~The Revival Book~

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Hey, this is the answer to who stole the revival book and who the 'he' in bold is. 

~??? POV~

I finally have my hands on the revival book! Oh goody! 


"Go away, I don't have time for your games" 

"Oh come on Dream, there's no one else to bother anyway. XD is looking for the book and only you, him, Kristin, and Y/N knows about me" I said 

"Some other gods know you, bother them" Dream replied 

"I'm a fugitive Dream, plus they hate me for killing Taby and stealing this" I said twirling the revival book in my hands 

"WHAT? No no no... I WAS GLAD Y/N TOOK IT YOU ASSHOLE" Dream shouted 

"Now, now, didn't you want power? Come on Dream!" I said 

"No! YOU made me do that YOU placed that thought in my head, I can't believe I went along with it!" Dream said pacing around the small room (So, I'm not defending Dream, no, it's just that Nightmare pushed and gave Dream the idea, in this book anyway-) 

"Eh, whatever, here ya go, bye now~" I said throwing him the revival book, Sam, the guard was fast asleep so this is fun 

"NO! COME BACK HERE YOU! NIGHTMARE GET BACK HERE!" Dream shouted as I escaped into the darkness of night descending to the underrealm 


It's been about 2 weeks, somehow Nightmare had given Dream the revival book. Only a few know about this information. The warden, Sam. XD, Kristin, and me. XD did find a rumour that Quackity knew about this information which might be bad...

"Y/N? Phil?" I heard Techno's voice from downstairs of my house, I was helping Phil preen his wings making sure to stay away from the base area

"Up here Techno!" Phil shouted

"Hey so I'm going to the prison to give Dream a visit. He says it's about the favor but it really is suspicious that Quackity gave the letter to me but I do need to visit him anyway" Techno explained

"Will you be okay? How if it's a trap?" I asked still fixing a few of Phil's feathers

"I don't know but I am leaving this with you Phil. If I'm gone for 2-3 days open it. I'm not leaving this to Y/N because she'll open it too quickly but once you do let her see it too. Tell Tommy and Wilbur I'm going on a trip for resources or something like that" Techno said

"Aww come on Techno! I'm trustworthy!" I said and finished up preening Phil's wings

"You are, but you care slightly too much and worry a bit too much too about me and Phil. You gotta give me time Star" Techno said while patting my head

"Just be safe Moon, I want you back safe okay?" I hugged him while saying that

"I will be safe and back my Star" He said and picked me up (So arms around neck, legs wrapped around his waist, and he's holding your back and under thighs) 

"Am I missing something here or?" Phil asked (Phil is just there confused)

"No, I don't think so. Here's the book, it's my will" Techno handed Phil the book 

"A WILL?! ARE YOU DYING OR SOMETHING?" I shouted worried for my friend 

"Nah, it's just for dramatic effect... Okay yeah I might die and a part of it is a will if I die, hopefully not though" Techno said 

"Come on Y/N! Cheer up, Techno will be fine, plus then we can have the boy's stay over at Snowchester and we can go flying and exploring!" Phil cheered 

"I guess we could..." I said liking the idea 


"Be safe Techno!" We all bid as he went off 

"Well come one you little shits, we're going to Snowchester be good, don't teach Michael bad things" Phil said before we even flew off 

"Yes yes, now let's go flying!" Tommy said as Phil picked him up 

"Can you actually pick me up Y/N?" Wilbur asked, without giving him a verbal answer I just picked him up and flew into the sky 

"Okaaayyy" Wilbur said, Phil and I then flew over.  



The 2 ran and hugged each other, Tommy's quite strong so Tubbo was picked up by him as they hugged. (I mean, canonically he went through wars... so... to say he's weak is just... y'know, and Tubbo was picked up due to height difference)

"Hey Tommy, Wilbur, Y/N, Phil!" Ranboo greeted 

"Hey Ranboo, Tubbo" 

We all greeted each other and talked a bit. 

"Papa? AUNTIE!" Michael looked out and said (Yes, Michael's favorites are his parents and his auntie, Techno comes a close second to Y/N)

"Michael!" I said as he ran to me with his small legs 

"Hey Michael, I'm Tommy!" Tommy said after he walked over 

"Tommy? Auntie is Tommy uncle?" Michael asked 

"Yes, Tommy is uncle" I replied 

"Uncle Tommy!" Michael cheered and clapped 

"Eyy! Hey Tubbo can I teach him swear words?" Tommy asked only to receive a direct smack from the back of his head from Phil 

"Grandpa Phil!" Michael said again and Phil took him into his arms 


"Alright Phil, we gotta go... Phil... I give up" I said as Phil was playing with Michael, Tommy, Wilbur and Tubbo (FYI, Y/N had been doing and saying this for a solid 2 minutes)

"Ranboo, need help child?" I asked as Ranboo was making tea and getting Michael milk (He's not disappearing, no.)

"Yeah, that'll be nice, thanks mom" Ranboo replied and I helped out, I guess we aren't going flying today 

Words : 821

Laz : This is short.... I know, but it is needed, to indicate Techno's visit and to introduce Nightmare. Also, announcement! I- I don't know why I placed '!' as if it's good... So I'm going to school, fully (well like I could not but I learn better face to face, at least I think). With that I can't be updating as often because I can't be on my laptop as often (I only use the web so yeah...). But I'm not quitting or anything, updates will be on Wednesdays and Saturdays. I will upload some more on other days when I get the chance, but I can mostly guarantee it on Wednesdays and Saturdays. I know that this note is long but I do hope you understand the slower updates. See you!

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