Hanging out

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Sorry I haven't been updating I've been busy with school with exams coming up and I've been working on something else on Wattpad that will hopefully come out soon. When school is over I'll work on it more and hopefully update more. Thank you for reading my book still strangely.

Virgo pov

I woke up and looked out the window. It looks like the sun is still rising. I look at the the digital clock beside my bed it says it's 6am in the morning. I flopped back on to my bed. Why the hell did I wake up at 6am in the morning? Ugh well I can't fall back to sleep might as well do something. Wait doesn't aqua have training at like 6 maybe I can watch her. I got up took a shower and changed.

I got out of my room and went down the stairs. Hmm where would the training area be? Maybe I should just ask someone bc I would get lost in this giant castle. I saw Holly walking out of the dinning room with a cup of blood of course.

"Hi Holly could you please tell me where aqua is?" I said while walking towards her. She looked over at me and waved I waved back. "Sure she should be at the training arena com'n I'll show you." She turned around and headed into the kitchen, I followed. Then she turned to a door and opened it, and went down the stairs. How did I not notice that earlier? I followed her when I got down there I was amazed.

It was a giant gym, there were treadmills, dumb bells, a rock climbing wall, punching bags, and so much more. But Holly walked away from the gym and went into a another room. It had a giant dome and inside it was aqua with some other guy. Aqua was wearing a outfit that made her look like a assassin, her hair was put into a high ponytail, and she was wearing a silver blue blindfold over her eyes she was just standing there with her head down I think she's trying to us her other senses other than sight, that's smart I should try and do that too. The man that was in the dome with aqua with standing a few feet away from her with his hands behind his back.

I looked around to see Holly was gone guess she has to do something and left. I saw seats so I sat there while I waited for aqua to be done training.

30 minutes later

I felt a tap on my shoulder I swatted them away and turned to my left. "No wait-!" Before they could finish I fell on something hard which I think is the ground. I groaned and opened my eyes yep I was right I fell on the ground. I turned to see aqua with a hand out with a apologetic look, I took her hand and lifted my self up. Then we started walking. "So what were you doing down here?" Aqua asked.

"Bc I woke up at 6 in the morning and had nothing else to do" I responded.

"Hmm well you want some coffee?" She asked when we went into the kitchen. I just nodded my head. After she made the coffee we started to talk.

Some time later

No one pov
Soon everyone one was awake and came down the kitchen to eat, they all ate in comfortable silence.

"So what we doing today?" Aries asked

"You guys can do anything just don't make a mess in the castle I've got to babysit my cousins" aqua said finishing her food and washing it in the sink.

"Can we join you?" Cancer and libra asked at the same time.

"Sure" aqua replied.

"But what are we supposed to do?" Aries whined.

"I don't know eat, sleep, go to the library, train, go to the pool I don't know whatever you what" Aquarius said while leaving because she finished.

Capricorn pov

"Soo I'm going to go train cya" Aries said finishing her PB and J, how does she know where the training area is? Seconds later she came back "Um does anyone know where that is?" We all shook our heads no except for Virgo she just pointed to a door I hadn't notice before in the kitchen. Aries thanked Virgo and left.

I think I'll go to the library to brush up on some history and or find something about vampires. Just have to find where the library is man they should of really given us a map to this place. "Ok well I'm off cya guys later" gem said with a smirk wonder what's he's planing, probably to pull some more pranks.

"Hey do any of you know where the library is?" I asked.

"Yeah I'll show I was planing on heading there anyways." Virgo said getting up, wow she must of explored the place to know where these places are. I could hear some of the zodiacs snickering, whispering, and saying oooo but I ignored it and I guess the same for Virgo because she left after finishing and started leading the way, I follow.

When they got there

Woah this place is giant I could stay reading in here for years and it's so quite. "V, CAP Omg this place is huge!" Nvm I turned to see gem what is he doing here I thought he would be setting up pranks or something. "Shouldn't you be pulling pranks on people or something?" I asked.

"Ouch is it so hard to believe that I had come here to read a book?"  Gem said putting a hand to his heart to be more dramatic, I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, yes it is because you are never interested in reading a book"

He sighed "fine you caught me I came to ruin your little study date, but know that you found out I'll be leaving bye" I blushed a little when he said date I glared at him while he left. "Ok well why don't we continue our study "date" as gemini calls it" Virgo said putting air quotes on the word date. I sort of wish this was a date but maybe another time I will have the courage to ask her on a date.

Gemini pov

To be honest I have no idea why I was in the library I didn't even know that was the library. I need to find some stuff to us for pranks, aqua said that her dad and uncle prank each other all the time so maybe I can ask them for prank supplies. But for now I'll just do the classic toothpaste Oreo prank, I just need to steal some before Taurus eats them all. I went to the kitchen to see taur sticking her head in the pantry for snacks.

"Hey find anything?" She jumped a bit hitting her head, she groaned while rubbing her head while she poked her head out to look at me I saw her cheeks turn a bit pink when she looked at me.


"Well are there any Oreos?"

"Yeah but why do you want them thought you didn't really like them?"

"For a prank"

"Ohhh ok well here" she handed the Oreos to me I said thanks and kissed her cheek while I took it. I saw her face go completely red and flustered cute I thought while I left the room.

Taurus pov

Gemini just kissed me. MY CURSH JUST KISSED ME! I think I'm going to faint. No time for food I need to tell Virgo! If I remember correctly she said she was going to the library with Capricorn, welp sorry virgo but I'm going to need you. I headed out the kitchen but then I stopped wait I don't even know where it is ugh. Maybe I can just tell her later bc there's no way I'm going to find the library.

I started head back to my room, but then I spotted cancer and libra running and panting, and part of their clothes were ripped. I tried to hold my laughter while they headed towards me. Then I saw aqua behind them carrying Alice and she looked perfectly fine, her hair wasn't a mess and her clothes were ripped. What happened I thought they were helping aqua with her cousins how come they look like they got hit by a tornado?

"Um what happened to you guys?"

"Aquas cousins crazy" cancer said in between panting. I tilted my head and raised an eyebrow. If her cousins are crazy then how come aqua looks fine.

"Idk maybe kids just like her or something like she has a magic touch with kids." Libra said fixing her hair. Hmm maybe I mean Alice did copy Aquarius on sticking her tough out at her father, and reject her own farther to hold her so it make sense.

"Yeah I guess that's true, anyways I think you guys should fix your hair and change your clothes."

"Yeah" lib and cance agreed looking at themselves and waving bye to me, I waved back and started headed back to my room to sleep for the day. I brushed, turned my lights off and started to go to bed. But right when I was about to go to sleep I heard a ding from my phone. Who could be texting at this time of night? It was aqua. She text in the group chat to bring a extra pair of clothes for school, we're going to a special club after school, she has a surprise for us there. Wonder what it could be? I turned my phone off and started to head to sleep again.

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