01~ Wolf Moon

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The Bennett Hybrid
Chapter One~Wolf Moon*Part One

"Right, and you won't believe what I heard last night when I was out hunting

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"Right, and you won't believe what I heard last night when I was out hunting. There can't be, out of all the places why does it have to be the one I'm drawn to."


At 6:50 a.m. the next morning Madelyn was already in the shower and mentally preparing herself for school. 'No Feeding' Madelyn's words running through her mind as the water was running down her face and hair. Twenty minutes later after taking that nice hot shower Madelyn finally exited the shower and wrapped a towel around her body and the other towel up in her hair.

The brunette walk out of the bathroom and into her bedroom where they connect and she walked to one of the boxes that was full of clothes. Madelyn loves clothes, every new place Maddie would visit she needed to go shopping but she wasn't the type of person who would care what people think of her, everyone who new about her will judge her no matter what she wore but since nobody knew who she is or was here, that excited Madelyn. She decided to put on high-waisted gray ripped jeans, a gray off the shoulder long sleeve top and a black leather jacket with black heeled boots to finish off the look. After blow-drying her wavy hair, she fixed some of the waves then applied a little bit of makeup which includes little wing of eyeliner mascara, some blush and a natural tinted lip balm. Now the time was 7:50 which now gave Madelyn enough time to make it to school to enroll  and get her schedule quickly. The young Bennett grabbed her car keys and bag heading out of her house.

Madelyn backed out of the drive way and drove down two block, made a turn and continued driving when she stopped at a red light. A car drove up to a stop next to her, seeing a girl and a man in the front seat. The brunette girl turned her head to the right smiling at her and she smiled back. The man driving didn't notice her, the green light turned and she continued driving to school leaving the brunette and the slightly older man behind.


Scott was riding his bike through the school parking lot, where he got off as he places his bike on the rack in front of the school. He then took off his helmet as he hangs it on the handlebars, adjusting his backpack with his lacrosse stick that was strapped to the back just as a silver Porsche pulls up to the parking spot next to him. Jackson Whittemore got out of his car hitting Scott in the back with his door before giving him a nasty look like it was his fault for hitting his car.

"Dude! Watch the paint job."

Scott looked at him with an offended expression but before Scott could say something to him another student called out to him. "Yo, Jackson! Let's go, bro." The students shouted from the school front steps. Jackson then walked away giving Scott one last glare and left without saying another word.


The McCall boy looked up and sees Stiles in front of the school waiting for him. They had talked about what happened the previous night that had happened in the wood as they walked to the entrance of the school. The Stilinski boy shrugs "Okay, let's see this thing." He commented referring to Scotts wound. Scott lifted up his shirt showing his bite wound to Stiles, which was covered with gauze and tape that had a small amount of blood leaking through.

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