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The air crackled with the energy of their training as Y/N and Sasuke stood back to back, intensely focused on their respective jutsu. The large rock nearby served as their target, a witness to the determination that emanated from both of them.

Y/N's hands weaved through the intricate hand signs, channeling her chakra with precision and control. She felt the surge of power building within her as she chanted, "Raigekishō!"

A powerful burst of lightning erupted from her palms, aimed at the rock. The force of the technique sent the rock flying, smashing it into pieces.

On the other side, Sasuke's eyes crackled with the intensity of his Sharingan as he focused on his Chidori. His hand crackled with blue lightning, the electricity dancing at his fingertips.

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"Chidori!" Sasuke called out, thrusting his hand forward with precision.

A brilliant burst of electricity shot out from his hand, colliding with the rock. The impact was immense, leaving a deep fissure in the ground. Sasuke's expression remained focused, always seeking to perfect his technique.

For a moment, they both took a brief pause, catching their breaths. The intensity of their training was evident in the determination etched on their faces.

Y/N glanced sideways at Sasuke, a hint of competitive spirit gleaming in her eyes. "Not bad, Sasuke," she remarked, a small smile touching her lips. "But I think my Raigekishō packed a bit more punch."

Sasuke turned to Y/N, a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Hn, Is that so?" he retorted, his voice carrying a playful challenge. "I think you need to work on your aim. I had more precision."

Y/N raised an eyebrow, an amused glint in her eye. "Precision, huh? I'll show you precision," she countered, a competitive fire igniting within her.

"But it's..." Sasuke began.

"....not even close," Y/N quipped, completing his sentence.

Sasuke's voice trailed off, and he exchanged a knowing glance with Y/N. There was a brief moment of silence before Y/N completed his thought.

Y/N turned her gaze towards Sasuke. "I'll be training next to that spot," she said, gesturing towards a slightly wider area. "We can focus on our respective techniques separately, right?"

Sasuke nodded, acknowledging Y/N's plan. "Sounds like a good idea," he replied. "We can both concentrate better if we train separately."

Y/N stood before the large rock, frustration gnawing at her. With determination in her eyes, she chanted "Raigekishō" once more, pouring her chakra into the technique. The powerful burst of lightning shot towards the rock, but despite her efforts, it only managed to leave a dent.

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