30. Plans We Made

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"You are getting slower!" Kol yelled as he ran past me a second time.

I shrugged him off and pushed forward, gaining speed and momentum. Even with the cool morning breeze and sweat dripping down my temples I couldn't get Josiah out of my mind. The talk we had last night had kept me up all night, well after he had left. And now that I was awake, back at school and only a few metres away from him I was starting to see things a little clearer. Clearer than I did the previous night anyway.

Kol slowed down, letting me catch up to him again. With a smirk and the smallest shake of his head, he swung his arm over my shoulder and grinned, "This because of that new boyfriend of yours. I guess he isn't new anymore," Kol mumbled the last part as we started our fifth lap around the football field.

I propelled myself forward, slipping out of his grasp and I turned to him with a smile, "You didn't wake me up this early just to hear about Josiah did you?"

"No, but this seems like the only way I can get your attention these days."

I shook my head and increased my speed. He was whining. It wasn't like him to whine but occasionally Kol did get into the mood I had just never seen him do it to me. Usually, it was directed towards Joanna. I laughed because who would have thought there would be a day when Kol was whining about me having a social life. Kol was practically the King of every social scene. 

"You missed me?" I mocked, "You could have just called, you know. You always do anyway."

"I don't want to third wheel, so this was the only way I could hang out with you alone. You have completely written me out of your life, ever since you got a new boy toy." Kol's shoulders drooped slightly and he sped up a little more.

"Come on. You know Josiah is more than that." I said running backwards, so I could look at Kol's face.

Kol scrunched up his nose, "Yeah...and yet I haven't heard you address him as your boyfriend yet." Kol ran past me, raising his voice as he created some distance between us, "You were never like this with Kira. She was your girlfriend instantly and even when you two were dating we got to hang out. A lot. But with this one, it's like he has consumed you and all your time."

I laughed, catching up with him. Yeah, I wasn't like that with Kira but that had led to Kira dumping me. And I didn't want the same to happen with Josiah. "Stop being bitchy and run. Look who is slowing down now," I passed Kol increasing my speed.

He wasn't wrong though. I hadn't addressed Josiah as my boyfriend because we weren't there yet. Our talk the previous night had put some things into perspective and despite my lack of sleep I had finally realised that running from everything was not going to work. Not if I wanted Josiah to be my boyfriend and he had said he would forgive me. I wasn't naive enough to think he would immediately forgive me but judging from our talk there was a high chance he would still want to be with me.

As for Kol, I didn't have time for him anymore but it had nothing to do with him or Josiah, ok maybe a small part was Josiah. With everything on my mind and the term coming to an end I didn't have time for anything else. I had practice, work, hanging out with Josiah, studying and on top of it, I also had to make sure I kept my team in shape and ready for the last match of the term. With all that happening I couldn't possibly find time for Kol. But mentioning that to him would only make me seem like a bad friend.

Kol stopped running, grabbed the bottle on the bench and with the bottom of his t-shirt he wiped his forehead and pointed at me with the tip of his bottle, "So. What are you going to do? About telling your boyfriend the truth or did you settle on never telling him."

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