Chapter three

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Fuck, I thought to myself. I over slept but three hours. My best friend had a baby shower for her first baby. Well this would be her second if the first born was still alive, sadly she had a miscarriage while she was asleep. My best friend was the life of parties before that had happened. Now all she does is cry and drink like ten bottles of wine then and there alone. I try to comfort her by doing as much as I can but that doesn't work as I plain.

No, I do not understand what it is like to have an human dying inside you but it fucks upset tier person badly. Anyways, I swing my legs over the side of the bed and ran over to my dresser, throwing on a short summer dress with sunflowers on it. I ran out of my room, slamming the door shut as I grab a pair of light tan heels and try to put them on as fast as I can. I grabbed the keys off the hook and proceeded to fly out through the front door.

It takes me about ten minutes to show up at her house if I don't take the long ass way. I sighed to myself as I get on my phone and call her.

(Small text: Best Friend)
(Large text: you)


"Hey bestie, I'm sorry I slept in really late. I had a night last night"

"Another Night-stand?"

"No no, I had family problems"

"Y/N, your family is dead. Tell me the truth"

"Ouch, but the truth was. I was at work."

"Holy fuck!? You got a job now!?"

"Yes, yes I do."

"Any cute boys you work with?"

"Uhhhhhh. Ehhhh.- nope!"

"Awwww Y/N, I can tell in the tone of your voice."

"I don't.- fine fuck it, yes there is a cute guy; but he's an asshole though."

"That's better, it will keep you in your place"

"Ouchhhh. I'm hurt by that."

"I bet but anyways, I have to go. Talk to you soon"

"Talk to you soon"

(The phone went dead)

     I sighed to myself. I'm too tired for this shit I thought to myself. After a moment of talking to myself, I didn't realized I was here. At her house. I got out of car closing the cat door behind me, letting out a long sigh. To be honest, I really didn't want to be here; not with her annoying ass kid. Even though he was only six, I couldn't stand being around him. The thought of her having another burned in my head.

      I wakes up to the wooden steps onto the porch, it was filled with outside chairs and flower pots with beautiful red and pink roses shooting out of them. I turned my head back to the dark red door with a golden knob. I knock three times on the door. There was no answer for a moment until I heard the lock being unlocked.

  "Y/N!" Your friend yelled as she threw her arms around you, making a light bear hug

  "Hey Penny" you said with a smile, lightly hugging her

"I've been waiting for this for so long " (William Afton x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now