~Techno's Will~

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~Phil's POV~

It's been 3 months now, Y/N's eager to see the will and so am I. 

"Phil come on! Let's open the thing"  Y/N said eagerly 

"Alright, the boys are with Ranboo and Tubbo right?" I asked 

"Yes yes! Now open it" Y/N urged and I opened the book 


First page 



Second Page 

'Dear Philza Minecraft and Y/N L/N' 
'I am going to the prison to visit Dream and make sure he's alright. If I do not return in a few days activate the pearl I left in our book club's meeting room. If the pearl is gone, well it was nice knowing you both. Look after the others for me while I'm gone.' 


Third Page 

'I left my valuables in a barrel hidden in the top floor's ceiling and a chest under the stone in a corner of that one weird room under the house with pistons. Distribute them as you see fit. Please keep Steve and the foxes well fed; the wolves can be released into the wilderness. (Unless Y/N decides she wants to keep some of them)' 


Fourth Page 

'Tell Ranboo and Niki that they're stronger than they know.' 

'Tell Tommy and Wilbur about the Syndicate, and let them in if they wish. Also tell them that I trust them to not cause a mess around the place as I'm gone' 

'Tell Michael that I'll miss the little guy and tell Tubbo that I am on good terms with him and Snowchester.' 

'Phil, Y/N, I'm glad I met you in this life.' 

'Y/N, I'm sorry I was too scared to tell you face to face, but I loved you, and I still do even as I die.'


Fifth Page 

'Tell the rest of the SMP that having abolished all governments of men, I have ascended to the heaven to take on the Kingdom of God.' 



"He had to do that hmm? HE JUST HAD TO MAKE ME CRY!" Y/N shouted while covering her face and curling in a ball 

"Yeah let's go to the pearl first though" I pointed out making her sit right up 

"Hopefully he's alive" Y/N said and grabbed steak and gapples and I got a milk bucket and medical equipment 

"You better tell him that you too love him if he's alive!" I slightly shouted at her as we flew over to the meeting room 

"YEAH YEAH, SHUT UP" She replied, her cheeks red as I laughed at her lightly 


As we entered we quickly checked on the pearl and it was luckily still there. We were glad and quickly activated it. 

"Did it work?" Phil asked and we saw Techno, oh how I'd like to hug him but we both need to make sure he's alright 

"Oh my god Phil! Bro you would not believe how good that timing was" Techno said and limped onto the chair as Phil got him the milk and I handed him some gapples 

"Here, drink up, we'll patch you up" Phil said and opened the medical box, I quickly took some rubbing alcohol, cloth, and bandage wraps  

"I gave you that book 3 MONTHS AGO PHIL!" Techno shouted

"You said 3 months!" Phil argued

"No I did not! I thought you were gonna take like 2 days to read that book Phil! It's been like- 90 days Phil!" Techno explained 

"I TOLD YOU HE SAID DAYS PHIL" I shouted and quickly took care of the wounds around his arms 

"You were supposed to activate the pearl in like 2 days. Bro I almost died!" ALMOST DIED?! WHO THE FUCK- 

"You said 3 months! Wait- wait- oh my god you said 3 days..." Phil realized 

"BruuUuHhh" Techno said and leaned back on the chair 

"I'm so sorry, are you okay?" Phil asked and grabbed some things as well 

"Kind of? Not really I guess, I almost got killed. The dude had a pickaxe, he was still hung up on the fact that I gave him a free dentist appointment a few months ago" Techno answered 

"Who? Oh Quackity" Phil answered, as those two had a conversation I kept bandaging Techno up 

"It's Quackity, he's in line with the warden, he trapped me in there on purpose" Techno said 

"Alright, information later, we need to wrap up your wounds Techno. Take off your shirt unless that's not your blood" I instructed and pointed on the blood stain on Techno's shirt 

"Right. Can you help?" He said after a bit of shuffling, I saw that his shirt was lifted up a bit but it wasn't fully off 

"You could've just unbuttoned it Tech" I said helping him take off the shirt 

"You do that and I'll take care of his leg wounds" Phil said and I nodded and cleaned off the blood before making him sit a bit more upright and wrapped the bandage tight over the wound and around his lower stomach 

"I told Phil it was days. Phil If we weren't close I'd throw you into a baby zombie" I said 

"Uh, did you see the fourth page Y/N?" Techno asked, right. The confession. 

"Yeah, and I'd like to tell you that I love you too Techno" I said smiling at him 

"Really?" Techno asked unsure, I swear I saw Phil's wings puff in excitement and a large smile plastered on his face 

"Yeah, I do. Don't do that again... No more trips to that prison" I said and he held my hand 

"I do have to go back at least once more hun. I need to break Dream out to repay that favor" He replied 

"Let me come with?" I asked 

"Eh, we'll see. Now I want to go home first, I'm tired, I'll get Dream's stuff tomorrow" Techno said and I helped him stand, Phil had cleaned up and put away the medical kit 

"What stuff?" Phil asked 

"Eh, there's supposed to be something at the coordinates in this book. Can we have steak for dinner by the way?" Techno asked 

"Anything you want Tech" Me and Phil replied and smiled at him as we walked back home 

Wilbur and Tommy sent a letter saying that they're staying the night at Snowchester and that Michael would like a visit soon. So we sent a letter back saying that Techno's back home and we'll visit tomorrow as well as picking them up. Techno would go pick up the items later that evening. 

Words : 1081

Laz : ANNOUNCEMENT! I'm also currently making a Dream X OC book, so uploads will be split with that.. except today hence I'm updating this and just published the Dream X OC 'Twisted Tales'. So if I don't update this, assume I updated Twisted Tales. 

My Strongest Ally (C!Technoblade x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now