Capítulo Vinte e Quatro: O Problema

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Gemma's POV:

The next few days living at the hotel were chaotic and boring. Since someone *cough* Tobias *cough* wouldn't let any of us go outside to explore, there was nothing for us to do except sit around and watch stupid reruns from stupid shows. 

And we didn't have any clothes. Not to mention the guy who was supposed to bring us clothes from a nearby store apparently thought I was an infant. Yeah, lots of baby clothes that none of us needed. 

I was out of clothes and desperately wanted to shower. 

Shower was my thinking time and I needed to think. 

On a brighter note, someone had gotten me a coloring book and one of those huge Crayola boxes filled with, like, a thousand crayons. It even had its own sharpener. 

I might be a twelve year old genius, but I can appreciate a good coloring book. 

I was leaning on a coffee table, sitting on the floor in front of my brothers. Sinclair and Damian were on the couch, arguing over what to watch. Yeah, we were all a little stir-crazy. 

Zion and Tobias were talking on their respective phones. Tobias seemed like he was fixing to lose his temper. Zion didn't look particularly happy either. 

I looked away from those two and went back to coloring the pretty picture of a countryside. 

"When are we getting out of here?" Damian groaned, the back of his head connecting with the wall. Sinclair snickered at Damian, who was rubbing the back of his head with a few mumbled curses. 

"Not any time soon. My friends from work say that they're still searching the house for whoever gave away our location." Tobias said, startling us. He was standing at the other end of the table. He looked stressed out. 

"When are we getting clothes?" I asked. I didn't mean to be obnoxious, but I was out of clean clothes. Tobias sighed loudly and slumped to the ground beside me, his arm coming up to rest on my shoulders. He tugged me into his side, somewhere I would gladly go. 

He was always so warm. And I always felt safe there, locked in between his arms and his chest. It was weird. 

Like, I knew he killed people. But I also knew that he loved me.

"Soon, kiddo, soon. I called one of the maids at the house to grab you some clothes from the store." Tobias said, running a hand through my hair. I nuzzled my face into his side, something that seemed to relax him. 

"Thank goodness. I'm completely out." I admitted, closing my eyes in contentment. 

When Tobias's phone buzzed in his pocket again, I shifted away from him so that he could take it. I went back to coloring my countryside, unconcerned with the conversation going on right beside me. 

Mainly because no one was speaking English. 

Sinclair got off the couch to listen in on Tobias's conversation, obviously worried for some reason. I didn't need another reason to have a melt down. I already had enough as it was, but I thought I was doing pretty well with the information I'd taken in. 

"Someone from the last Ukrainian job sold us out. Told those assholes everything." Tobias snarled, forgetting I was in the room. When he remembered, he glanced back at me. I was watching it all with an arched eyebrow. 

"Watch it." Zion warned him, his stare piercing. 

"Why?" I asked innocently. The four men looked at each other before looking at me. 

There was only so much they could BS away.

"Uh, adult stuff?" Damian supplied weakly. I turned around to give him my best 'Seriously?' look. Then I turned back to my coloring book, shaking my head. 

"Mob boss, hit-man, hacker-for-hire, motorcycle gang leader." I said, pointing at each of them as I called out their real job. The room was silent once more.

They were all staring at me, eyes wide and faces somewhat pale. I shrugged again before looking down at my coloring book. I picked up the blue crayon. 

"How did you..." Sinclair started but then faded away. I looked at him with a wicked smirk. 

"I did tell you I'm smarter than I look. That, and none of you are subtle." I said, arching an eyebrow when Tobias went to argue. He stopped, breathed in heavily for a moment, and collected his bearings. 

"How long have you known?" Zion asked. 

I thought it over, pusing my lips in thought. My nose crinkled unintentionally.

"I dunno, a couple weeks? I mean, I knew from the very first day who Sinclair was. Tobias took a few weeks, Zion and Damian came back to back about a week ago." I explained, not giving too much away. 

I didn't want Damian finding out I'd seen him kill someone. 

Multiple someone's, actually. 

I didn't want them having any idea how I'd actually found out. It would bother them if I didn't tell them and I wanted to see them squirm. In the perfectly loving way that you do with siblings. 

"How did you even put that together?" Tobias asked, aghast that I'd found out his well protected secret so easily.

"A magician never reveals her secrets." I said mysteriously, waving my hands around in the air. The boys chuckled but still wore thoughtful expressions. 

They were probably thinking about how they needed to do a better job of protecting their secrets. Secrets that could ruin them if found out. I didn't want them ruined. I kinda liked them where they were.

"How smart are you?" Sinclair asked, looking at me with newfound respect. I smiled softly, ducking away from their looks so they couldn't see my blush. I didn't know why I was blushing. Maybe it was because so many people were looking at me all at once. 

"Smarter than I look." I answered easily. Sinclair rolled his eyes, his lips curling into a small smile. 

"Oh meu Deus. Você acha que ela nos dará uma resposta direta? Espera, ela sabe português?" (Oh my God. Do you think she'll ever give us a straight answer? Wait, does she know Portuguese?) Damian asked, pointing the question at Tobias. Tobias shot him a dry look, clearly unimpressed. 

"Como vou saber, seu idiota? Pergunte a ela." (How am I supposed to know, you idiot? Ask her.) Tobias answered, flicking Damian in the middle of his forehead. 

Damian curled in on himself, rubbing the now red skin with a large pout. 

"You do understand that I have no idea what you're saying, right?" I asked, looking at them with raised eyebrows. Damian nodded his head, clearly content with something.

Was I not getting something?"

"Oh, well that answers that question." Sinclair chuckled, rubbing a hand up and down his face. His scruff was getting a little out of control. I didn't like it at all. Too scratchy.

"What question?" I asked, laughing at their expressions. It seemed like they kept forgetting I couldn't speak Portuguese. 

Our moment was broken up by pounding on the door. Tobias opened the door, slipping a gun into his hand from the waistband of his designer dress pants. 

"What's wrong?" Tobias asked, his voice sharp and cold. 

Even when he didn't like me he never talked to me like that. He wasn't always kind, well he wasn't ever kind until I literally told him to pull his head out of his ass, but he was still somewhat gentle.

"We've got a serious problem." One of his goons panted, blood sprayed across his face. He was holding a pistol in his trembling hand. 

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