28. I liked you first

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"Jackpot!" Caspian grinned, barreling through the door, "You guys won't believe what I found hidden somewhere in the...ow ow ow. Sorry, secret."

Caspian didn't get to finish his sentence before Henri pinched him. He raised the bottle of wine he was brandishing like a trophy and grinned, mirroring Daniel's grin. Daniel abandoned his controller, leaped over the beanbag chairs and reached over for the bottle.

Henri shook his head muttering under his breath,"This feels like a bad idea."

I leaned against the beanbag chair, watching Caspian turn to Henri with wide eyes and a smirk that seemed to grow the longer he looked at Henri. Those two were definitely going out, forget what Daniel said they had the looks of two people going out. I smiled to myself wondering how Caspian could end up dating someone like Henri; they seemed to have opposite personalities.

"Come on, Henri. It's not that bad of an idea. It could be fun. I am a lot of fun and so could you and a lot of fun things happen when people are drunk, Ask Baring." Caspian winked at Daniel with a mischievous smile on his face, "That's totally how he and Kira..."

Henri stomped on Caspian's foot causing him to yelp as he snatched the wine back from Baring. I laughed, drawing everyone's attention back to me as if they had just remembered there was someone else in the room. Caspian smiled. He looked at Henri and continued his monologue as if nothing had happened, "Anyway point is, we have exams in the next three weeks this will help unclog our minds. One last Hoorah before we have to be serious students, again."

Henri shook his head and with almost pleading eyes he turned his gentle gaze towards me, "Josiah?" Henri said, looking at me. I feigned ignorance turning my head sideways as if there was someone else in the room with my name. I pointed towards my chest and Henri smiled. His upper lip quirked up as he signed, 'Don't be swayed by these fools. Drinking sounds like a very very bad idea. Right?'

I chuckled, shrugged and smiled at my laces. To be fair I wanted to try it out, I mean who wouldn't, right?. This was my one and only chance to do something really stupid. The closest I had gotten to alcohol before was stealing some fancy alcohol-free wine that my mum had hid from me when I was in middle school. So of course I wanted to take this chance to try it out. When else would I ever get the chance besides what's the worst that could happen.

Henri groaned into his hands, "I can not believe that I am the only level headed person in this whole house right now. You agree with them? You also..."

I grinned, failing to keep a straight face. The idea was very appealing. And maybe it was a bad idea but one drink wouldn't hurt. It's not like I was going on a binge or something. And we were sharing the whole bottle amongst the four of us. According to science that meant I wouldn't necessarily drink a huge percentage.

"Yeah! See Henri, my boy over there knows what's up. That means you have been outvoted," Caspian said, showing us all his teeth. He looked over at Henri and smiled before adding on, "You don't have to do it if you don't want to. You can sit this one out."

Henri looked offended like Caspian had bruised his ego or something. Henri gave Caspian a tight lipped smile as he said, "There is no way I am choosing to be the sober one. That will not be a choice I will make willingly. Let fate decide who gets to deal with the aftermath. The sober friend always ends up dealing with everyone's shit. That's not going to be me. No way." Henri said, pulling the bottle from Caspian's hands.

"Ok, ok but we have to make it fun. We have to play a drinking game. It's the only way." Caspian said coming over to the small table, "Baring, get snacks and cups. Henri can open the bottle. Josiah and I can..."

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