Chapter 4: On my way

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Bakugou's pov


"Will we be together forever?"

He was sitting on my bed. Staring up into my eyes like he needed me. I've always thought I needed him more. But these moments he needed me more than anyone.

"Of course! I won't ever leave you."

"Even in the last moments?"

"I'll hold you tightly to my chest holding your hand."

"But what if we aren't together?"

"Then I want you to think of all of our memories. Don't think of how tears will be rolling down my face or me pleading your name. Just think of us smiling together, or the future we could've had."

"I wish I could promise I'll be in yours."

I looked at him this was the first time tears actually rolled down his face. The look of sadness and despair was painted on his face.

My hand gently held his. It was cold compared to mine. I smiled gently and kissed his cheek.

"Why are you crying?"

"Because Katsuki I only want to be with you but it won't happen!" He sobbed

"Why not?"

"Because I'll be gone! You'll move on and be happy and I'll be stuck in time!"

"Shoto, I won't ever move on. We will be together for so long so stop worrying about it."

I cupped his cheeks and stared into his beautiful glossy eyes. He should know I'm serious. My lips gently pressed against his with passion.

I should've actually worried about what he said. Realized that he was worried about us. But I was too naive to connect everything.


He never arrived at school. The only thing flooding my mind throughout the day was worry or panic.

I realized that I have to talk to his mother. She always seemed the kindest in their family. But Shoto acted like something happened with her.

He kept a lot of things from me. Like how he got his scar. The response I got was always the same. 'Everyone that was there knows.'

Well clearly I know that. It makes sense that they would know. But I wasn't there so I wanted to know what happened.

After school my mother always wants me to go to the library. She says 'What if you go missing? At least I know someone saw you at this time.'

But Shoto was the opposite. He didn't want anyone knowing where he was. Especially his family which is why I'm scared to go.

The way he described all of the family members was disturbing. His father is a man with huge muscle and yells a lot. His mother is like a sweet strawberry ice cream but can quickly melt to as tart as a lemon.

Touya, his oldest sibling is very closed off. But very protective of his siblings so that's good. Fuyumi is the second oldest, he said she was like apple pie. Natsuo plays a lot of sports. But he's very friendly once you meet him.

I walked into the library and checked in. Usually I study but today I'm busy. I'm not going to act like this is normal.

Todoroki is gone and I have to find him. I quickly left and started walking to his house.

Most people hate this part of town since rich people live here. Lots of crimes also happen.

Surprisingly it looks like nothing ever happens. Police here clean or repair things quickly.

But they don't respond to cases quickly. For example, a missing persons case could be filed. They wouldn't find them until years later or maybe never.

This is why I have to find Shoto by myself. I don't need help from anyone. He's the love of my life I'll bring him back to me.

Then he won't have to worry about not being in my future. Because he would be my future.


Thanks for reading and voting! I hope you are enjoying this story. Also staying healthy physically and mentally.

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