Capítulo Dezesseis: A Fuga

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I'm going to keep putting out chapters to try and make up for how long I was absent. My mental health is in the gutters right now, which means pretty much no motivation to do jack-squat but that's no excuse for just leaving you guys hanging.

I'm sorry. 

Gemma's POV:

I backed up, holding the knife out in front of me in a threatening manner. I wasn't about to let these guys get their hands on me a final time, not when my brother's were this close to a rescue. My mother and Daniel shared a glance before splitting up, my mother escaping back into the house and Daniel taking a gun from one of his soldiers and sauntering towards where the gunfire was echoing from.

Not going to lie, I was a little confused. I was their best bet at survival and they were ignoring me in favor of either running or going toe-to-toe with people they couldn't win against.

"Victoria, get Gemma out of here." Daniel ordered, exiting the courtyard right after. The old lady took a step towards me, lips parted and eyes panicked, but I held up my knife.

"I'm not afraid to cut you." I warned. She backed up before bolting out the door, hurrying after my mother in an attempt to find safety.

There was no where she could run that we wouldn't find her. It was just a matter of time.

An arm wrapped around my shoulders, pulling me into a chest and something cold was pressed to my temple. And there was the hostage moment I was just thinking about. I let out a heavy sigh, unimpressed with their lack of creativity, and flipped the knife around in my hand. I thought I would drop it, but I managed to keep my grip. I thrust the knife back and the person holding me hostage wheezed, stumbling away from me. The knife was embedded in his gut, but he wouldn't die from it.

Considering everyone else in the courtyard had fled, either to fight or try to escape, so it was only me and the guy who'd failed miserably at holding me hostage. Wasn't the first rule of taking someone as a bartering chip was to make sure they didn't have any weapons?

I'd have to update the handbook.

I ran through the house, searching for a way out of the maze of a building. I wasn't sure if it was bad architecture or if the house was built that way, but it seemed to be impossible to find an exit. I growled when I opened yet another door to find another bedroom. Honestly, how many people did Daniel think would come stay here? He doesn't have any friends!

"Gemma? Gemma?" A familiar voice called. I peeked my head out from the bedroom I was currently in, searching for a window. A smile pulled my cheeks up to the point of pain and I dropped my knife, flying down the hall and into Sinclair's waiting arms.

"Sin! I missed you so much!" I shouted, squeezing him as tightly as I could. He was holding me just as tightly. We spent a moment breathing each other in, letting the safe feeling of home sink into the air. We released each other, still smiling at each other.

I kept a grip on his forearm, sinking my fingers into the black material of his long-sleeve shirt.

"Okay, baby, here's the plan: I need to get you to safety outside. These guys," He gestured at the group of surly looking men, all wearing leather and wielding guns, that I hadn't even noticed in my excitement. "Are going to get us there. I just need you to keep holding onto me, alright?" He finished, bending slightly at the knees so that we'd be at the same height. I nodded, gulping down any trace of fear.

When I was around my brothers, it was like I unconsciously knew I was safe and my guards fell. Emotions I hadn't been able to deal with wrestled with logic. I knew there was no time for crying but it didn't stop the tears of fear and anger from welling up in my eyes.

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