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"So what do you think?" Sasuke asked the raven haired girl.

"The red head seemed strong" Y/N said as she paused "But I don't think I can defeat him with the way I am now"

"I see" Sasuke muttered but unlike Y/N he was sure of himself that if he had the chance to fight the sand genin he would win.

"I want to fight him" Y/N said to herself with determination blazing in her amethyst eyes, a smirk growing on her face.

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"Don't worry, we'll get stronger, strong enough to defeat anyone" Sasuke said glancing at her.

"But before that we have to somehow enter the chunin exams" Y/N concluded while Sasuke agreed.

"We will somehow convince Kakashi"

"Hey hey hey how can this be allowed? Why does that person ask us to meet and then make us wait ?" Sakura yelled.

"Yeah yeah Sakura chan is right" Naruto nodded his head aggressively agreeing with Sakura.

Sakura started nagging Naruto while Sasuke and Y/N just stood ignoring the duo.

"Morning people, Today I got lost on the road of life" Kakashi waved his hand.

"Yeah Right! Liar! Apologize" Sakura and Naruto yelled in unison

"This is sudden but I've nominated you guys for the Chunin selection Exams?" Kakashi said holding 4 papers.

Y/N and Sasuke shared a look and smirked at each other.

Naruto jumped happily hugging Kakashi 

"Kakashi Sensei! I love you"

"Hey stop! Let go of me" Kakashi struggled trying to pull the blonde away from him.

After successfully shoving Naruto away from him, Kakashi continued.

"Though this is just a nomination, whether to take the exam is up to each of you. Those who wish to take it should sign those papers and turn them in at Room 301 by 4PM tomorrow. That is all" With that Kakashi poofed away.

All four of them observed the paper handed out to them.

Naruto smiled happily "Heheh, Chunin Exams!! Chunin Exams!!"

"There's going to be a lot of strong guys in this thing" Sasuke said.

Y/N nodded "Yeah, Strong"

"Like him" Naruto's mind went to Kankuro.

Then his eyes went to both Y/N and Sasuke 'Ok I won't lose to them. If I win this I'll be close to Hokage'

'I might be able to fight him'  Y/N thought thinking about Gaara but her purple eyes went to Sasuke 'I want to fight him too. I want to know where I stand'

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