So I knew, what to get you as a present. You had money, so why didn't you buy a guitar for yourself?" She said.
"Because Abigail Hoods, I am saving money for a much more awesome thing." I replied. My hair were messy, my eyes were sluggish, and I was in my boxers.
"MOM! MIKE'S AWAKE!" Abi shouted put of the room. She was the only daughter of my aunt.
I quickly got dressed and went downstairs. Every year, roughly around 10 a.m, my parent's gift would be waiting for me.
"Hello. Good Morning Aunt Stacy." I greeted my aunt.
He kissed me on the cheek and said, "Good Morning! Happy Birthday! I hope you liked mine and Abi's gift!" I grinned and nodded my head. "That was absolutely amazing. I loved the guitar. It was also my favorite color! Thank You." I said. I looked around the house for my present. "Aunt, has any parcel come from my parents?"
"Why, not yet Mike. Your parents will send you your present. Have some patience."
I had everything but patience. I was angry, sad, surprised and confused at the same time. Realizing that my parents are late, it made me angry. They'd hardly call. Only Mum would stay in touch with me. It's been years since I talked to Dad. It's been years since I saw the two of them. I missed them.
I had a quick breakfast of eggs and toast and then hurried to college thinking why I didn't recieve a gift from my parents.
"Hello Mom. Good morning." I greet her as she opened the curtains of my windows.
"Good Morning. Wake up. You have school today. Remember?" She replies politely. She is much of a best friend than my mom. *Proud!*
I got dressed quickly and go down to the breakfast table and found a sandwich and coffee ready waiting for me. I sat down to eat thinking, 'Today is Mike's birthday. I hope he likes the present I got him.'
Mum drove me to school and as I reached, I noticed the decorations for prom going really good. I bet the place would look completely different at night!
I entered the building and walkedtowards my locker thinking how I am going to give Mike his present. 'Hi Mike. Happy Birthday. I got you a present.' Nay. 'Hey Mike! Happy Birthday! Here- it's for you.' No way. 'Hi. Happy Birthday. I brought a gift for you. Hope you like it.' Yes!
As I walk towards my class, I wonder why I have not seen Mike yet.
"Good morning class, please take out your books and turn to page 394." Mr. Grunt calls out.
"So, in the previous class we studied the structure of the heart. Today...." Mr. Grunt taught and as I was paying attention, a ball of paper landed on my table.
I looked back to see who threw it and I saw Camry, Mike's new girlfriend.
She made a gesture to tell me to open the note. I opened it and read it : Did you kill Mike? Where is he? I knew you were upto something, Bitch.
Okay. Now that got me real angry on that slut. But really, where is Mike?
I glanced at Camry for a split second and found her glaring right at me. It seemed as though she was seeing through me.
After class, she came up to me and said, "Where is Mike?"
"Aren't you his girlfriend?" I replied back still not looking at her.
Camry did not reply. Her lips quivered but her attitude remained intact.
"Aren't you his best friend?" She said again in the same tone like I did.
I looked at her. Her eyebrows were narrowed and her eyes were bloodshot red with anger.
"Nope. Just his friend. Not his best friend."
Camry seemed to be at a loss of words so she shrugged her shoulders and walked away, her pencil length heels making an annoying noise.

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