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The next day, the video was all over the internet

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The next day, the video was all over the internet. I don't know who or why the person decided to upload it but Billie was mad. She was sitting on top of the granite counter in our kitchen, legs swinging nervously and head in her hands. Her phone sat next to her, repeatedly playing the audio of Billie yelling at Amber yesterday.

"Billie, you can't even see that you pushed her. It's literally a black screen." I tried to calm her down but the moment she lifted her head to glare at me was the moment I decided to shut up.

"Yeah, you can't see but you can hear!" Billie picked up her phone again and stared hopelessly at the blank screen. "I'm so fucked."

"You don't know that everyone is gonna think negatively of you." My voice was quiet as I spoke for I knew it didn't look too good for her right now.

"Oh, yeah?" She chuckled humourlessly and pushed her phone out in front of me where a headline in bold jumped off the screen.

Singer Billie Eilish ABUSES fan: Click here to find out more!

"That is literally the most stupid thing I've ever read." I scoffed and grabbed the phone from Billie's extended hand, switching it off and sliding it across the counter. "You don't need to be reading those right now."

"Mm, right." Billie agreed, spreading her legs in an open invite for me to slip between them. I did exactly that and my hands took their place on her hips. "Did you see anyone around that could've uploaded that video?"

"Billie, baby, let's worry about this later. Okay? You've been stressing about this all day." My fingertips lightly trailed their way up Billie's body until they traced the outline of her jaw. "Want me to run you a bath?"

"That'd be nice. A nice, hot, relaxing bath with my favourite person." Her full lips curved upwards into a sweet smile that had me wetting my own.

"Who said I was joining?" I teased, even though we both knew that was the plan all along.

"When do we ever have a bath without each other?" Her eyebrow was cocked and her lips were parted, and it was such an obvious sign for me to kiss her, so I did. It was a soft kiss, our lips showcasing a silent love for each other that needn't be said aloud. It was usually like this with Billie. Touch was our love language and even if we didn't utter those three words to each other, our gentle caresses and beguiling looks across the room were more than enough. However, I could see that Billie's eyes didn't hold as much light in them as they normally would and so the 'I love you' came out of my mouth after we pulled away without a second thought. Her lips curved upwards again and her head hung low as if she were shy. And she whispered the endearment back.

The words, as they usually did, brought a matching smile to my face so now both of us were a pair of smiling idiots. With a final squeeze of her hips, I took a few steps back so I was no longer in between Billie's legs. The wooden wine rack situated in the corner of the kitchen caught my eye as I was nearing the door. I gestured to it with a tilt of my head. "Bring one up."

I slipped away from the kitchen just as Billie had hopped off of the granite counter and made my way upstairs into the bathroom. It was a large, white room decorated with many plants and artwork that contrasted greatly with the bright paint. The bathtub was placed right near the corner, a shower facing directly opposite. I made sure that the water was warm before calling Billie up.

As I heard footsteps ascending the stairs, I started to undress. I pulled my shirt over my head and removed my bra, throwing it carelessly on the floor next to me. As I was kicking my jeans off, Billie entered the bathroom, her button up shirt already tugged open, revealing the black lace she wore underneath. In her left hand she carried two wine glasses, her other holding a red wine bottle. She shut the door behind her with her foot, and that sneaky grin reappeared on her face.

"Can't believe you're all mine." Billie cheesed, shamelessly raking her eyes over my now nude body. My cheeks reddened under her stare and my thoughts began to cloud over with nothing but Billie and only Billie.

"Stop with all the mushiness and strip." I demanded, grabbing the glasses and bottle from her hand.

"Fine, bossy." Billie shrugged off her shirt and removed every last article of clothing that covered her body while I poured both of us a glass of the chilled alcohol. We practically raced each other to see who could get into the bath first and I obviously won for Billie was far too slow.

"Hey! I wanted to hold you." She whined, begrudgingly getting into the bath with her back facing me. My arms immediately went to wrap around her waist. The hot water enveloped both of us, immediately heating our skin and relaxing our tense muscles. A comfortable silence filled the room as I allowed my fingertips to trace the skin of Billie's back, slowly gathering her blonde locks to put over one shoulder. Her head fell back against my own shoulder and I could see almost every single detail of her pretty face. How her eyelashes were so long that they tickled her cheeks, how pale brown freckles were scattered messily around her nose and how her lips, pink and plump, were parted in tranquility. My heart was so full of love for this woman and I was certain she didn't know the extent of it.

My lips found themselves kissing along Billie's bare shoulder, trailing across her neck and pecking the length of her jaw. Soft sighs were falling from her open lips that were replaying in my head, over and over again. I couldn't get enough, and so the kisses turned into sucks and those turned into little bruised marks that Billie scolded me for.

"Sorry." I whispered into her ear, even though we both knew I wasn't a bit sorry. I reached and grabbed my wine glass from the ground next to us and took a sip, the rich liquid replacing Billie on my tongue. My free hand unravelled itself from around the blonde's waist and snaked up to wrap itself around her neck instead, slowly titling her head backwards. I poured the red wine through Billie's parted lips drop by drop and tapped my finger lightly on her chin, urging her to close her mouth. Once she swallowed the liquid, she pursed her lips and I met them in a kiss, tasting the alcohol on her tongue. I hadn't planned on relaxing Billie in this way but when my hand ventured under the water and between her legs, she didn't stop me.

As the silence was soon replaced by heavy breathing and quiet moans, all thoughts about that video were gone. But only for now, as things were about to get a lot worse.

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