Capítulo Três: As Palavras

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The doctor standing in the doorway was frowning deeply, staring down at the clipboard in his hands. He didn't see my brothers glaring icily at him from my bedside.

The monitor beeping in tune with my heartbeat sped up.

"Poisoned? Who... Why?" Was all I could really manage to get out. Tobias brushed his fingers through my hair easily, smiling down at me before stalking towards the doctor.

My hair wasn't tangled. If it was tangled then Tobias's would've caught a knot. That meant they must've brushed my hair while I was asleep

How thoughtful.

If only they found a way to brush my teeth. The taste in my mouth was enough to put the taste of two-week old Thai food to shame.

"We don't know yet. We've sent men to look over the security tapes of the day before you fainted." Zion said, drawing my attention back towards me.

He probably didn't want me to see Tobias dragging the doctor into the hall by the collar of his white coat.

Too late, buddy.

But oh well. Might as well let him have his peace of mind.

"I didn't eat anything out of the normal. I didn't meet anyone strange. How was I poisoned?" I asked, tapping my chin.

"I don't know, but we're going to figure it out." Damian's tone of voice was chilly. I knew if I didn't know him I'd be scared of him.

Damian might kill people for a living but he was also a complete teddy bear.

"No, think about it logically and with a lot less emotion. There was no way for a fast acting poison to be slipped into my food or drinks. This was most likely a slow acting poison. You're going to want to make your men search farther back than the security tapes from the day before." I explained my thoughts.

Tobias was super paranoid about being poisoned, so he watched our food obsessively. There was no way someone was getting into our food supply without our noticing. Anyway, I hadn't tasted anything wrong with my food. Plus, if the would-be-assassin had access to our food, I wouldn't be the one they were concerned with. Not with my powerful and scary big brothers in the same room.

Tobias entered the room long enough to hear the last bit of my speech. He seemed to agree, if his nodding was anything to go by.

"When dealing with cases like this, poisoning cases that is, nurses have to check for needle marks and none were found." Tobias leaned forward as he spoke. His lips brushed across my forehead, his hand cupping the entire side of my face. He moved away and then leaned on the wall to the left of my bed, so I could turn and look at him.

"Not needles and not food. Huh. I'm honestly kind of flattered they put this much thought into this." I muttered. Sinclair muttered something that definitely wasn't english while rubbing a hand over his face while Damian's lips twitched with what I knew was the need to laugh.

"Only you, darling." Zion smiled incredulously.

I messed with a crinkle in my blanket, fingers trembling against my will. As calm as I was trying to be, it was a rather frightening thing to know someone tried to kill me.

"Does that mean it could happen again?" I asked, voice quiet. It was the closest I'd come to sounding timid while with my brothers and I was pretty sure they were more than a little taken aback by the sound.

Damian's lips curled again, this time not fighting laughter but to form a snarl. I'd rarely seen my youngest brother that angry.

I mean, sure, while he was killing people he was angry but that was more irritation that they ruined his new shoes (he complained for days) than actual anger. And there was more maniacal glee than rage.

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