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"So you've arrived Tommy! You brought Techno huh?" Dream said 

"I'm here for mostly supervision over this" Techno said in his normal monotone voice

"Hmm, well Tommy are you going to hand over the disc or are you going to let Tubbo, your best friend die? Do remember he exiled you...." Dream taunted then pressed a button revealing Tubbo in a hanging box above lava

"TOMMY!" Tubbo shouted seeing Tommy there

"TUBBO!" Tommy shouted back immediately

"Now now... The disc..." Dream said smirking at Tommy

"I'll give it to you but let Tubbo go first!" Tommy told Dream

"How do I know you won't just run off?" Dream asked

"I'll make sure of it, I don't specifically trust Tommy much" Techno said, of course Dream would believe it as Tommy broke Techno's trust about 4 days ago

"Alright, I'll let Tubbo down and you get your disc ready" Dream said flicking a lever that made a platform and opened the box so Tubbo could get down

"The disc" Dream had his hand out, the other holding Tubbo

"Tubbo" Tommy did the same action and Dream let Tubbo hold Tommy's hand and Tommy handed him the disc pulling Tubbo towards him

"It's just too easy!" Dream yelled

"Well..." Tommy started with enthusiasm 

"I'm sorry Dream, but you should've paid me more..." Punz said walking out of the portal with most of the others

"What- Why are we here if they're here-" I whispered to Phil

"I got no clue mate... let's just watch and maybe swoop in.." Phil said

"Tommy you can't kill me! Techno tell him!" Dream said backing away as Tommy landed a hit on Dream

"Oh I can Dream.." Tommy said

"If you kill me death is permanent! IF YOU KILL ME WILBUR IS DEAD FOREVER" Dream shouted making Tommy stop in his tracks

"Phil, I'm going in" I said to Phil quietly and he held me back

"What- No- Y/N!" Phil said in the same volume

"No, Dream knows Tommy has an attachment to Wilbur" I said and went down

"Fucking hell wait up" Phil said coming down as well

"Tommy, stop. Dream, it's not just you that can revive understood? Though we still can't kill him or he'll have connection to the afterlife and his godself. The prison is the best option" I said taking out my own blade at him

"Y/N?! You were with me in the war!" Dream said

"Heh? Dude I was on Techno's side not yours" I said blandly at Dream

"Alright let me just..." I went down and searched him for the revival book and stealing a few other items

"You're downright stupid to have this with you right now, take him away" I said having the revival book in my hands

"Wait, you're here too Phil?" Tubbo asked finally seeing Phil

"Oh yeah I've been here for the past few minutes as Y/N also got here, thanks for noticing me" Phil said with a hint of sarcasm

"HEY! Put Those three in prison too" Quackity said pointing at me, Techno and Phil

"No, they helped us get Dream under control and we'd lose if we try. As much as I'd like them in prison too it's a risk we can lose Dream and he'd escape and we wouldn't win the fight against the 3" Sapnap said

My Strongest Ally (C!Technoblade x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now