Capítulo Quatro: A Reunião

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Gemma's POV:

The jet was impressive, to say the least. I wondered what type of money I was born into for my big brother to have a personal jet.

Maybe I was right in guessing that he owned his own business.

"Miss, would like something to eat?" A lady, dressed in a flight attendant uniform, asked sweetly. My eyes widened. They wanted to feed me? Okay, then.

"Do you have any cookie dough?" I asked. The woman thought about it for a minute and then shook her head.

"I'm afraid not. Anything else you'd like?" She asked. I thought about it again, taking longer this time. I tapped my fingers against my chin.

"Got any Cheetos?" I asked. The woman smiled and nodded, then rushed off to grab my food. When I was munching on Cheetos and sipping on water in a fancy glass, the lady was finally content that I was happy.

The flight didn't take long, unsurprisingly.

I could have calculated how long it would've taken to fly had I known where we were going. Yeah, Tobias hadn't been very open with anything. I was curious about where I was going to live, but I didn't want to start a conversation.

Tobias scared me and I was pretty sure he hated me.

Can you blame me?

He hadn't exactly treated me like I was his long lost sister.

The flight ended and we slid into another SUV with tinted windows. I was starting to think that SUV's with tinted windows was Tobias's thing.

"Where are we?" I finally built up the courage to ask. Tobias didn't even look up from the file he was reading.

"The outskirts of New York City. We're about two hours from the city." He mumbled, sounding bored. I bit my lip, not wanting to ask a million more questions and irritate him.

I turned back to my window and watched the city pass with wide eyes.

The driveway that we pulled into was super long. I was even more curious about where I would be living. And let's just say that I wasn't disappointed.

The five story mansion was more than huge. It was plain massive. Balconies spotted the front of the house. Windows glinted in the light. A fountain was in front of the house, spouting water.

A 2020 Porsche 911, a Lamborghini Veneno, and a 2020 Audi R8 all sat in the front of the house. I gulped at the sight of the cars that cost more than some people's college educations.

What kind of family was I born into?

The SUV parked in front of the house and allowed for Tobias and I to step out, before rolling into some garage that I couldn't see. Or, I assumed that was what it was doing.

I gawked at the cars a little bit as we passed them. I'm kidding. I was practically drooling as I walked past them and barely stopped myself from touching the cars.

When we entered the house, a butler was nearly sprinting to take off Tobias's coat. He pulled out his phone and started tapping away on it. A scrawny guy with red hair and cute black glasses raced down the stairs, almost tripping over his feet on the way down.

He stopped in front of Tobias.

"You have four calls from the... Do I need to have a room prepared for her?" The guy started, but then looked at me in confusion. Oh, great. I was a secret.

"She can have a guest room. Catch me up tomorrow." Tobias ordered, turning the guy away. The guy nodded and then left the house. How long had he been waiting around for Tobias to turn him away?


I followed after Tobias, whose strides were so long that I basically had to jog to keep up with him. It didn't leave me any time to cry over the pure beauty of the house. Priceless paintings and artifacts and rugs made the house feel more like a museum than an actual home.

The beauty was seen, of course. But it felt like the house was more of a trophy to show off than something to live in. Something to make a home.

Then again, home is the people around us.

I got the feeling that Tobias didn't have too many people who completely and totally loved him.

"Tobias, where'd you go?" A loud voice shouted from in front of us. Was I going to meet my other brother right now? Oh God, I was so not ready for this. Couldn't we do this tomorrow?

Wait, I couldn't be ungrateful. I had to be a perfect angel so they wouldn't send me away.

This wasn't going to be easy for me.

Tobias opened the door, but held me back with one hand.

"Please don't freak out. I got a call earlier that I had to go prove for myself. Meet Gemma." Tobias said. At the end of his sentence, he shoved me into the room. I steadied myself and looked up, only for my jaw to drop in shock.

Three huge, rather terrifying men were standing around in what looked to be a sitting room. Because standing in a sitting room made sense.

Their jaws dropped at the sight of me.

"Gemma? Tobias, if this is some sort of sick joke..." The guy to the left spat, not looking away from my eyes. I didn't know where to look. I was kinda overwhelmed by everything happening all at once.

"No joke. She's ours. DNA proved it, done in my own labs. She has a birth certificate that went missing two days after her death. Plus, she looks just like mamãe (mom)." Tobias said, sinking down into a squishy looking chair.

I was somewhat jealous, not gonna lie. I wanted to sink into a squishy chair.

The guy with a lollipop in his mouth blinked at me, wonder and adoration shining brightly in his eyes.

The guy with piercing grey eyes looked me up and down, his entire posture slumping in some type of relief.

The guy with ice blue eyes didn't move. I wasn't even sure he was breathing. Actually, I was pretty sure he was going into shock.

These were my brothers? There were four of them?

Oh boy.

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