Chapter 3: Hide and Seek

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Bakugou's pov

Flashback (1 year ago)


My smile only grew as I watched him. The sun was setting slowly. He twirled around in the overgrown grass.

That smile looks so happy. Anything that shatters it deserves the worst pain. But would I even be able to bring that smile back?

I remember those times tears would rise in those mismatched eyes. They never fell, he seemed like so much was going on but wouldn't break.


He turned and looked at me,"Yeah?"

"Does something bother you?"

"What do you mean?" He tilted his head

"You seem so carefree." I said

"So why do you think something is wrong?"

"Because nobody is ever fully okay."

"Well maybe something is wrong with you!" He pouted

"Don't say that, I'm being serious."

"Katsuki I'm fine, you should worry about yourself more."

"I have to worry about you, someday we'll be staring at the sunset together with kids."

I looked at him while he stared into the distance. Tears brimmed his eyes but like always didn't fall.

The only thing I need to know is what is going through his head. I can't protect him from this cruel world unless I know what's wrong.

"You'll have to find me."

"What do you mean?"

"Let's play hide and seek!"


What am I supposed to wear? Shoto and I usually choose each other's outfit or match. But now I have to make my own decision.

It's not like I can't do that, I just wish he was here. We've always needed each other.

I can't remember when we didn't. We are the others happiness. But now my happiness has just disappeared.

Literally nobody else realizes that something is wrong. If he isn't at school I need to figure something out.

"Katsuki come down here! Breakfast is ready!" The old hag yelled

"Give me a minute!"

I quickly put black ripped jeans and a red sweater on. Can't forget my socks and white shoes.

Opening my door and walking down the stairs I smelled all the sweetness. Grabbing a plate and waiting for my mom to get out of the way.

"Are you excited for school?"

"Yeah, I really hope Todoroki is there." I smiled slightly

"He might be sick." She sounded upset

I shrugged," Maybe, but he usually isn't."

She walked and sat the table. I put 2 pancakes and a chocolate chip muffin on my plate. Then pouring some syrup on top of the pancakes.

I sat at the table across from her. She didn't even look up at me. All that happened was her cutting and taking bites of her food.

She knows something I don't. How does she know something about Shoto? I know everything before anyone does.

"Do you know something?"

"No, he'll probably be at school." She finally looked up

"What if he isn't?" I asked

"Best to assume that he's sick." She shrugged

I shrugged and started eating. Today I'll find something out. If he isn't there the best thing is to ask his mother.




"Be good today, please?"

"I have to go."

I looked out the window trying to find Shoto. Classes are gathering outside of the school. But he wasn't anywhere that I seen.

"Have a good day."

The car behind us honked at us. My mom's grip on the steering wheel got tighter. She gets angry when people do it.

My hand reached for the handle. But I stopped, I have no other friends. If he really doesn't come I'll be alone.

"Can I skip today?"

"Katsuki! Don't be nervous you have lots of friends."

I can't just tell her I have none. Biting my lip I opened the door and closed it after I left.

Walking to my class area I stood there nervously. People are staring, do I not look good?

If only I realized something was wrong with Todoroki. He would be standing next to me, holding my hand reassuring me with his huge smile.

But he's just cold air now. Like the sun was gone and now things are cold. Todoroki is my sun, bright and warm. Without him I'm just empty and cold.


Thanks for reading and voting! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. We are now getting more into the story! I might only be able to write 1 chapter tomorrow so should I write one for this or Shadows of Dragons?

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