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"Genma, Aoba announce this to the village," directed an elder, commanding the two shinobi to inform the populace.

"Wait a sec!" protested Naruto. "Granny Tsunade's got some serious stuff to deal with first."

Tsunade smirked as she turned to Jiraiya. "Jiraiya, remind me again, who were they?"

"I've already briefed you during our trip," Jiraiya replied emphatically. "That brat Kakashi, the Uchiha kid, the Shirazaki girl, and Guy's student Lee.""

"Hey, Shikamaru," Naruto called out, spotting his friend in the hospital corridor.

"Hey," the Nara replied nonchalantly, seeming a bit bored. "What brings you here?"

"I was just about to ask you the same thing," Naruto chuckled.

"Nothing much," Shikamaru sighed. "Just swung by to see Y/N at the hospital."

Meanwhile, Sakura sat pensively by Sasuke's side, her gaze fixed on him as he lay in the hospital bed. Her thoughts swirled with concern and hopes for his recovery. As the door creaked open, she glanced up, ready to meet whoever entered.

"May I come in?" The gentle voice belonged to a woman Sakura hadn't seen before.

"Who are you?" Sakura asked, struck by the woman's grace and beauty. 'She is beautiful'

"Sakura-chan, this is granny Tsunade," Naruto announced, stepping into the room. "She's an amazing doctor. She'll help Sasuke and Y/N-chan!"

A slight smile tugged at the corners of Sakura's lips. Naruto's confidence in Lady Tsunade reassured her.

"I've heard about the situation from Guy-sensei," Sakura said, bowing respectfully. "Please, help Sasuke-kun. And Y/N-chan is in the next room."

The urgency in Sakura's voice resonated with the gravity of the situation. She held onto a glimmer of hope, wishing for both Sasuke's and Y/N's swift recoveries.

With a reassuring nod, Tsunade moved to Sasuke's side, gently touching his forehead with her skilled hands. Sakura watched intently as the legendary medical ninja began her work.

"He will wake up soon," Tsunade assured Sakura with a gentle smile, instilling a sense of hope in her heart.

In Y/N's hospital room, Naruto's comforting presence brought a sense of reassurance. "Don't worry, Y/N-chan," Naruto said with a reassuring smile, "Granny Tsunade is coming to treat you, and then you'll be better in no time. She'll come right after she treats Sasuke."

Meanwhile, in the room where Tsunade was treating Sasuke, the atmosphere was charged with emotions. As Tsunade worked her medical expertise, Sasuke's eyes flickered open, and he found Sakura embracing him tightly. He felt a mix of emotions but managed to detach gently, looking up with concern in his eyes.

"Y/N," Sasuke uttered, his voice lacking the usual emotion he always used for Y/N, "Where is she?"

Sakura frowned, feeling his concern as her heart ached with a subtle discomfort but she pushed it aside for now. "She's still unconscious, Sasuke-kun. Tsunade-sama will definitely help her," she reassured him, hoping to alleviate his anxiety.

"Hn," Sasuke responded, his gaze turning distant as he processed the situation. The stoic expression he wore masked the concern he felt for Y/N.

In Y/N's hospital room, Naruto had urgently brought Tsunade to examine their unconscious friend. As Tsunade entered the room, her keen eyes caught sight of the fresh flowers in a vase near the bed, hinting at the presence of a devoted visitor.

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