Capítulo Dois: A Possibilidade

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Tobias's POV:

Once a year my brothers and I met up and had a drink. It wasn't during Christmas, it wasn't during Thanksgiving.

It wasn't even on our birthdays.

It was on our parents' death day. And on our little Gem's death day.

Zion had just arrived at the family manor, where I usually hosted the gathering, when I got the call. The buzzing in my pants pocket eventually got to be too irritating to ignore.

"What?" I snapped.

All of my business associates knew not to talk to me on this day, or risk having their entire operation burned to the ground. I'd done it before, simply to send a message.

"Mr. Perigoso? This is Doctor Brad from the Westville Medical Clinic." A man on the other end said, his voice trembling. My nose crinkled in confusion.

Who was this and why was he contacting me?

"Is there any chance that you won't call me back if I hang up now?" I asked coldly. The man on the other end audibly gulped. I rolled my eyes.

"Sir, perhaps you better sit down. I hate to tell you this over the phone, but we found your little sister." Doctor Brad whispered, as if someone was listening in. I narrowed my eyes, thinking of all the ways I could painfully murder him.

"If you know who I am, which I'm assuming you do, I'd chose your next words very wisely." I warned, my voice deadly. Zion looked at me curiously, wondering why my tone had suddenly gone cool and calm. 

"Sir, I assure you that I wouldn't lie about this. If you come down, I can show you the birth certificate. We tested her blood against Sinclair Perigoso's and she is really your sister." Doctor Brad rushed out. I cocked my head.

"I'll be there in," I checked my watch. Westville was about a thirty minute flight. "Forty minutes." I finished. 

The doctor hummed before hanging up. I suppose that I intimidated him. Good. He should be scared of me.

"Tobias, is everything alright?" Zion asked the second that Damian walked into the house. Damian took the lollipop out of his mouth, a smirk situated on his lips. I rolled my eyes at my childish brother.

It was like his age reversed the second that...

I wasn't going to think about that.

"Everything's fine. I have to step out and handle some business. I'll be back shortly." I said, straightening my suit jacket. Zion looked at me, suspicion clear in his eyes. 

"Alright. If Sinclair gets here before you get back, I'll tell him you left." Zion said, sighing heavily as he answered an email. I nodded, then left the house. 

The jet was already prepared for me, courtesy of Miles, my assistant. I sent him a text and he handled everything for me. 


The flight took even less time than I thought it would. I did some paperwork on the plane, letting a gang run drugs through Austin as long as I got forty percent of the payload. They were too scared to refuse any rules I created.

"Mr. Perigoso, we've arrived." The pilot said, tapping my shoulder lightly. I nodded at him, collected my paperwork, and then exited the jet. I slid into the SUV waiting for me. 

When I arrived at the clinic, there were a few random, scattered cars in the parking lot. I entered the clinic and Doctor Brad was instantly by my side, trying to talk about what happened.

"She came in here with her real birth certificate, saying that she was a Perigoso. I did a DNA test, of course, against those in the system. She matched Sinclair Perigoso's DNA. When I did a paternity test on her, it showed the late Mrs. and Mr. Perigoso as her parents." Doctor Brad said, his hands flailing as he spoke. 

He was sweating in fear. I felt the corner of my lips curl up at the sight of the fear my presence produced. 

"Take me to her." It wasn't a question. Doctor Brad rushed to show me the room, making nurses move aside. 

He opened the door and the girl spinning on the doctor's seat's back was to us. I shook my head and rolled my eyes. 

I didn't know why I had entertained the idea that this girl was my sister.

Once reality struck me, I cleared my throat. I didn't need to see her face to know she wasn't my sister, but it would be polite to tell it to her face. 

When she turned around, my heart started thudding painfully loud in my chest.

She looked exactly like my mother.

Oh meu Deus. (Oh my God)

"Gemma, this is your older brother Tobias." Doctor Brad said softly. I imagined that he didn't want to be obnoxious.

"I want my own DNA test." I snapped. Doctor Brad nodded his head vigorously, shutting the door behind him after I gave him the fax address to my personal labs. 

Don't ask why I have them, just trust I used them for things better than DNA tests. 

"So, you're the big brother?" Gemma asked, sincere confusion in her eyes. She cocked her head at me and studied me. I felt the need to shuffle from foot to foot.

I didn't do that.

I sat down in the chair beside the actual chair she was supposed to be sitting in. I could only guess how bored she must have been for her to resort to spinning on a chair.

"We don't know that yet." I said gently. She might not have been my sister, but she was a child who thought I was family. I wasn't going to by unusually cruel because of my own history. That would be pure evil and even I am not capable of that.

"I guess you're right. Quick question for you, though. Do you happen to know anyone by the name of George Williams?" She asked, biting at her thumbnail.

Blood froze in my veins in anger.

George Williams was a crooked cop who wanted us to sell drugs to middle school kids right as they got out of school. He said it would be good business. 

No one in the gang would let him and, after way too much pushing at the gang leader, we turned him in to his own people. He lost his job, his wife, and his sanity.

"I have no idea who he is."

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