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Scar pov

I flew for a while, admiring the soft grass and flowers, until I got to the mountains, and began looking for the one grian had pointed out a while ago.

I saw the small hermit sitting down on the stone of one of the mountains, just messing with random blocks, and I flew down next to him, surprising gracefully.

"You're getting better at landing " he commented quietly without looking up.
"Tch, ok little man, thank you for the compliment"
"I'm not little, you're just a tall freak" he stood up and had to look up a bit to make eye contact with me. (I have no idea how tall scar is so I decided he's tall and 6,8)

"Mhm? So, what're you doing here? You don't have any of your building stuff, so I'm certain you're just avoiding things" he stared at me for a few seconds, then flicked me in the nose and tried to walk off. I lightly grabbed his hand and pulled him back, trying not to startle him.
"What?" He looked at me.
"You know what, we talked about this back in the desert Gri" I tried keeping my voice soft.
" Yeah I know- it's just, things-" he pulled away again, and continued walking off, so I walked with him.
" If you don't want to talk about it just tell me Gri, we're friends after all, I'm not going to pressure you"

are we even friends? I'm not sure at this point. Back in the desert I'm sure we were, but it's become more unclear. I don't know if he's my friend or-- something more? I doubt it, but it still confuses me.

"I know I know, it's not that I don't want to it's just- I don't know how?"
"Given that I'm assuming the nightmares are getting bad again?" I tried to clear my mind and focus on helping him.

"Yeah- impulse asked me yesterday if I could help him with a ghast farm- and I started feeling tightness in my chest, similar to the day it killed me. And then I passed out and had a bad dream of being chased. then drowning, and then falling in the nether" he explained quietly.

"You passed out? Is it from not sleeping? With the amount of phantoms that linger around you at night it wouldn't be surprising, you're like a lamp to them if they were moths" I tried to lighten the mood a little, though I don't think it did much at all.

" Err- sorta? Partially bloodloss-"
" Bloodloss-? Why are you bleeding? Did someone hurt you? " I started to panic a little bit, it wouldn't make sense for someone to hurt him. But people did in lastlife all the time, nothing really stops them from doing that here.

" No no- it was me- I hurt myself-" his voice got quieter, he sounded ashamed.

I let out a soft sigh and pulled him into a hug.
" Oh Gri. - please tell me before you do something like that again. " I said softly, beginning to trace tiny circles along his spine.

He seemed to hesitate before hugging me back, it didn't take long for him to start shaking. Seems like one of those cases when you hold too much in and all it takes is a hug to get it out.

The smaller hermit gripped the back of my coat with a tight grip, letting out quiet shaking breaths.
He buried his face into my chest, his wings laying limp on the stone behind him. Lastlife really messed him up.
It's unfortunate how we can't just escape it all. The watchers only recently allowed us to come here, but we still have to go back sometimes. Red lives still have the same look of bloodlust in their eyes, though they control that impulse better. We have two days before our next trip back.

"Scar..?" His voice was so quiet.

"Yeah.?" I continued drawing circles on his back with my fingers.
"I'm scared..I don't want to go back. I want them to just let us go. " His voice shook as he spoke, it broke me to hear the fear laced into it.
"I know.. we'll get free someday though. It's just a matter of time. We can fight back once they let their guards down." I tried to sound certain as I spoke, but he didn't seem to believe that.

"No..we won't be..this is my fault.." What-? Why is he blaming himself?
" Of course it's not. Why would you think that.?" Concern seeped into my voice, I couldn't help it. But he just stayed silent.

We sat in silence for a bit, my mind spiraled with worry. His weight started to shift onto me.
He went limp in my arms.
I quickly picked him up. He was so much lighter than he used to be. It seems he had just passed out.
Hey- mumbo? [Scar
Yeah? Is everything alright?[mumbo
Uhm- he said the stuff with the watchers was his fault for some reason, and then passed out. [Scar
Oh dear- take him back to your place, I'll meet you there.[mumbo
Alright. [Scar

I fix my elytra and hold him tightly, lighting a firework and quickly flying towards my home.

I land not very smoothly due to the added weight,and quickly go inside, mumbo was already there waiting.
"Hey- mumbo." I slowly walked towards him, holding grian close.
He stared at grian with a concerned look.
"I suggest we just let him rest. No point worrying about what happened, it's best to just ask when he wakes up." I said quietly.
"Yeah.." He kept his voice monotone

I walk into my room lightly setting grian on the bed. I placed the blanket over him, and placed a plushie next to him Incase he wanted to hug it in the middle of the night.
I stared at the small hermit a while longer. He hasn't seemed like himself.
I sigh and walk out of the room, cracking the door. Mumbo was seated at the table, still wearing a worried expression. I can't blame him. This is now the second time he's passed out. What on earth is causing him this much stress?

I sit down across from mumbo, he had a book set down in front of him, though he shut it as I sat down.
We sat in silence for a bit, before he finally spoke.
"There has to be some sort of pattern to this, right? Some consistency with what is causing him this stress?" He didn't remove his eyes from the leather cover of the book, and just seemed to be trying to sound hopeful, or even just help any small bit he could.
"Maybe. I think his nightmares might help us figure out what's up with him." It makes sense for the nightmares to be able to help us figure this out, the problem is getting him to explain them.
Mumbo shoved the book in his inventory, then hesitantly stood up.
"I should return back to my home. Just message me should anything happen."
"Right-. Will do." I mutter in response.
Cya scar."

He walks to the door and leaves.
Now I'm alone with my thoughts. Silence is violent. But it's too late for me to speak to anyone, they're likely busy.
We don't have long until we have to return to last life. God I hate that place, everyone here would be able to get along, but we can't because of that place. All the suspicious looks, quiet planning, and training. This is the only place reds and greens can get along, but still they don't. We need to fight back someday. I have a feeling grian knows more of this situation then others. He has a sort of magical ability, but I can't tell what.

I walk to a desk, opening a drawer and removing the bottom from it, beneath sat a notebook with a leather cover, soot stained the surface of it.
I close the drawer and sit down at the desk, gently opening the book to a page which was covered in words and diagrams.

I just need more time...

I'm sorry this took so long! Schools been stressful, and I haven't had much time to write. I try and make all of these at least 1000 words, so it takes a while.
Scar is being rather sussy though, I'd like to see what you guys think is in the notebook :3
Remember to eat and drink water, and take your meds if you haven't yet!! I love you!
1438 words

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