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"Let go of me dude, I need to take a shower and finish my new house" I said, my house wasn't finished yet so Techno let me sleep in his bed with him for the night, well two nights. We've done this a couple times through out life so this is normal for us

"Nahh" He said gripping tighter not letting go

"Techno!" I shouted

"What?" He asked sleepily with his deep morning voice

"Let go or I'll beat your ass" I said looking at him dead in the eye

"Knowing you, you'd actually do it so fine" He let go and rolled over to the other side of the bed

"You gotta get up soon too y'know" I said to him as he groaned burring his head into the pillow, see this is the scary anarchist pigman people are scared of..

"Is that a must?" He asked lifting his head a bit so his voice won't be muffled

"I mean yeah, don't you have things to do?" 

"No? I don't know" He said before covering himself with the blanket

I took a shower and changed into comfortable clothing. Then I went down and saw Phil making breakfast, potatoes. 

"Oi Tech! Wake up, Phil made potatoes" I shouted, Techno likes potatoes

"HEH?! I'M COMING DOWN" Techno shouted back, and quickly got down the ladders

Phil soon served breakfast which we quickly ate. After breakfast I got to work on the house, Techno and Phil wanted to relax in the house that day, I don't mind it. 

"Y/N! PLEASE HELP! I'm sorry I really am... Please... Dream has Tubbo.. PLEASE Y/N!" Someone ran and clanged onto me, Tommy... 

"Tommy? What do you mean Dream has Tubbo?" I asked holding the crying boy

"H-he wants the discs and is holding Tubbo hostage.. I-I'm willing to give the discs up but I need your help... please" Tommy said between his sobs

"It's ok big man, it's ok" I said softly trying to calm the boy

"It is?" He asked while looking up 

"It will be at least, come let's go inside. I'll make sure they won't hurt you, they won't either way" I said, Tommy only nodded in response

"Yeah- What are you doing here Tommy" Techno said coldly 

"Now now, no need for violence Techno. Tommy's here for help and surely he won't betray us this time after what just happened two days ago. Tubbo is captured by Dream as hostage for Tommy's discs, which Tommy's ready to let go and give them up" I explained, Tommy clutching my shirt from behind

"What do you think Phil?" Techno asked the winged man 

"We can give him a chance, but some things must be settled. Tommy, you will listen to us and not go wandering off on your own, no stealing from either me, Techno nor Y/N, and you will be helping us with things. Understood Tommy?" Phil said 

"Yes Phil" Tommy replied

"Tommy, where is Dream keeping Tubbo hostage?" Techno asked

"His vault, Punz knows and is willing to help" Tommy answered

"Alright then, when do we have to be there?" I asked him this time


"Then let's prepare" Techno said

"..Prepare what? Dude you have a whole stash-" I asked 

"I suppose, I'm going to get them. Tommy help Y/N with her house" Techno said, Tommy nodded

My Strongest Ally (C!Technoblade x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now