Capítulo Quinze: A Guarda

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Gemma's POV:

The door remained shut for what felt like hours, but could've just been minutes. I didn't have enough patience to count the seconds, then the minutes solely to keep up with how long I'd been stuck here. Honestly, what was the point? I didn't know when I'd been taken from the party (though I knew it was night), didn't know when exactly I woke up, and hadn't kept track of the time I'd spent awake since then.

The door creaked open and at mousy man walked in, hands shaking nervously until he stuffed them in his pockets to hide his fear. He wiggled his nose to push his glasses back up his nose.

"Victoria sent me. She said you needed to be brought to the courtyard. Daniel wants to speak with you." He squeaked, practically jumping away from me when I got off the bed.

I snorted. Of course Daniel would make the show of sending another to do his bidding. He still wanted to look like he was in power.

"Are you going to show me where that is or will I have to find it myself?" I asked, arching an eyebrow and staring at him like he was an idiot.

The knife was tucked safely up my sleeve, although it was taking a whole heck of a lot of concentration to keep it there. The movies always make it so much easier, but reality was quite different. I knew I could easily take this guy hostage, with as timid as he was, but if Daniel was sending him my way, that meant the guy wasn't important enough to waste the energy on.

After Victoria's slip up, my mother and Daniel were probably made aware of how good I was at getting information out of people. As dumb as they were, they weren't dumb enough to make that kind of mistake twice in a row.

Or, at least, I hoped not. Because if they were, I was going to be seriously disappointed. Stupid people were no fun to win against. There was no challenge when you were up against someone without a brain.

The man opened the door, stumbling out behind me. I rolled my eyes. They couldn't send someone competent to escort me, could they? Of course they couldn't. As much as I proved myself, they were still underestimating me and waiting for me to crumble into the ever basic damsel in distress.

As if.

The courtyard was underwhelming. It was a tiny little green area in the middle of their house. My mother and Daniel were waiting there hand-in-hand, a camera on a tripod in front of them and guards stationed around them in the room. My one steak knife wouldn't be much good against eleven, twelve, thirteen giant guys with AR-15's.

"Gemma, we're so glad you came." My mother said with a small smile, as if she was hoping I'd changed my mind about her horrible parenting and even worse choice in life partners in the time I'd been locked up in my room. I rolled my eyes once more.

"Wasn't like I had a choice." I grumbled, crossing my arms over my chest. I watched as Daniel took a deep breath in, obviously irritated beyond belief at both my attitude and my ability to make his own men laugh at him.

Yeah, I saw you Mr. Bad Guy in the corner.

"True. We need your help." Daniel snapped, stopping my mother from continuing on with her pointless, teary tirade on how she was just trying to be a good mother.

Like hell she was trying to be a good mother. More like trying to ditch her old life for something new.

"Did you hear anything I said in your office? Helping you isn't exactly what I'm best at, dude. Thought I proved that when I screwed you out of ten million dollars, or don't you remember? I'd love to give you a refresher, but I doubt you have ten million left in the bank." I snarked with an exaggerated look around at the house that paled in comparison to Tobias's.

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