Chapter 15

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Meryl had set an alarm for 7am. She wanted to publish the article at 8am but wanted to make sure she had plenty of time in that morning. She took a shower after her morning sickness was done. She decided to wear hot pants and one of Maks' shirts for now. She just didn't feel like wearing her clothes.

Right before 8am, Meryl woke Maks up. She kissed him until he woke up.

"Mhmm Princess..."

"Wake up teddy bear. I have to post my article soon and I want you to be awake with me when I do it."

"Of course. Come on. Let's go get ready to post it."

"Let's go!" Meryl hops out of bed.

"Whoa wait a minute Meryl. Are you wearing my shirt?"

"Yes... I hope that's ok. I just didn't want to wear any of my clothes."

"Of course it's alright. You look better in it than I do." He pulled her into a kiss. "It's a little distracting though.

"Oh really?"


"Sorry but I have to go post that article." She walked away from him swaying her hips as she walked. At the computer, she pulled up the article and posted it on her Facebook page. She then made a post about it on twitter and Instagram.

"All finished. Now we wait for all the phone calls and notifications."

"I'm right here Princess. We are going through this together. I'll never leave your side."

The notifications started going off. The first phone call she got was from her parents saying how proud they were of her. Next, Maks got a call from his parents saying the same thing. After the conversations with their parents, they put their phones away and decided to go organize their closet so that they could fit all of their clothes in it. They left their phones on the bed. They agreed to only check them if they received a phone call.

Once they were finished in the closet, they decided to go make some lunch. While they were making a lunch of grilled chicken, mixed vegetables, and a side of pasta, Meryl's phone started ringing. She went to answer it.


"Hi, is this Meryl Davis?"

"Yes, this is she."

"Hi Meryl. My name is Olivia and I am a representative from Good Morning America."

"Oh hi..."

"Well I was calling wondering if you would be willing to come to New York and do an interview about you story."

"When would the interview be?"

"We were thinking Friday."

"Would my boyfriend Maks be able to do the interview with me?"

"Of course. That would be fine."

"Great. Can you hold for a minute? I just want to check with Maks."

"Yes I can hold."


"Yes Princess?"

"I'm on the phone with a representative from Good Morning American and they would like to know if we would come in and do an interview on Friday. You could do it with me. Do you want to do it?"

"I'm in if you want to do it."

"Great! I'll let them know...Olivia?"


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