Here's the Chapter 5

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A/N: Imma make this quick. I hope nothing bad happens.. I'm already pissed about the last "supposed Chapter 5". *sigh, I will write this just like my memory says how I wrote it before but i'm pretty sure imma change some stuff.

Lily's Pov


My parents named me Lily for my pink-lily like hair. Although, me and my parents don't know what the lily is called, for my parents are bakers. I'm a new maid in the Selene palace. Everyone is friendly here. I've been here for 4-almost 5- months.

A/N: Btw, Lily is 15 and a half years old. Here, people take jobs at 16 but you can get jobs earlier.

Apparently, today His highness, the Crown Prince is born! Such a coincidence! My little sister will be born in a week! After all, she's the reason I got this job!

A/N: heh heh heh..   


"Lily! It's time for your shift!" shouted an unmistakably loud voice that belonged to-Tina, down the hall. "Wah!~ You lucky girl!  You get to see His highness, the Crown Prince!" squealed Emily, "Of course, his parents are His Selene highness and Her Selene highness!". I just smile in response. A few days before His highness, the Crown Prince was born, maids were assigned their shifts to take care of His highness, the Crown Prince.

I'm one of the lucky people to see His highness, the Crown Prince on the day he is born- of course other than the older servants who were there when he was born-like-after a second. "Lily!"

"Coming! Coming!" I yell back. As I am starting to run down the hall I wave to Emily and say, "When my shift's over i'll tell you how he looks like!". "You better!" she shouted back, "Now you better leave or you'll get sued by Tina!"


"Haha! Coming, coming!"

When I got there I was greeted with an adorable sight. Her spring green eyes furious(in a cute way..although I don't know how she can look so cute with furious eyes..),  her cheeks puffed up, mouth pouting, foot tapping on the floor in an impatient way, with her arms across her chest. Squeeeee!!!! How adorable!! 

"Now, what do you have to say for your self young lady!?" She said. She's only a few months older than me, but for some reason she really likes the word "young lady". "What if the Crown Prince was getting kidnapped!? Your carelessness would be the end of this whole Empire!"

"Awe, don't be like that Emily. Me and Jake are here after all." interrupted Al, faintly leaning in. 

"Oh yeah? But what if your already dead or something?"

"Then you'll be here to whoop them" He said smirking, leaning in on her. It was faint yes, but I am pretty sure I saw here cheeks redden a bit. Awe!!! I soooooooooo ship them. Though, I don't think Al realizes his affect on her-but i'm pretty sure he likes her too; seen him stare at her for faaar too long- and how she blushes at him and how she just blushed faintly right now.

A/N: yes. the word ship exists here🤭

And yes, Al did say Emily could whoop or even kill the intruders. Yes, kill. Everyone in this palace can fight. Including me. But Emily is one of the "excellent maids" chosen by the head maid. These excellent maids are one of the best fighting workers/servants. I guess...Emily would be able to around...par a Selene mid-leveled knight. And Selene mid-leveled knight should not be taken lightly. They-one of them can fight/kill 200 people continuously. 

I can par on...a knight-apprentice at least. I don't know if I can kill..but I can least..15-20 people? Hm...

"Ahem. How about Lily goes in the room and do her shift instead of you two dillying and dallying here." Said a calm voice. I snap out of my thoughts to see Jake leaning on the wall. I saw those two blushing, and I felt my self too. But for a different reason. Sigh..he's just so dreamy...soft-peach coloured eyes that seemed to pierce a person's blue hair that seemed to glimmer on it's own..oh~, he's such an ideal man..

Eeek! Everyone suddenly turned to me. Oh-uh..look's like I shrieked out loud. "I-I-I" Stupid, stupid me! Why am I stuttering!?

"'ll be leaving!" I said already running to the door. With that, I slammed the door shut. Deep breath in- deep breath out..calm down Lily. Phew, I look around. In the middle of the luxurious room, there was a crib. Hm..can I look at the Crown Prince? I glance around, no-ones there. Quietly, I tiptoe to the crib. I look down and...

GASP-AN ANGEL!? I don't now how to describe him. Al though he's still a baby..NO WORDS CAN DISCRIBE HIM-HE'S JUST TOO ADORABLE!!

A/N: This is when our mc was deep in thought. So he didn't notice her.

He looked deep in thought. Seemed weird. A baby deep in thought. Suddenly, as if in conclusion from his thought he smiled so brightly I felt my self go momentarily blind. I remember when the head maid instructed us to run over to his and her highness if the Crown Prince smiles or does anything cute. AND THIS CERTAINLY COUNTS AS IT. I run over to the door, open it and yell, "The Crown Prince smiled!" 

With that, suddenly the Emperor and Empress appeared out of thin air. Each holding a memory crystal-ball shaped-in both hands. "Show us!" they both command. I rush into the room to see the Crown Prince smiling. I go momentarily blind as I shield my eyes, I also see the Emperor and Empress Blinded by him just as I have been. Then they started to hold out their memory crystals and when their crystal is full more crystals appear in the air.

A/N: Memory crystals are like the photo app in our device 

That day memory crystals were distributed to all the workers in the Palace to see the Crown Prince.

A/N: Sorry for the late update! My parents took me out to go to 2. 2 malls. TWO. AND WE GOT LOST IN BOTH OF THEM! :/

Anyway, next chapter i'll show pics of the characters shown here today. :)

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