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"Well she's just bout the cutest thing I've ever seen." My momma states zooming in on the photo.

"Yeah I think so too."

"So when you going to ask her out?"

"I'm over in Germany. I ain't gon put her through that."

"Well if my memory is correct ain't your contract up after this month?"

"Yes ma'am it is."

"Well ain't you have teams over here looking at ya?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Then accept an offer in the states."

"Then it's done."

"Good." She says taking a long drawl from the old chipped wine glass.

"Well im gonna knock." I say drinking the remnants from daddy's old whiskey glass.

"Alright sweetie well im right behind you."

"Waylon still outside?"

"Yeah. Gotta keep the stock up till morning".

"Ok." I say patting the old dogs head a few times before standing up and walking to the door. I open it and hold it till momma walks through. I close and lock the door before hugging the old, stout women. We go our separate ways to our respective rooms. I walk into mine and shed my clothing. I turn on the old dust ridden box fan that sat on a gallon bucket next to my bed. I crawl under the thin covers and tuck my feet to fit the short twin bed.

I fall asleep quickly feeling loved.


The morning soon comes an old squealer starts warming up his vocal cords. His thick gobbled cutting through the quiet of the dusk. I run my eyes and sit up. I turn on my phone to see a plethora of notifications from the national team girls. I don't respond as I shuffle to the bathroom clad in only my underwear. I shower quickly and brush my teeth as well as running a comb through my hair.

I walk back to my room wrapped in a towel that was struggling to cover my tall frame. Unzipping my duffle bag and shuffling through it to pull out clean under wear and a t-shirt. I put the items of clothing on before stepping into my boots that had my jeans pooled at the ankles like turnovers. I pull up the tattered material and click my belt into place once it hit the appropriate notch. I pack my pockets full of the essentials and leave the room. Heading down the creaky stairs I smell bacon in the air.

Mommas bent over the stove tending to breakfast. She notices my present without turning around due to the creaking floor boards. "Darlin could you head outside. Mr.Mike will be pulling up any minute to sell our load. Help him load up and deal with payment."

"Got it". I say as I leave the house. I walk out to the feed room and open up the double doors. I remove the tarp to check the load before sitting on the end of the large trailer. Within 5 minutes I see Mr.Mikes dually pulling down our drive way. I wave over to him and help he back up. He shakes my hand as we exchange pleasantries. He checks over the load before backing up all the way and attaching the trailer. He hands me a Manila envelope full of what I can only assume is cash and says goodbye before pulling out of the drive I follow him to lock the gate behind him.

I jog back to the homestead with envelope in hand. Walking through the front door I see everybody but colt is up. The youngings are getting ready for school and eating before the bus comes round. Loading my plate with everything made and sitting at the head of the table. I hand momma the envelope as I eat before washing mine and the kids plates and packing up what was left of dinner.

They all run to catch the bus as I look at momma for the next task. "Your free today. Ain't nothing to due around the farm concerning you". She says shuffling through the stacks of bills she pulled from the large envelope.

"Ok. Well. Umm I'm gonna head into town. See what I can do."

"Ok." As I turn to leave I hear something shatter against the wall upstairs. I'm like a tick on a coon hound flying up the stairs. I throw open colts door to see a vase busted on the floor. "Who the hell do you think you are!" I practically scream at him.

That's when his gaze shifts to me. His eyes look like ufos and the blood dripping down his nose tells me enough.

"Who the hell do you think you are talking to me liek that." He just bout shouts at me before charging me. He gets a few good licks in as we grapple into the hallway. Each of us throwing our fair share of punches.

I get one good hit on him effectively putting him to sleep. I lay him on his bed and find his stash. I grab it and flush it down the toilet before heading back down stairs unbeknownst to me is the blood pouring from a split in my eyebrow.

"What in the Sam Hill happened to you?"

"Don't worry i handled it. I'm heading into town. You can join me if you want?"

"You go off. I have some things to take care of around the house."

"Well I can help you."

"No. Go off. Enjoy your last day here". That's when I know to stop fighting.

"Yes ma'am." I say walking to the front door and grabbing the keys. I leave the ranch in a cloud of dust. The stereo done been busted in a few too many times and can't play a station to save its life so I choose to play one from my phone. Rolling up to the only stop sign in town I pop in a dip and grab one of the old empty water bottles from the floor making a note that my cans empty. I pull up to the corner store that also held gas pumps. I insert my card and insert the nozzle before heading into the store.

I grab myself a case of Busch and walk to the register. "Log of Copenhagen Original Longcut."

"You got it." The cashier a young gun I didn't recognize says as he grabs my roll. I insert the card and sign my name before walking out to the truck. I drive around town for about two hours before I get a video call. I pull up infront of the library as it was the only place with a stable connection in this small ass town. I click accept and Kristies face covers the screen.

"Hey." I say awkwardly waving my hand.

"Hey. What the hell happened to your eyebrow?"

"Oh you know hit my head on a cabinet."

"Where are you?"

"Back home. There was an issue that needed me."

"Ok. Are you coming back for the game?"

"Yeah I fly out at four tomorrow."

"That's good. How's everything going?"

"It's going. Everyone's still alive."

"How are you doing?"

"Good. Umm I'm trying to play over here next year so that will help."

"Awesome. So Umm I sorta have a question for you". She says shifting her eyes to something off screen.


"When you get back. After the game Wanna go on a date?" She stammers looking off camera still

Short little update. Not looking forward to school. But the rams won so that's sick.

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