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My eyes fluttered open and the first question that came to my mind was

Where am I?

I looked around to find pitch blackness.

Am I dead?

Is this Heaven?

But this sure doesn't look like a place with angels.

I am sure I won't go to hell.

As I haven't done anything wrong yet.

Because I feel that I am always the one who is wronged

I walked around hoping to find an exit 

The darkness grew colder against my face and became a blur in what now seemed to be a deep black sky. 

I focused on a seemingly shadow trying to get a clearer image of it, but the transparency didn't come. 

As I struggled, another pitch black darkness obscured my vision which was far greater than the previous darkness giving me eerie vibes slowly swallowing my vision.

A single amethyst eye burned in the steel grayish sky, casting a dark radiance across the blasted plain. 

A network of lionizing rivulets of lava simmered and hissed through cracks in crusty crimson soil that looked like parboiled flesh. 

Scorched trees leaned askew in the decimated terrain like skeletal hands. 

A bluish fog that scented of something pungent and flaming vegetation tumbled along the irregular veneer.

My eyes didn't leave the purple eyes which seemed to gaze at me and I felt that it could see through my soul.

The amethyst eye blinked

The image remained unchanged.

My body grew tensed as it's gaze turned to me, unblinking.

I felt the heat working through my legs and the churning begin in my stomach from the vile smells that issued from the fissures around me.

The pain was too much feeling like a thousand needles pricked me. No it was even worse than that.

I could bear being pricked by thousands no billions of needles but this.

It was far worse, incomprehensible.

I felt chain wrapping around my body 

I couldn't bear it

I felt like giving up as I felt my insides on fire

But then suddenly the surroundings change and I was back at the village

But it was my house, my clan house, the Shirazaki Compound.

I was panting and breathing very heavily.


I heard a familiar voice that made my head turn slightly to the left.

I slowly entered the house with my brows furrowed deep in thought

My eyes widened. What?

"Why are you just standing there Y/N? Come sit with us" Mother said smiling at me, sitting beside my Father. Katsumi sat in front of them

"W-What?" I uttered in shock. What is happening? 

"You fell asleep suddenly, Y/N, Are you alright?"

"...M-Mother?" I mustered up to say.

THE PATH OF LIFE || U. SASUKEWhere stories live. Discover now