Capítulo Vinte e Oito: A Caçada

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I just want to thank everyone who is being incredibly supportive through this difficult time. It means more than I could ever say.

I hope you enjoy this different point of view!

Lots of love, your author

Also, enjoy these Montana mountains.

Tobias's POV:

"I want him found and I want him brought to me." The growl left my mouth, frightening the man in front of me into trembling. He nodded, whispering something that sounded like a confirmation.

He fled from the room only seconds later, closing the door behind him softly in fear of what would happen if he were to slam the door and wake Gemma.

Usually, I would tell him to speak up, but my rage was too much for me to handle something small like that.

Gemma, my sweet little sister, had been treated like a dog.

A goddamn dog.

That wouldn't stand. And neither would George once I was done with him.

"Have you found him?" Zion asked, barely looking up from his computer screen to speak to me. I felt my fist tightening around my phone. The crack of my phone breaking was barely audible.

"Not yet. Yet being the keyword." I snarled.

Zion started tracking George the moment that Gemma fell asleep. The poor thing was exhausted from retelling her past.

Sinclair had started sending out emails to his men, ordering to find the bastard that thought it would be a good idea to lay a hurtful finger on our sister. Damian left the second Gemma's head hit the pillow.

Damian would've exploded from staying put if he'd stayed here any longer.

"What happens when we find him?" Zion asked. Sometimes, I wondered how my brother became such a technological tycoon. He was a genius when it came to tech, yes, but he had no common sense.

And it seemed, sometimes, that he barely had a brain between his ears.

"We kill him," Sinclair said, not even looking up from Gemma's face. He was laying beside her in bed, his hand occasionally carding through her hair. She slept peacefully with her brother laying beside her, offering comfort when needed.

Her nightmares, which Zion handled, made much more sense.

She was dreaming of him. Of her time with him.

"He's stayed off the map, that's for sure. There's not much of a trace of him." Zion mumbled, glaring at his computer. There was a groaning noise that came from the bed.

"That's because I hacked most of the companies we used and deleted our usage." Gemma yawned, sitting up. She scratched her hair, her eyes still closed. She was the very definition of adorable.

Not that I would ever admit that.

"How'd you learn to do that?" Zion asked with a small smile, proud that his sister knew something about computers that wasn't quite legal. I wasn't exactly sure if that was something to be proud of, but I wouldn't intervene unless she stirred up real trouble.

"Taught myself." She yawned once more as she stretched. She rubbed her eyes and glanced around the room, a frown twisting her lips.

"Damian is out and about," Sinclair told her, guessing what her look was about. She nodded, pursing her lips. She looked like she wanted to say something, but kept it in.

"Is he alright? Are you guys alright?" She asked. How could one person be so concerned with another that she forgot her own pain? It didn't seem humanly possible for someone to be that compassionate, but my sister was evidence that it was possible.

"We're fine. You?" Zion spoke for all of us. She cocked her head, trying to come up with an answer.

"I'm alright, for the most part. Where's the guy who broke in?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrows as she looked around. We stayed silent, not wanting to tell her the truth. Not like we wanted her to find out that Sinclair had put a bullet between his eyes.

The door swung open, alerting us all to Damian's arrival. He lunged at Gemma, hugging her tightly.

I could never figure out my youngest brother.

"Hi, Gemma!" Damian smiled brightly at her. She chuckled, patting his head before pushing him away by the face. His pout was completely ignored.

"Can I go ahead and shower?" Gemma asked, glancing around as if she needed permission.

"Of course," I told her softly. She smiled and then skipped to the bathroom. It was hard to remember how young she truly was until she went and did something like skipping to the bathroom.

Damian was sitting on the bed, which Sinclair was getting off of. Zion was still perched on the couch, laptop set on his lap as his fingers flew across the keyboard. I only stopped gazing around the room when I felt the phone I borrowed from Zion, buzz.

"Chefe, nós o encontramos." (Boss, we found him.) That was all the other person had to say.

"His location?" I asked calmly.

"427 Michigan Avenue. Only fifteen minutes from the clinic you first found her at." The man on the other end of the line said victoriously.

"Get him and bring him to me. Now. And I want him alive." I ordered, then hung up the call. All of my brothers were watching me expectantly, waiting for some big announcement. A slow, menacing smirk twitched my lips upwards.

"I'm guessing from that happy look, we have our guy?" Damian asked, twirling his favorite dagger on one finger. I nodded once, giving confirmation.

"You're correct. But, he won't be brought here. I don't want to scare Gemma by bringing him here." I said, tilting my chin towards Sinclair. It was my way of asking if he would house our prisoner till someone could finally finish cleaning up my home.

"I can hold him for that length of time. I had a house a few miles from here, and a couple of men who are willing to guard him." Sinclair said with a smirk. He shook his head, chuckling. I could tell there was something I wasn't quite getting.

"Please clue us all in on the joke," I said, arching an eyebrow at Sinclair's malicious smile. The hard glint to his eyes showed how merciless my brother truly was.

"The men that have contacted me for guarding the piece of shit... Well, let's just say that either their women or sisters or even daughters have all been abused. They're all too happy to make sure Gemma never has to see him again." Sinclair said, giving another soft chuckle.

The bathroom door creaked open, causing Sinclair's expression to soften. No one wanted Gemma to see us for the monsters we really were. She was the only human being on earth that loved us, and we didn't plan on scaring her away.

Sure, we brothers loved each other in a strange way. But we were monsters in our own rights.

A monster who loved another monster didn't count.

But a little girl who had faced monsters and come out pure and innocent, who willingly loved her monsters of older brothers while knowing exactly what we were, was something rare. And something to be protected.

Even if it cost us our lives.

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