You hate each other but they lock you in the same room (Part one)

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You hated Ashton Irwin - he was the drummer to your best friend’s band, and because he was, you had to see his face every single time you came over at Luke’s house. You always hung out with Luke because he was the only person you talk to, you weren’t good with making friends because people thought you thought negatively. You didn’t want to think negatively, but sometimes, you just couldn’t help it. Ashton returned your hatred for him, making your hatred mutual for one another. You didn’t like him because you thought he was annoying and too jolly, he was always smiling and happy. You didn’t understand why he was always happy and laughing even if things weren’t going his way. Was he really that happy that life didn’t go his way, or is he really just stupid? You didn’t understand the logic of smiling when something goes terribly wrong, it just seems inappropriate to smile and laugh when that happens. The boys noticed how the both of you would act when you’re together, and you can tell they wanted you two to start getting along. This was the reason why they had the two of you locked inside the attic of Luke’s house right now, and they wouldn’t let you out until you and Ashton make amends. You glared at Ashton from across the attic, your arms folded across your chest as he looked at you with a frown. “You know that I absolutely despise you, right?” You spoke up, making him nod slightly. “I hate how you’re always smiling and I hate how you’re always happy. I hate your annoying laughs - all of them, from that annoying giggly school girl laugh to that old man kind of laugh. I hate the way you would look at the boys with a smile, but when it comes to me, the smile would be replaced with a frown. I hate the way you look at me with such hatred, but I look at you exactly the same way. I hate how you can stay positive about things even when things are unfixable anymore. I hate your whole being, and I hate everything about you,” You felt like you needed to get this out of your chest, and it felt really good to tell him the things you hated about it. He didn’t flinch or grimace at your words, he just kept looking at you with a frown on his face. “The feeling is mutual, although I don’t understand why you’re always so negative. When I see you, you always have a scowl on your face and you’re always in a sour mood. Why don’t you smile more? Life is too short not to smile after all,” he says and shakes his head. “I absolutely hate your attitude as well, your attitude is the worst thing about you. But,” You quirked an eyebrow at his sudden pause, and watched as he took a deep breath and let it escape his pink lips. “Even though I hate you, I don’t understand why you’ve been in my mind so much these past few days,” his words made your eyes widen, and your lips parted, you wanted to say something but you couldn’t. “I don’t understand at all, I’m supposed to hate you but I can’t help but feel drawn to you. I’m confused,” he runs his fingers through his hair, and walks toward you. You wanted to run, but you knew it was no use because those stupid boys locked the doors. You just stood still and swallowed when he stopped right in front of you, and you looked into his eyes. They didn’t hold the hatred they used to hold - they looked at you lovingly and with so much warmth, it made your cold heart thaw. He cupped your cheek with his huge hand, and his touch sent shivers up your spine. He pressed his lips against yours gently, and you kissed him back, your lips moving slowly with his. You could feel a million sparks fly in the kiss, until he pulls away slowly. “I know how I feel now, thank you,” he says, and takes a few steps away from you. That was when the boys peeked in through the door, and Ashton quickly took his leave, leaving you standing there in confusion with your hand on your lips, trying to process the events of this afternoon.


You sat on the floor with a scowl as you watched Michael Clifford laugh, his eyes closing when he did. You didn’t like the dude at all, mainly because whenever you were around, he would always tease you and annoy you about almost everything, and it got on your nerves. You knew he didn’t like you since the day you met, and you’ve had a mutual dislike for each other ever since. He had the upper hand though, he knew what got on your nerves and knew exactly what to do or say to push your buttons. And you didn’t, which made you feel powerless over him. “Alright, it’s my turn!” Calum announced as he spun the bottle on the floor, slurring slightly. You were over at his house because you were pretty close, and you watched all of them get drunk. Ashton brought a few drinks over because they guys wanted to get drunk, but you didn’t really drink so you weren’t as drunk as they were. Neither was Luke of course, he just drank some Kool-aid and laughed as he watched the bottle spin on the floor. Your lips curled into a smirk as the bottle stopped at Michael, and he stopped laughing to look at Calum. “Truth or dare, mate” Calum asked, taking another swig. Michael let out a scoff, “Dare, of course! I’m not afraid of anything,” You rolled your eyes at his statement and Calum tapped a finger on his chin, thinking of a great dare for the pale boy. “I dare you to..” Calum’s eyes flickered towards you, and they lit up, making you swallow. This can’t be good, you thought. “Play seven minutes in heaven with Y/N,” Calum continued, causing the two blondes to cheer and high-five each other, and the dark-haired boy to mutter profanities under his breath. He had an evident frown plastered on his face as he looked at me, and let out a sigh when he stood up. “Come on then, unless you’re scared of doing this?” He chuckled, walking towards Calum’s closet. You didn’t want to back down from this - even if you hated him, you were still willing to spend seven minutes with him in a closet if it meant completing a dare. You entered the closet after him, and heard the boys lock the door behind you. You sighed, turning to look at him but he caught you by surprise and shoved you up against the wall, his lips finding your almost immediately. You tried pushing him away, but being a boy, he was far too strong for you, making your efforts pointless. His lips continued to move against yours, and you found yourself kissing him back, making him smirk in the kiss. He was a really good kisser, and his lips were just so plump and they felt amazing against yours. You felt his tongue swipe against your lips, and you opened your mouth to let his tongue in. Your tongues danced, and you began to run your fingers through his black hair. His hands found their way to your ass, and they held them with a firm grip. You wrapped your legs around his waist and gasped as he pulled away, focusing on your neck rather than your lips this time. He left open mouthed kisses along your jaw down to your collar bone, and you let out a quiet moan when he bit onto the skin. He presses lips against yours, and continued your heated makeout session for a few more minutes, before he stopped and pulled away. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, and looked at you with a smirk, “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that,” You took a minute to regain your breath, and watched as his tongue licked his swollen lips. One second he says he can’t stand you, but the next second, he would shove you against a wall and begin making out with you - he drove you crazy in a good way but in a bad way as well, and your heart dropped when you heard the door click, signalling that seven minutes have passed. He opened the door and exited, but not before he shot you a wink. “Damn that boy,” you muttered as you took in deep breaths, trying to calm down and regain your breath.

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