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I woke up early and ate my breakfast. I walked through my house that the Hokage had arranged 5 years ago and stood their with my strong determination. The place was quite calm and endearing. I could stay there and never get bored or tired.



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I left the house and started walking towards the academy. There were only few students when I reached and then sat at a nearby window as I proceeded to interlace my fingers and prop my arms up on my desk in front of me. After a few minutes, the classroom was already full. But Iruka sensei wasn't still here as I gazed around the classroom with a bored look.

Then suddenly Iruka sensei came with Naruto all tied up and started scolding him for painting at the Hokage faces. When he stopped yelling at Naruto he turned to us and said "Because of Naruto missing the exercise everyone will review their transformation Jutsu"

Everybody groaned in annoyance except some and all stood in a line.

"Haruno Sakura" Iruka Sensei called.

"Alright!! Transform" Sakura exclaimed as smoke disappears revealing her to be transformed into Iruka Sensei

"Transforming into me? Good" Sensei praised as Sakura transformed back.

"Did you see that Sasuke kun!!?" She squealed.

Does she never learns that Sasuke never cares about her? She should stop with her fangirling and start training like a ninja.

"Next, Uchiha Sasuke"

"Hn" Sasuke said and transformed into Iruka Sensei

"....Good" He said

"Next, Shirazaki Y/N"

I went in front of Sensei without doing any hand signs smoke come out and disappeared with me revealing to be transformed into Iruka Sensei

"Uh, Good" Sensei said as I transformed back to myself and walked to my earlier spot.

"Next, Uzumaki Naruto"

"Transform" He exclaimed as he transformed into a naked woman. I was inwardly sighing seeing Naruto pulling his pranks like old times. I am glad he didn't change unlike me.

Iruka then started yelling at Naruto for inventing some stupid skills or something as I zoned out staring into nothingness. I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw Sakura as she said "Hey, the class is over. How long are you gonna stand there" That's when I realized everybody left and nodded at her as I walked outside the academy.

The next day we were graduating from the academy. As I reached there and saw people having anxious faces worried if they might pass or not and some were confident. Naruto looked the worse. I wonder what will they ask us to do?

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