First day

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No one's pov

Almost everyone had a weird morning libra, Leo, Virgo, Pisces, Aquarius, and Scorpio woke up in each others arms. (Well you know what I mean)Gemini got yelled at from Taurus for eating her secret stash of food. Everyone else had a good morning woke up in there beds like normal. Everyone was in the dining room and there was an awkwardness air. Aquarius had enough of it and decided to speck sense she wasn't even eating bc she already ate. "Ok what happened bc I can feel the tension in the air and it's killing me."  Everyone was still quite until something was dumped on Aquarius head. It was slime, it got all over Aquarius she was really mad. "Ok who did this!" She yelled. Gemini raised his hand. "Gemini I'm going to kill you!!!" Gemini started to run for his life, while Aqua was chasing him and everyone was laughing. Later on, Aquarius came back with a smile on her face and she was skipping, she had a new set of clothes and the slime was gone from her hair, gemini was no where to be found. "Um Aqua what happened to gemini?" Taurus asked.

"Oh your boyfriend is a little tied up in the moment I'll let him free in a hour or two." Taurus blushed at the comment of boyfriend.

"Wha what are to talking about his not my boyfriend also I'm going to find him and untie him."

"Heh yeah right also if u free him you'll be in the same position as him." Her smile dropped which meant she wasn't kidding. Everyone made a mental note to not make Aqua mad. Everyone continued eating after an hour Aquarius freed gemini. Everyone was doing their own thing now.

Aries pov

I have to tell Aqua and the girls about what happened yesterday wonder why aqua didn't come when I yelled her name. I'll ask her that later anyways if I was them where would I be. I bet Taurus is in the kitchen, Virgo in the library, and maybe aqua in her room. I'll go to the kitchen first, and I was right Taurus is raiding the fridge.
"Taurus I need to talk to u" She stopped and looked at me confused.

"Uh sure about what?"

"I'll tell u later but first can you help me find the other girls?"

"Sure" then she went off to find the others. I walked to the library. "Virgo are you in here?"

"Yeah what do you what?"

"I need to talk to you and the other girls can you help me find them?" She gave me a confused look but shrugged her shoulder and said sure.

Time skip bc I'm lazy

"Ok so what did u need to tell us and why in aqua's room it's sorta creepy." Taurus asked.

"Hey! I happened to like my room thank you very much!"

"Sorry it just sorta is."

"Uh hey guys Aries needs to tell us something remember?" Virgo said pointing at me. Then it went quite for me to say what I wanted to. I was so nervous that I closed her eyes and said.

"Well me and Sagittarius kissed." I opened my eyes and libra, cancer, Taurus we're squealing and asking me questions like are you dating now, did you like it, and all that stuff. I looked at aqua and Virgo sense there the only ones who weren't asking me questions. Aqua had a smirk on and Virgo was smiling at me. Once they quite down I explained to them what happened. After that aqua whispered something to the others. I can't hear it what are they planning.

Libra pov

Aqua just said the most brilliant plan ever we told Aries to go to her room. Then we started aqua went to go get sag while we went to go find the master keys. We started looking in the living room. Ugh where are those stupid keys. We don't have much time. U know what I'll just ask the boys if they've seen it. They're probably in the gaming room. YOU CHEATED!! NO I DIDN'T!! Yup their in the game room -_-. I opened the door to see Leo mid way on punching Sagittarius in the face. I cleared my throat so they would notice me. Well it worked anyways "have you guys seen the master keys? Also sag go find aqua she has something for you." Sag went to go find aqua and Scorpio had sorta dark aura around him. I didn't think much of it, there were contents of no's. Then someone yelled I found it!! "Nvm someone found them cya." With that I left the room. Taurus found them she said they were in the food. Who in their right mind would put keys in food! Ugh whatever at least we found them. Now we just have to go to Aries's room. When we got there aqua was trying to hold the door. "Finally where have you guys been? Doesn't matter lock the door now!" She moved so Taurus could put the key in the hole and lock them. "Hey let us out!" Aries yelled through the other side of the door. "Sorry but no you and sagi are staying in there until you confess to each other!" Aqua yelled on our side of the door. After that we left and went our separate ways. Wonder how long it'll take for them to confess.

Sagittarius pov

What the hell jut happened, first I'm almost getting inched by Leo, then libra told me to go find aqua, then aqua shoved me in Aries's room, and now they lock us together until we confess. Man I tell you girls are weird and have crazy things going on in their minds that I would not like to know. Welp guess we're stuck in here and even if I did confess my feelings for her they all left so we wouldn't be able get out anyway. Besides I think she feels the same way bc we both kissed so I don't understand why they locked us in here. "Hey Aries?"

"Mmm?" She looked up at me.

"Why did they lock us in here?" She looked at me like I had 3 heads.

"Did you not just hear what they said we have to confess our feelings so they will unlock the door."

" I know but like why don't they know we already kissed? I think it's obvious that I like you and you like me." I said while blushing a little. When I said that her face turned red. She's so cute when she blushes. Then I thought came to my mind maybe they want us to be official like boyfriend and girlfriend. " I think I know why they locked us in here."

"Really why?"

"Heh I think they want us to make it official." I started rubbing the back of my neck. "Like girlfriend and boyfriend." She blushed again man why is she so cute. "Uh ok well wanna be my boyfriend" I smirked at this "well wanna be my girlfriend?"

"I asked first." She said while looking at me, and crossing her arms. "Heheh ok ok yes I'll be your boyfriend." She smile and walked over to me. (I don't understand how people write this) I put my hands on her waist and her arms on my neck. Then we kissed. We pulled apart so we could breath, then I remember we're still in Aries's room. "Hey Aries"


"We're still in your room." She pulled away still blushing. "Oh yeah, we should probably call aqua she has super hearing." I just nodded my head then we started to call out her name. 10 minutes later she came with the keys spinning around her figure, leaning on the door frame, and smirking. "So I take it your guys are officially a couple?"

"Yeah not can you let us out?" Aries asked sort of annoyed that she locked us in her room. She moved and went out into the hallway. We started leaving, with my arm over her shoulder. Aqua was leading the way to the living where everyone body was. They turned to us smirking. Aqua high-fived all the girls. I went to go sit in between Leo and Scorpio. "Hey dude finally got your girl eh?" Leo nudged me. "Heh yeah."  Everyone congratulated me and Aries,while Leo kept asking my questions, while I was ignoring him. He finally got that I was ignoring him and left me alone. After a while we all went to our rooms to sleep.

Aquarius pov

We all headed to our rooms for sleep. My first day back and I already made a couple happen. Heh how I love messing with peoples love life. I just hope we won't get attack at night. I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

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