you're/he's drunk

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“You’re so drunk,” You remarked, flashing your curly haired friend a smile. Ashton let out one of his infamous giggles, leaning forwards until his face was pressed against the mattress. Your best friend called you up at about ten o’clock in the evening, obviously intoxicated and insisted that you come over at his place because he was lonely. His mother was out and Lauren was gonna sleep over at her friend’s house, and Harry was asleep - so he had nothing to do and no one to talk to at this hour. You agreed to come over, you were bored as hell and his house was only a few minutes away so why not? Ashton lifted his head from the mattress, peering up at you with his hazel eyes and shook his head, “I’m not drunk!” He pushed himself up, shrugging, “Maybe just a little bit.” Ashton fixed the red bandana wrapped around his forehead, and gave him a huge grin that showed almost all of his teeth. “So, why did you invite me here anyways?” You asked, leaning back to rest your back against his bed’s headboard. “I was booooored,” He whined, wiping one eye with his finger. “And I wanted to talk to you.” You chuckled, knowing that Ashton was a deep drunk and usually says whatever he wants to say whenever he was intoxicated. “About what?” Ashton scooted closer, a pink blush rising to his cheeks when he pursed his lips. “Lisa,” He muttered, and you swore that you could hear your heart breaking as that name rolled of his tongue. Lisa was one of your friends, she was very attractive and you knew that Ashton really liked her. He’s had a crush on her for months now, but he hasn’t actually tried to do anything with her because he was afraid. You were glad that he hasn’t really done anything - it was selfish of you, but you didn’t really care. You were in love with him, and seeing him pining after someone else just killed you. “What about Lisa?” You asked, faking a smile as you tried to mask the aching in your chest. “I think I-I love her,” And that was already enough to break every last piece of your heart. You just faked a huge smile, nodding as you pretended to listen to him talk about the girl he now loves, trying your best not to let the tears escape your eyes.


“Michael,” You drew out a long moan, as the said boy’s pink lips began to work their magic on your neck. Running your fingers through his dyed red hair and tugging at them, you let several profanities escape your lips as he continued to suck, bite and kiss on your skin. To be perfectly honest, you haven’t known this boy for very long. In fact, you’ve only just learned his name about an hour ago, when you met for the very first time in a bar. You’ve never even seen Michael before tonight, but the only reason why he was currently trying to leave as many hickeys on you as possible was because you were a distraction. Michael was just like you - he decided to get drunk off his arse tonight because his girlfriend cheated on him with her best friend, and they’ve been fucking each other for months behind his back and he walked in on them fucking on her “god damn” couch. You came to the bar to get wasted too, because your boyfriend broke up with you because “he never really loved you” and you felt like complete shit, so you ended up drinking about half a dozen beers. Michael sat down beside you, obviously just as intoxicated as you were, and you two began to share your stories with one another until he suggested something. He said that “because we are both trying to ease the pain of a broken heart, maybe we should try distracting ourselves from the pain together”, and this was what he came up with. You didn’t really mind, you thought that it was a good idea to forget all about him by hooking up with Michael, and it was actually working so far. Michael was doing a great job at doing his part, fulfilling his role as a “distraction” quite nicely. Michael detached his talented lips from your neck, and they curled upwards into a smirk, “My name sounds so good coming from your mouth, kitten,” His little nickname for you made you blush, and Michael’s lips quickly found yours again. This was what you were going to do, you were going to hook up with Michael (with no strings attached) to forget about your dumb ex boyfriend who broke your heart. You were going to do exactly that, but you never thought that you would ever fall for your distraction, that never even crossed your mind.


“Oh my god, I love puppies so much,” Calum giggled, leaning into you so that more of his weight was placed onto you. You groaned, pushing him off a bit so you didn’t have to bear his entire weight - he was much taller than you were, which meant he weighed a few more pounds than most of the guys your age so it was harder to accompany him. “Yes, I know just how much you love puppies, Cal,” You huffed, making your way inside your room, which you thankfully left open before you left tonight. Today was Michael’s 19th birthday and naturally, he would want to party with everyone else (because he doesn’t usually party, this was one of the rare days that he would) and parties usually involved alcohol. Your boyfriend got completely wasted tonight, downing cup after cup of beer for no apparent reason. Apparently, it was “the greatest beer he ever tasted” and “if that beer was a woman he would definitely fuck it into oblivion”. You were with him during the party, but never got the chance to even touch one cup of alcohol because you were too busy keeping an eye on him the entire night. You were glad that you didn’t, because if you ended up tipsy or drunk like Calum, then this night would have been a disaster. “I really want a puppy,” He pouted as you guided him towards your bed, pushing him down slightly so he was sitting down on the edge of the bed. “I know you do.” You huffed, rubbing your hands over your face. “But I want to buy a puppy!” He started pounding his fists on the bed, his bottom lip sticking out even more. You were about to reply to his sudden outburst, when he quickly added, “I want to buy Y/N a puppy!” You raised your eyebrows at his sentence, heaving out a deep breath, “And why do you want to buy me a puppy?” Calum let out a giggle, as he fell onto the bed. “Because it’s our anniversary soon, and I want to give her a puppy to take care of while I’m gone.” He murmured, before he passed out for the night.


“Hey, come here,” Someone scolded, wrapping his strong arms around your waist as he tried to keep you at bay. “Noooo,” You groaned, as you tried to push on this man’s arms but to no avail. “I don’t wanna come ‘ere, I wanna.. I wanna.. Give me booze!” You felt yourself being lowered onto something soft very slowly, and you could feel this man’s breath fanning on your cheek. “No more alcohol for tonight,” He said, placing a hand on top of your head. You didn’t really know why you ended up drinking… like, 6 maybe 16 cups of whatever they had downstairs but hey, it was all worth it. You felt like you were going to throw up any moment though, and your body felt like it was on fire and you wanted to strip down to your underwear so badly. But you couldn’t, this person - boy, whoever he was, was still here with you. But his voice and face looked kinda familiar? You don’t know, everything was pretty much blurry at this point and you just ended up closing your eyes. But even if you did close your eyes, there was only one person on your mind even if you were completely wasted. “Luke!” Your eyes shot open, and you sat up, hugging your knees close to your chest. Luke was your best friend’s cousin, and you were pretty much infatuated with him. You might even be in love with him, but you wouldn’t even dare tell anyone that. But you were pretty drunk right now, and your filter didn’t exist when you were drunk out of your mind, so you started crying to this boy about Luke Hemmings - the boy who stole your heart within a few months of knowing one another. You ended up spilling everything you thought about Luke, and how you felt about him to this familiar looking boy, and he just listened intently. Finally, you were finished and ended up leaning into the boy as your consciousness faded away. And as you were sleeping soundly, a chuckle escaped the boy’s lips as he placed a soft kiss on top of your head. “I love you too, Y/N.”

dedicated to @KerryHoran

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