Chapter 3

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A/N: Waah! I didn't update yesterday! I feel horrible as a writer.(┬┬﹏┬┬). I feel like i'm getting lazier and lazier.

"So, watch your words priest

"Ah-yes, your imperial majesty." He said as bowing down. It was faint but i'm sure his hands were trembling a bit.

"Forgive this man of his grave mistake. I shall take any punishment." He said calmly yet I know his words were sincere. "But for now, will you grant me permission to see the Crown Prince?"

My "father" didn't say anything. Though, he probably nodded his head or something. For the priest came nearer. I racked my brains to think of something. I may not feel anything as in emotions, but I certainly feel the pain in my body.

He came closer and exclaimed, "Oh my, our Crown Prince is certainly quite adorable!"

I finally got it! I hope this works. Oh,please be an idiot...

I smiled. Everyone is saying i'm adorable right? It doesn't matter if i'm not actually adorable or anything. If they see me as an adorable baby then me smiling should look even more adorable..


If this works, they will think I am a miracle baby who smiled when given birth to instead of crying like other babies. Not that I want to be a miracle child..

The Priest seems taken back. His eyes widened and his mouth turned to shape into a perfect little "o".  Was I wrong? Did he just say i'm adorable because it seems like I am born into a royal family? I "father" did say i'm a-The Crown Prince of this...whatever this place is. Does he think somethings wrong with me and experiment me?


His face immediately brightens. He grabs me and took me up in the air. Wah!~, I can see the whole room. While I was still examining the room, a sharp, cold voice cut through the air.

 "Just what are you doing, Priest" I turn to the voice. Woah..If looks could kill, I would be dead right now. With handsome feminine looks, his silver-blue hair that seemed to match the house theme, his crystallized blue eyes --that seemed to change depending on how you look at it and how the light seemed to position-- complimented his silver-blue hair and his sheen-porcelain skin, he looked like a god. Not God of course, but his looks can compare to a god. Again, not God.

A/N: Just imagine him with silver-blue hair pls

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A/N: Just imagine him with silver-blue hair pls.(┬┬﹏┬┬). I didn't want to chose another guy cuz I really like him. And if you don't notice, he has blue eyes. Currently, a light ocean blue but like the ml's description, his eye shade changes on how you see him/it.

He takes a deep breath in, and out. "Now Priest, would you like to explain what just happened and what your doing right now?" The Priest stops. "Uh.." He regains his compose and bows down with me in his arms. "Your imperial majesty, it seems that the Crown Prince is going to be a Bright Moon for this Empire's future! He will be a Great Emperor and a Moon we all need! He will make this Empire even more happy! He is a miracle Child!" He says, now holding me up in the air.

"I got it." Said the man as he swiftly took me from the Priest. He looks down to me, a soft loving smile playing on his lips. He looks up to the Priest. "You may go now, Priest." The Priest nods and leaves. When he leaves, everyone in the room starts to cheer. At some point it got a bit too loud and the man raises his hand up to silence everyone. And they did surprisingly. 

He turns to my mother and asks in a soft voice, " What shall we name him dear?" Huh!? This guy's my father? Huh, with two beautiful looking parents I wonder what I look like?

"How about..Adonis Kazt Selene"



I have two things to say.

1. I'm pretty sure that my last name and first name is Greek. The last one is fine. Though a bit feminine in my opinion. Moon? Seriously? Moon? Fine. BUT MY FIRST NAME IS THE ISSUE-LIKE WHAT- I KNOW 100% SURE THAT ADONIS MEANS A BEAUTIFUL OR PRETTY PERSON-A PERSON OF PERFECTION-LOVED MY APHRODITE-WTF-WHAT'S WITH THAT CRINGY NAME!?

A/N: This is a true fact. That whole paragraph is saying a true fact. I was kinda hesitant to make the last name Selene cuz it seemed a bit feminine but I really wanted the last name to be Greek (You'll find out why later) so I did it.


God: Finally, they were taking so long just to say their child's name. Let the game begin.

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