Chapter Twelve

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Sitting in William's office as he did some kind of paper work. I reached out to grab a pen and paper. The room was quiet as we continue to do our own things. He worked as I just just doodle on the paper. He did change a lot as I started to think clearly about it. My phone ring as it filled the room up. My head snaps to the side as I picked it up. It was Nick. I had a small smile on my face as I started to text him. Sitting up straight and sat on the end of the chair, I smiled more at the messages.

"What are you smiling at?" I snapped my head up as he continued to do more work.

"Umm.. nothing William." Looking down as continued to text Nick

Feeling the normal and heavy pair of eyes looking at me. I looked up through my long black eyelashes, Silver eyes hit me hard. Frowning as I turned off my phone and sat back in the chair. William got up from his chair as he walked over to me; placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Are you hungry?"

I just nodded, I still couldn't really talk much. The accident has left me with serious trama problems of anything in a small, thigh space. He pat my shoulder as he left his office, leaving me alone. Sighed softly as I left my eyes scan the room. Wrapping my arms around myself as I brought the soft blanket it up to my neck. I honestly got lucky as he said, if I wasn't soaked from the rain; he thought it wouldn't go off. Sadly, that's not the case. Most nights I would just wouldn't sleep. The kids would come in and get in bed with Me or they would have a nightmares.

A couple minutes passed as my eyes was about to shut. The door was opened and walking in William with a tub of ice cream. My eyes light up as I kindly took it. Opening the lid and shoving the spoon into the ice-cream; taking a bite out of it. I felt as I was the happiest little kid when the parents didn't care about whatever the kids ate. William sat back down as he grab his pen and started to work again. I looked at him as he had so kind of pissed off looked. Looking under the desk at his legs started to shake up and down. Looking back at him, I simply got up as I placed the tub on ice-cream on the desk. I took the blanket and wrapped William up in it as hugging him in the back.

  "Get off..." he said

  "You're.-" I was cut off

  " I SAID GET THE FUCK OFF!" I backed away

   I looked down as I walked back to the chair I was sitting on. I kept my head down as I grabbed the ice-cream, eating it slowly. So I thought he was changing. He's not, not after that. I don't understand what I did wrong. Was giving him a blanket and hug bad? Did he not like it? Maybe he's stressing out a lot? I jumped as someone knocked on the door. I turned my head to see Rose. She did have her work uniform on but she had a tight red dress.

  "Hey dear, how are you?" She asked as she closed the door, not even noticing I'm here.

  "Rose, I'm not fucking with you or anyone right now.." he sighed as he dropped his pen, looking up at her.

  "Awwww what's wrong? Need help love?" She said then she looked over at me " ha! You're the fat pig from the party a couple weeks ago!"

   "Can you not...?" I asked softly

   "Or what? Will you cry? I feel bad if my Love is talking to you.~"


   "Maybe he would talk about you too. You can't be skinny!"


   "You can dead ass see that your hair is a mess, you're not even dressed right?"


    "I bet if your family or kid would wish to be dead or maybe they are!" She laughed

  Angry boiled my blood. I threw the ice-cream on the desk and stood up to Rose. I placed my foot behind her knee and pushing in violently then stepping over her as I grabbed and twisted her arm. All I could hear was her cries, I didn't even mind William at this moment. Not even the body pain could stop me. With that, I simply bend down to her ear.

"I've been waiting for this for so long " (William Afton x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now