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Michael: "I have been at your house a million times and never once have I been in here." Michael gasped as his eyes fixated on the new room he had just walked into. You let out a small chuckle as you stepped aside letting him wander around the room. "This room isn't a room I like to show people, plus it's hidden anyway." You shrugged your shoulders nonchalantly. His back was turned to you and you noticed him looking on the shelves of the dusty bookcase. "Look at you!" His voice was full of joy. "You were so chubby!" He turned around and held a small picture frame of you at a water park with your brother when you were seven. "I wasn't proud of that moment. To be fair, I didn't even want the picture to be taken." You reached forward for the picture frame and Michael gladly handed it over to you. "This is God awful. Why did my mother make me wear that bathing suit?! I clearly look like a balloon." "Oh, stop." Michael shook his head, taking the picture away from you. "You were cute then and you're absolutely breath taking now." He leaned in and kissed your cheek softly making you smile.

Ashton: "No way!" Ashton cried with laughter. You looked over at him and you looked at him in horror after you realized what he had just found in your basement. "Ashton. Please don't look at that!" You yelled as you got to your feet and ran over to him. He turned away from you and opened the album, flipping through the pages and smiling at every one. "You were so cute, what happened?" He joked, turning around and flashing you one of those famous smiles of his. "You're a jerk." You grunted, trying to get him to give you back the large book. "Babe, it's just baby pictures what's the big deal?" "I - nothing..._ "Exactly. You still have those pinchable cheeks." He grinned over at you, pinching your cheeks in the process. You swatted his hand away causing him to laugh at you. "Oh, stop. I'll put it away just because I love you." "Thank you." You huffed and walked away from him, going back to cleaning the basement.

Calum: "This wasn't here before." Calum pointed out as you were walking up the stairs to get to your room. You leaned against the wall and laughed. "Yeah, my mum wanted to decorate the walls up here so she put our baby pictures up. She said it was too plain when you walked up here and this is the result." "Awh," he cooed, looking at every picture on the wall in front of the two of you, "Is that one you?" He pointed to the small baby that was sat in a high chair with spaghetti all over their mouth and in their hands. You smiled at the picture and nodded your head. "Mum said that I refused to use my spoon that she gave me and I always used my hands. I wouldn't even eat it when she tried to feed it to me. I was a messy kid." You laughed as you continued looking at the pictures. "Still have a huge smile on your face that is so damn contagious." He turned around and grinned at you. You returned the grin and looked down at your feet. "You're cheesy." You shook your head and began to walk up the stairs, Calum following behind you.

Luke: "And this would be my grade eight graduation and - Luke? Are you looking?" You asked him. His head immediately snapped up and looked in your direction. "Sorry, what?" "I was showing you my grade eight graduation... Like you had asked me to do..." "Sorry, (Y/N). I got distracted." He looked back down at his phone and you frowned. Maybe he was texting another girl and she was more important than you. "Um, okay, I'll just turn this off then." You got to your feet and walked up to the television and unplugged the HDMI chord from your laptop. You looked over your shoulder and saw Luke smiling at his phone making you frown. "I'm going to my room. If you want me I'll be up -" "You never told me you rode an elephant when you were younger!" He finally looked up at you and you stared back at him in confusion. "W-What?" "Your mum sent me some pictures of you when you were little. This one is you on an elephant," he began to scroll through the pictures. You wandered back over to the couch and sat down beside him, "And this one is you on your dad's shoulders at an aquarium," Luke continued to babble on about the pictures your mum had sent him and you just shook your head at him. "You're that entertained with pictures of me when I was younger?" "Yes, because you were adorable. Is that a problem?" He laughed, shoving his phone in his pocket. "No! No... I just thought -" "You're cute when you're flustered." He smiled at you and moved closer to you, wrapping his arm around you tightly.

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