Beside You (His POV)

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Ashton: ”Within a minute I was all packed up, I’ve got a ticket to another world, I don’t wanna go”

I sighed, as I picked up a few of my clothes from our closet. I glanced at the picture on my bedside - it was the picture of our anniversary a few months ago. I had my arm wrapped around your shoulder, and we were flashing huge toothy grins at the camera. We both looked so happy, and it seemed like we didn’t have a care in our life and no worries at all. I smiled as my eyes found the picture next to it - it was our first picture together, and it was taken backstage at one of my concerts. Honestly, I met her at one of my concerts and then I got to know her, and the more I got to know her, the more I fell for her. And now, here I am, head over heels in love with this gorgeous girl. I love her more than anything, I honestly do and I’d do anything not to see her cry. But as you all know, I’m in a band, and being in a band means being gone most of the time, and I’ll only be returning after a few months. We’re going back to the UK in a little bit, and I couldn’t bring her with me. I don’t wanna leave her, I don’t want to see her crying again. I wish I could just bring her with me, but I couldn’t do that as she has school. I put the clothes inside my bag, and I shook my head, trying to get the tears out of my eyes. I couldn’t leave without her, but it has to be done. I’m gonna miss her so much, it’ll be hard not to hold her, or touch her, or kiss her for an entire month. Long distance relationships are hard to maintain, but I just know we’ll get through it. I believe our love is stronger than this. I heard the door creak open and I turned to see her standing in the doorway with a sad smile on her face. “Hey,” she squeaked. I approached her with a sad expression, and pulled her in my arms. “I’m gonna miss you, Y/N,” I whispered in her ear and I felt her hand rub up and down my back. “I love you,” she whispers back. “I love you more, you won’t forget about me, yeah?” I asked, raising my eyebrows and she kissed my lips in response. She pulls away a second later and smiles, “I’d never forget about the one person who makes me feel this way,” Did I mention how much I love this girl and how perfect she is?

Michael: ”Sudden words are hard to speak, when your thoughts are all I see. “Don’t ever leave,” she said to me”

"Don’t ever leave," she says, as she tightens her grip on my shirt. She looks up at me with those tear-filled eyes. I felt my heart break into a million tiny pieces when her eyes met mine, and I pulled her closer as she continued to sob into my chest. I was leaving today and I’m supposed to head to London with the boys, we’re going to stay there for a few weeks and she hated it when I had to leave. I hated it too, I don’t want to leave her. Saying goodbye is the hardest part of leaving, and goodbyes with her are just so fucking painful. I felt my chest tighten even more as I thought about the pain of leaving her again. I already feel like shit having to leave her behind though, and I really want to bring her with me. But I can’t have her skip school and leave her family for a few weeks, I just couldn’t, I’m not that selfish. "I have to," I tell her as I kissed the top of her head. I could tell she still had lots of things to say, but she just couldn’t say it because the tears are overwhelming her. I don’t need words to know how she’s feeling inside - the tears have already given them away and I could see right through her. "Please don’t cheat on me while you’re there," I heard her whisper and I leaned away to look back at her beautiful eyes which were completely bloodshot. I could literally see the sadness and hurt in her eyes, and it killed me to see her like this. She didn’t deserve to hurt this much, and it killed me even more to know that I was the one who caused all this pain. I felt a tear roll down my cheek and I held her as tight as I could. "I would never ever cheat on someone as perfect as you, no one compares to you," I say as I traced random patterns on her back to help calm her down. She sniffed and hiccuped, as she buried her head in my chest even more. "You were crying at the airport," I began to sing softly in her ear. She chuckled when she heard the line, and she knew how much that part of our song suits our current situation. "..when they finally closed the plane door," I swallowed, feeling my throat dry up as I heard the final call for our flight. "I could barely hold it all inside," I whispered as I pulled away from her. She presses her lips against mine urgently, as a final kiss before I left. Once her lips left mine, she shoots me a smile, "I love you Michael, I’ll s-see you in a few weeks," she says as she wipes the tears away from her cheeks. "I’ll always love you more, Y/N!" I called after her, and once she was out of my sight, I could feel the sadness and emptiness without her again. God, I wish I could come back to her right now, I already miss her beautiful self.

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