Side Story- Angel-kun and Satan!?

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A/N: Dude- how do people make so much chapters? Or. Maybe it's just cuz i'm a sloth..( ノ ゚ー゚)ノ.. Sorry for not updating for such a long time- And whoever's reading this. God bless you- like- you must have a lot  of patience and be a very, very, VERY, good person- thank you for reading such a bad/novice novel-( '・・)ノ(._.') ('▽'ʃ♡ƪ) It's been so long since i updated... 😖 i swear i maxed out my lazy level. Me being too lazy, you wouldn't mind if i just make a quick, horrible side story right?? r-right? this is all 3rd pov.



Pure, graceful, beautiful, kind, passionate immortal creatures.

Their enemies for life is Devils and Demons. 


Cold, cruel, beautiful, graceful, wicked immortal creatures.

There's Demons too.

Creatures that follow and pledge their loyalty to devils.

At least.. that's what people think. 

A certain angry person is looking at a fight between two mortals showing in the air, floating in another dimension.

"What are you doing here devil!?" shouted the mortal- a priest.

 The other man smirked as he shrugged. "Don't i have the right to go anywhere i want little angel follower?"

People started to come over to watch. The crowd whispered and gossiped as they watched the verbal fight. The person watching this all frowned as his amber eyes narrowed in distaste. He heard everything the crowd was saying,

"There the opposites go again."

"I guess the holy ones and the dark ones can never mix."

"If  it weren't for the contract between to two parties I bet there would be an intense fight right now."

"I mean, i guess it's nature. After all, Satan and Angel can never be together without war."

That last sentence got to the man when he saw everyone agree with that person's words.

His handsome face scrunched up in anger and frustration. "What's wrong Levi?" Asked a gentle voice as the person rested their hand on Levi's shoulder. Satan hears him sit down behind him. Satan knows who it is before he turns around. Only one person calls him that nickname. 

Satan leans in to the persons body. Resting his head on his chest. Long strands of silver-light purple hair fell on Satan's face as he looked up to Angel-kuns- no, Razeil, Ziel's face.

A/N: We're transitioning the names from Satan to Levi, and Angel to Ziel.

Levi huffed. "I'm so frustrated with these humans! How dare they say you and me are enemies!?" 

Ziel's face just softened. Ziel knew how much Levi hated that mortals think him and Ziel are enemies. Humans. Foolish, arrogant, ignorant beings. Judging without even knowing what their talking about. 

Satan and Angel as enemies? HAH- stupid humans. Levi and Ziel are dating. Since the beginning! They are so close that they know each others true names!

God, Angel, Truck-kun, Satan, these are just names to be there. Al though, Ziel agrees Levi's fake name sounds more like a name then anything else. Gods, true immortals, are given fake names to be used and true names. No-one knows who gives them these names.

They just wake up in a blank white space with no memory whatsoever of their past. Just instructions of how they do their job, how their personality is, and their fake and true name. Even God-nim doesn't know. And for our true names? Their just... there. Ziel knows that nobody- no-one from any world or dimension knows that person.

At some point they just called the person "Creator". Al though, that person never took action. Anyhow, their true names were given to people we absolutely trust. As in a lover or the pull we have to a person who is allowed to have our true name. Anyway, those dumb humans for some reason think Ziel and Levi are enemies. ENIMIES

Ziel tsked. Levi heard Ziel's annoyed tsk. Levi's face immediately broke into a smile. Oh dear creator. What did Ziel do?

Levi turned his body to face Ziel. Sitting on his knees like Ziel.

"I knew it! Even you're annoyed right!? See? Let's just demolish them! Or if you'd like we could torture them in the best ways possi-", Levi said as though talking about throwing some used dolls. His amber eyes glowing with innocent excitement like a child finally getting what they wanted.

"No Levi." Ziel cut Levi off before he started talking about the best way possible to make their stay in hell. His best ways are really the worst unimaginable ways ever. Even other devils would be in shock and horrified by what Levi thinks.

Levi whimpered like a wounded puppy. Levi knew that Ziel wouldn't- couldn't agree with it with that personality of his but he was just so frustrated.

Ziel furrowed his eyebrows. He sighed. Finally, making his decision, he embraced Levi in a hug. Levi immediately made happy puppy noises.

Ziel softly smiled. Well creator, i passed another day of keeping mortals alive. 

Levi knew Ziel was a bit tired with dealing with him. So when Levi was thinking what to do to make his dear hunny bun feel better, he remembered just the right thing to make Ziel feel better. Levi got out of the embrace, standing up. "Hey! How about we go to the Helios empire? I hear their going a big festival 'cos the emperors are going to meet up! While we're at it, we can go see our little reincarnator!" 

Ziel smiled. "Sure." he replied taking Levi's stretched out hand.  No matter what people say, Levi and Ziel were each others other half. And they will stay like that forever. 


MINI THEATER (this is just rarely cuz i just remembered these 2💀)

Priest/Devil follower dude: Hey! What happened to us Author-san!? At least give an explanation!

Meh: Fine, fine. I DO, feel bad for u guys... here ya go..👇 and italic is the thoughts btw

*Ziel talking about eradicating humanity*

Priest: *shudders* 

Um.. Devil follower dude: *shudders*

Crowd: *shudders*

Priest/Devil follower dude:  THIS FIGHT IS FOR LATER!!!

Priest: HUMPH! *pouts*

Devil follower dude: *smirks*..cute..

Priest: *see's smirk* *blushes* ....handsome..

Crowd: .... What about us...

A/N:  Looks like "opposites" (through dumb human-in this place-thinking of course) are attracting like Ziel and Levi (of course, they aren't enemies just these foolish humans). And yet again, someone- more like people- was forgotten about...😅

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