Capítulo Nove: A Cela

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Gemma's POV:

My head was pounding, a sharp, hot pain radiating from the back of my head. A choked whimper left my lips as I tried to lift myself off the ground. I looked around, a soft line of light floating in from under the only door I could see. It looked like I was in a bedroom but the ground was cold, uneven stone. There was a mattress thrown on the floor but when I crawled closer to it, it smelled a little too funky for comfort.

I tried to get to my feet but my legs felt too much like jelly and I hit my hands and knees. The skinned heels of my hands stung but my head was throbbing too much for me to pay much attention to it.

I breathed in deeply, trying to get to my feet a second time. My legs held steady, allowing me to wobble towards the door. I attempted turning the knob, but as expected, the door was locked. I felt the material the door was made of and it certainly wasn't wood.

Was it steel?

"Let me out of here!" I screamed, bashing my palm against the door. My throat felt scraped raw, like I'd screamed for hours on end without any water.

I wasn't freaking out like I did in the closet because there was some light. There wasn't much but it was enough to battle the demons in my mind off. My vision swam and the line of light turned into two lines of light. I realized a little too late that I had a pretty nasty concussion.

"Damian? Tobias? Sinclair? Zion?" I screamed, sitting down on the ground in front of the door. The hinges - or lack thereof -  told me that the door swung outwards so I wasn't worried about getting hit with the metal door. Plus, if anyone came into the room, my sitting so close would probably trip them up and I could make a run for it.

There was no call back so I assumed that these people didn't have my brothers. They were screwed and I was going to be saved soon if they hadn't taken my brothers as well.

I looked at the mattress, shifting on the ground. The ridges of the uneven floor were digging into my thighs and it was starting to cut off my circulation. Even if the mattress stank to high heaven, I could handle it if it meant being able to run whenever that door opened.

I felt my way over to the mattress carefully, the light under the door not enough for me to see the room clearly. With how primitive the setup of the room was, I doubted there was electricity or plumbing but I still checked. There was a bucket for me to use the bathroom in and no electricity.

I was kind of thankful for the bucket, not going to lie. Every time George had locked me in the closet for days on end, there wasn't a bucket and I ended up using the bathroom all over myself. The worst part wasn't the smell after a couple of days, but the feeling of it on your skin.

There was a thin, ratty blanket thrown carelessly over the mattress. It wasn't in too bad of condition so I wasn't going to complain. There was even a small pillow that had been hidden by the blanket. This wasn't a bad set up at all. I could probably stay in this room comfortably for a couple of days before raising a fuss.

I dragged the mattress over to the door, situating it directly in front of the door. Along with comfort, the person who came in would most likely trip once or twice more trying to get around the mattress and the blanket, which would allow me more time to make my escape.

I stopped moving when I heard someone speaking outside of what I was considering my room. It was too nice to be a cell and I've slept in worse places.

"Boss wants to know if she's woken up yet." Someone said, their voice so muffled from behind the door I could barely make out what they were saying. There was something off about that voice, something that made it harder to understand than normal and it wasn't just the door.

Let me think.

Someone kidnapped me, which was definitely to get at my brothers. Most likely the same group of people (because it had to be a group of people) who poisoned me. Possibly the group of people who had something to do with my kidnapping as a child?

No, that was too much of a stretch at the moment. I'd think on that later.

So this was a group of people who'd probably tried to kill me before. They'd infiltrated the ball well enough so they were obviously either a very wealthy group or criminal. Actually, they were probably both. So mafia? Gang?

The Ukrainians.

It was so obvious I was ashamed I hadn't seen it before.

It would explain why they had so many people who could basically attack a mafia ball, it would explain their weaponry, and their grudge against my family in particular.

"She made some noise earlier but hasn't made a sound since." A second voice rang out, breaking me from my train of thought. I stepped towards the wall beside the door, rethinking my plan now that I knew there were two them for sure.

If one came barging in, they'd get tangled up with the blanket and mattress and then their friend would either come to help them or push past to make sure I was still cowering in the corner, which would give me enough time to slip past and still make a run for it.

"Move aside." Someone barked. Damn, this made three. I couldn't think of a way around three people.

I was smart but I wasn't superhuman.

I patted down my sides. My knife sheath was still there but, alas, no knife. My shoes were still on so I kicked them off and flipped them upside down in my hands, ready to hit someone in the head with the tiny heels. It would give them a fraction of the headache I had at the moment and it would give me incredible satisfaction.

My diamond choker, bracelet, and belt were gone. Pity. Diamonds would do a lot more damage than heels, but I would work with what I had. My obsidian clip was also gone. I was going to throw a hissy fit about them stealing the gift Zion got me when I got home.

"Open the door." The same voice from before commanded. I couldn't be sure but I would've sworn that I'd heard that voice before. It sounded feminine but the door was really too thick for me to tell.

I breathed in deeply, calming my heart. Just like Damian told me.

Fear couldn't control me. It could make me cautious, it could even motivate me, but I refused to let it hold me back.

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