16. Rooftops

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So, it turns out that one phrase from some movie I watched was true. Apparently spending time with someone is a good way of knowing about them. Despite Baring doing most of the talking, I learnt a lot about him. For example, the look he had when he was about to ask something he thought would be uncomfortable. Case and point now.


I looked down at the boy in my lap and smiled. Baring looked away before scrambling to sit up. Ruining the cool jock image I associated with him. Baring turned to face me, folding his left leg under him so that only his right leg dangled over the roof's ledge.

I turned in my seat so I could also look at him. He didn't seem ok but I didn't want to ask if he was because if I did then maybe he wouldn't tell me whatever he was going to say. My mind strayed back to our last kiss. Had I gone too far? Was this the point he would tell me he just wanted to see if I could fall for him? Stranger things had happened, right? Like the captain of the soccer team sitting on my rooftop with me.

"You know I like girls too, right?"

I nodded my head. Dread sipping in. Was he going to tell me he has a girlfriend? Was this the talk of I just want to be your ...

"You understand that means I am bisexual?"

I nodded, my mind crowded with what if's. Baring looked at me like I was missing something which couldn't have been true because he had just said two things. Two things I already knew. It wasn't a secret who his exes were. And it wasn't a secret that he was bisexual but he asked me like there was something deeper behind that question.

"And...you." he rubbed his palm over his face, "You get that? That..."

I sat up and looked at him again. I didn't understand where he was going with this. The definition of bisexual was pretty much cut and dry. Someone who likes both genders. Was I getting it wrong? Was there some secret like all bisexuals turn into purple unicorns every 23rd of each month?

I finally spoke trying to understand what was happening, "That you like both boys and girls?"

Ever since I got used to hanging around Baring, talking to him has become a lot easier. Sometimes I could even find myself starting the conversations but that didn't mean I was used to his friends yet. Although sometimes Henri signed to me. It was still weird but he did it anyway.

Baring stared at me like he was expecting some reaction from me. I didn't know what he expected me to do so I just stared back at him, "And..."

I squinted my eyes trying very hard to figure out what it was he was going to say. ‘And?’ I signed, reverting to my comfort zone.

"And." Baring heaved out another sigh and continued, "And you are ok with that?"

I nodded my head and placed my hand on his knee. I didn't know what to do because he seemed to be worried about this. But ... Didn't him being bisexual mean I had a chance to. So why would I not be okay with that?

I shrugged and leaned forward, "Yes, Unless you are doing what we are doing with someone else?"


"Are you asking me this because you are dating someone?"

Baring's mouth fell open and he composed himself pretty quickly before saying, "No. Just you."

"I don't understand the problem?"

"People don't usually want to date bisexuals. People always seem to think I am not straight enough to date a girl seriously and I am not gay enough to date boy seriously. So..."

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