~Our Relationship (Epilogue)~

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I'm very sorry that I delayed the post, this was supposed to be published yesterday, I know. I really am sorry but I had a lot of homework yesterday and I had to finish them. So this is the last chapter, I hope you like it. A thank you note will be published in a bit. Enjoy.


"Hey Techno?" I called out, he was reading a book, his glasses on his nose bridge. He was at peace to say the least, his white shirt loose with the top button open, his black pants with a red cloth tied around his waist, and his soft pink hair let down and blown lightly by the breeze of the open window (This description was very much necessary)

"Yeah, what is it Y/N?" He asked with a soft tone looking up from his book 

"I want hugs" I replied receiving a chuckle in return 

"Sure, come here" He opened his arms, his thumb slipping into the book page he was on 

I climbed into his embrace and sat on his lap. His arms wrapping around my body as he opened his book again, I had adjusted myself so I sat horizontally hugging his warm body, it was firm due to how much this man likes to work out, but it was nice. Phil had gone out with Tommy and Wilbur. Just yesterday Techno got the items Dream left, it was blueprints, Techno had started thinking and planning yesterday till I dragged him from the syndicate room all the way back home, it wasn't too hard, he was sleepy and I still had the energy to fly us home. I had a busy morning, it wasn't the most fun it was tiring. 

"Tech?" I called out sleepily 

"Yes dear?" He said putting down the book slipping a paper to mark his last reading and ran his fingers through my hair

"I love you..."  I slurred before it was black 

~Techno POV~

"I love you..." She slurred and fell asleep 

"I love you too my bright star" I said picking her up to take her to my bed as we were in my bedroom 

I stayed there with her reading my books, I had promised her to rest for the day, to take it easy. It wasn't bad, plus I wasn't getting anything from stressing yesterday. She sleeps peacefully, she's beautiful... 


"Techno?" I heard her call out 

"Yes? I'm here darling" I said as she sat up rubbing her eyes 

"Hi..." She said with a sleepy smile 

"Hello, you awake?" I asked 

"Yeah... almost..." She answered 

After she fully woke up we went to get some lunch, it was nice and quiet. A day or two without the loud noises are great, but it is part of home, I missed it when I was stuck in the prison. 

"Hey Techno?" Y/N asked 


"What are we?" She asked looking at me with soft questioning eyes 

"Well, if perhaps you recall before you fell asleep, you said that you loved me... I'd like to know if you meant that..?" I asked her in return, wanting confirmation 

"Yes... I did mean it and I do love you..." Y/N replied shyly as her cheeks redden lightly 

"I suppose you didn't hear me that time, but, darling I love you too" I said and held her chin softly making her look at me "Will you be my girlfriend, Y/N?" I asked, Phil said she'd say yes but I was still very nervous 

"I'd love to..." She replied and I took her into a tight hug with a sense of relief

"Oh thank god, that would've been embarrassing if you said no..." I said making her laugh 

~Y/N POV~ 

"Silly, I said I loved you, why would I reject you?" I said cupping his cheeks 

"Well when you put it that way..." He muttered, I gave him a kiss on the nose 

"I adore you my moon" I said and sat on his lap 

"I adore you too my star..." He said, I looked at him and he held my hand "Can I kiss you..?" He asked, a slight crack in his voice almost making me laugh but nod in return 

As our lips collide his hands made their way to hold onto my hips as I placed mine on his chest. In the books it spoke of fireworks, what I felt wasn't too different but there was warmth, and comfort along with the spark. The light from the sun shining from the window, the natural warmth coming from Techno, his soft touch which people wouldn't believe if only told, the quietness of the house, it was... Perfect. Of course nothing lasts forever and we need air to breathe, he kept me close as if I'd vanish if he didn't hold tight.

"So, how do you think they'll react when we tell them about us?" He asked with a grin on his face 

"I think they'll be happy, while shouting 'finally'" I answered 

"Then Phil will bring out the wine and call his wife" Techno continued 

"Yes that is true, he will use the emergency lever..." I said, Kristin had given Phil a lever to flick so she could come quickly, she had said that it was for emergencies only, we had used it once when Phil got very ill, Kristin was able to help 


"So um, we wanted to tell you that me and Techno are officially dating..." I said as Phil, Wilbur, Tommy, Ranboo, Tubbo, and Michael are sat on the couch and floor 

"YES! FINALLY YOU TWO" Wilbur shouted, arms in the air 

"KRISTIN WILL LOVE THIS NEWS" Phil shouted and ran to his house where the lever is 

"Auntie Y/N and Uncle Techno, together?" Michael asked with a tilted head 

"Yes, Michael! Oh this is amazing!" Tubbo cheered 

"Does this make Techno my somewhat dad?-" Ranboo questioned after a bit of cheering 

"WAY TO GO BIG MAN!" Tommy had said patting Techno's back 

"Phil I'm here what's wrong?!" I heard Kristin say hurriedly, I guess she switched to human form already 

"Come come!" Phil said and busted through the door 

"Phil, I told you it's for emergencies only, this does not lo-" Kristin said after seeing no problem whatsoever in the house, no one panicking either 

"Y/N and Techno are official now." Phil said with a proud face and smile towards his wife  

"OH MY GODS! Hold on I'm getting Yoon and Kira!" Kristin said and went out the door, travelling to the gods realm isn't the safest to do in a house or room

As Kira and Yoon arrived, they ran up to me and hugged me, the momentum pushing us all to the ground, they were beyond happy as it seems. We had a lovely talk, all of us, and yes they made us tell them how it happened. After we told them how the events unfolded, Yoon had to calm her squealing wife. 

It was one of those times where I felt the need to live in the moment, to forget worries and just focus on how lovely it is to have the man I love dearly and our beloved friends which we'd call family, just together, in our home far away in the middle of a beautiful cold snowy tundra, happy.


Eyyy, I didn't forget Yoon and Kira! 

My Strongest Ally (C!Technoblade x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now