Chapter 6

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A/N: Hehe! Chapter 6! 6!

It's been two weeks since I have been born. It's not as boring as novels make it. Well..the routine is the same..but perhaps it's because i'm a baby?(not mentally of course but still). Other than sleeping, eating, and mother and father always come to visit me.

I really want to make them proud. So, I shall become a prodigy! Well...not like that will be hard..I mean..

I was a prodigy in my last life..

But the thing is ... is the body able to do it?

Well.. we'll find out.

2 days later

I did it! After practicing at night and when the maid wasn't looking, I am able to stand and walk and I can say mama and a way.. in my crib! I can't wait for my parents to come!

... about I smile? Um...I think about their happy reactions when I walk and talk! I smile brightly. And they will bring memory crystals too! So yay!

Suddenly warm hands took me up in the air. "Kya! Hi there my baby! How are you so cute! Squeee!" squealed my mother. My father was beside her with floating memory crystals.

Great! I turn my body around-as much as i can-an I reach out my hands to the floor.

"Oh! Does our baby wanna crawl on the floor? Awe" My mother said as she see's me reach out to the floor. "I'll record this!" said my dad eagerly. My mother gently put me on the ground. Yes! She moved a few steps away from me, although for me it would be several. But I shall do it!

Slowly I stand up. I hear surprised gasps from my parents. "He-he-he's standing up!" I start walking towards her. "And he's walking!". Half way I fall down. I guess that's my limit. My parents rush over to me. "Our son's a genius!" they both say simultaneously. Heh-let me show you more!

I stretch my hands out to my mother. "Awe! Calling for me my baby?" she says as she reaches out to me. Now's my time to shine! "Mwah mwah!" I said giggling. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-" she screams, her arms covering her eyes. My father leans in "Can you say papa? Pa-Pa." he asked pointing at himself, eyes shining.

And so, I reach out to him and say, "Bwah bwah!" smiling softly. "Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-" He screamed like mother. But instead of shielding his eyes, he clutched his chest-where his heart was-

"I recorded it! I got it!" He said kneeling on the ground hands up with the memory crystals in the air. My mother came in and also started kneeling as if worshipping a god.

What's gotten into them!? Was I so ugly that their broken!?

A/N: No😂😅The opposite reason-

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