1 day (end)

465 12 35

[name]'s wake
Camilo pov
Everyone in the town gathers in [name]'s house. They just died this morning. Mamá and papá insisted on cleaning the house for their wake. We got word of their will. It read

All of the people that are in the madrigal family have ownership to any land I have under my name

All of the money that has been put under my name is to be shared equally among the grandchildren of alma madrigal.

All of the valuables in my house go to the madrigals.

I am sobbing as the priest calls out 'close friends and family can come in to see them' so me, my siblings and parents and Julieta's family walk in.
I walk into the room their casket was in. It was the room we fell in love in. Beside the window I knocked on. At the bed we slept on. But in the coffin laying down, was the person that changed my life. That made me smile. That made me feel loved.

I thought I was going to be strong. My legs shake as I sob uncontrollably. Mamá hugs me as Dolores and Isabella start crying. I finally stand up and walk to [name], hoping to see a flinch or a grin. But there is nothing. Not a peep. I slowly smile. This is where it ends. This is where we end. This is the end. There isn't anything to say. There is so much to say.

Everyone else comes in. Even Amanda came. Dolores is sitting on a chair, covering her ears and crying. Dolores and [name] were close. Isabella is sitting down, tears streaming down her face. She is in disbelief. The room is filled with chatting and sobs. I leave the room. Their voice is ringing in my head. Wait. I remember the time with their sketchbook.

"You can read it the day I DIE Ya little shit" [name] joked. The day they die. Well that sure came faster than expected. I walk in the hallway, running my hand across the wall. The feeling of the house I fell in love in. The memories flooded in. All the jokes. All the hugs. All the moments. I then meet [name]'s parents room.

I walk in and the sketchbook is in the middle of the bed, almost like it's laid out for me. I take up the notebook and read all the stories. At the last page there is a note

I love you you shapeshifting shit

That's my [name]

I love you

To the moon and back

Edit: thank you for all the love😭😭😭😭

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