All of the Stars (His POV)

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Ashton: "It’s just another night and I’m staring at the moon, I saw a shooting star and thought of you,"

"Yeah, good night mate," I chirped into the phone with a huge smile, convincing my band mate that I was perfectly fine. I heard Calum’s voice from the other line, asking me if I really was sure and I reassured him once more that I was okay, and that I was already over it. "If you’re sure," Calum said, and I could hear some crashing in the background. Michael was sleeping over at Calum’s house tonight because they were going to watch all three Spiderman movies starring Tobey MaGuire, as well as the two new reboots of Spiderman starring Andrew Garfield. I would have joined in and watch with them, until I remembered what date it was today. Calum and Michael knew about it too, so they were okay with me skipping out on tonight. The three lads have been doing their very best in occupying my mind today, and  I appreciate what they were trying to do, but I knew that it was just no use. If you were wondering where the youngest one was, Luke was with spending time with his family tonight, which was why he couldn’t come along with the other two. "I’m absolutely sure man," I ran my fingers through my hair, pushing my hair back when the curls started to get into my eye. I leaned back into my couch and rested my feet on top of the coffee table positioned in front of me, "I’m feeling okay. You two just enjoy your movies, don’t worry about me." I could hear Michael’s screaming from the other line and Calum letting out a string of profanities before replying to me, "Alright man, just call me if you wanna talk or something." I nodded, as if he could see me all the way from his living room, "Sure, good night," He hung up after saying that back to me and I let the phone fall into the soft cushion of the couch. I eyed the unopened bottle of vodka I took out earlier and contempleted whether or not I should drink, but I decided against it because I knew drinking to forget this world wasn’t going to help me at all. I think I need a bit of fresh air and some time to think, yeah, that’s exactly what I need. I was on my feet in a matter of moments, making my way to the balcony of my parents’ house. I sighed in relied when I felt the cool evening air hit me in the face, walking towards the balcony railing. I leaned against it, smiling as I recalled the last time I spent time with that one person here. I closed my eyes, offering absolutely no resistance as the thoughts began to hit me once more. We were both seated on the balcony railing, looking up at the stars in admiration. She started to speak up and she placed her cold hand on top of mine, "You know, my mother told me that when people died, they would become one of the many stars you would see in the sky." Her eyes bore into me, as if expecting some sort of reaction and I cracked a smile, ruffling her hair, "That sounds pretty cool, I wanna be something as beautiful as a star in the afterlife." She shook her head, chuckling, "You know what? Every single person in the world is already a star when they’re born, but they get to decide whether to let their light burn out or shine brighter. And I’ve chosen to shine brighter than everyone else out there, I’m not gonna let this shitty world stop me from achieving my dreams." She turned to look at me, her lips tugging upwards into a beautiful smile, "You gotta promise me that you’re gonna try your best to achieve your dreams okay? You have to keep my words very close to your heart, because there’s no guarantee of the forever you promised me. We could break up at any time, but please promise me you’d do everything to reach your dreams, and I will do the same." I nodded, using my finger to make a cross above my heart, "I promise to keep yout words in my heart and do everything I can to achieve my dreams, cross my heart and hope to die." She giggled, repeating my actions before sticking her pinky out for me, "Pinky promise me this too." I found her childishness adorable and I couldn’t help but giggle as well, "I pinky promise." I locked pinkies with her and shook it, before placing a kiss on top of her head. I shook the memory out of my head as I concentrated on the moon this time, a weak laugh escaping my lips. I continued to stare at the moon, swimming in my own thoughts when a shooting star passed by, making my breathing hitch in my throat. A tear slid down my cheek and I wiped it away, smiling as I murmured the words, "I kept my promise," I found myself staring at the humongous star twinkling beside the moon and I knew that she was watching over me. She will always be watching over me, just how she promised she would before she died two years ago. "And I hope you would keep yours too."

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