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"Right off the bat, huh?" Y/N remarked, acknowledging the immediate challenge.

Kakashi's voice cut through the tension, cautioning Y/N. "Y/N, don't use your Mirangan," he advised, reminding her of their previous conversation. 

"Remember what I told you."

Y/N nodded, though her agreement seemed somewhat half-hearted. 

The weight of the upcoming battle and the restriction placed upon her abilities weighed heavily on her mind. 

She understood Kakashi's concerns, but she couldn't help but feel a twinge of frustration at the limitations imposed upon her. 

Regardless, she resolved to face the match with determination and make the most of her skills within the given constraints.

'Y/N chan, all I can do is watch' Filled with worry, Sakura's thoughts were consumed as her eyes mirrored her concerns.

Naruto's thoughts echoed with determination as he contemplated Y/N's upcoming battle. 

'You better not lose,' he thought, emphasizing the importance of victory if Y/N wanted to face him in combat.

'Y/N seems strange' Ino's mind registered a sense of unease as she observed Y/N.

'Y/N looks totally different' Shikamaru's concerned observation hinted at Y/N's altered behavior, noting that she appeared entirely different from her usual self.

 Lee's well-wishes resonated as he thought,'Good Luck Y/N chan'

Gaara's impassive face belied his thoughts as he directed his pale blue-green orbs towards Y/N, contemplating, 'That girl... her eyes'

Neji harbored the belief that the previous fight they engaged in against Y/N didn't showcase her true capabilities. 

With a sense of anticipation, he thought, 'A chance to witness her genuine abilities.'

'Is it because of the curse seal, the two are fighting at the start' Dosu speculated that the initial confrontation of the two might be attributed to the curse seal.

Sasuke looked ahead, thoughts swirling in his mind. 'If you let the mark take control, it'll be hard to stop it.'


Both Y/N and Misumi stepped into the arena, ready to engage in battle.

'Ugh, the pain isn't subsiding' Y/N grimaced, feeling a prickling sensation in her neck.

'Hehe, looks like the curse seal hurts' Amusement flickered across Misumi's thoughts as he observed Y/N's discomfort



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